Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


When we talk about holding accountable the prison official (and for this work, the Virginia prison official and his/her political overlords, i.e Governor Glenn Youngkin, Attorney General Jason Miyares, Leaders of both Houses of Virginia's General Assembly), what we mean is, we present to society and the voting public, those authorizing arguments and logic used by Government, in this case, Virginia's in it's exercise of the will of the people of Virginia and as it concerns this work, those excuses given the mayhem practiced by the Virginia prison official and show with their own words its compromises and violations.What I want to do with this work is show that the crass obstinacy continuously displayed by Virginia Republicans, currently under the leadership of Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares, against true reform of Virginia's prison system, its Department of Corrections and its Justice Infrastructure reveals that despite the violation of Virginia's criminal code by the imprisoned, the harmful singularity of consequence done to the Commonwealth of Virginia is that from the systemic violations of its prison officials and those embodying elected political leaders of, firstly THE CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA, ITS STATUTORY LAWS, and secondly IT'S TRADITIONS AND PRACTICES and thirdly by their unimaginative and unoriginal opportunistic scapegoating of prisoners, in pursuit of petty and speculative political power, they stand revealed and exposed as nothing more than worshippers of crime. I titled this work, OUR ARGUMENTS HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE FOR US. The us are those minds and hearts laboring for reform against the reaction and backwardness of the worshippers of crime and their violations and compromises. In Virginia and across the Nation what are relatively accepted as facts are those ascertained in Court proceedings, hence my OUR ARGUMENTS HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE FOR US. So I'll present a couple of cases adjudicated in our Federal Courts, where the facts ascertained and applied are basis of our Laws and to wit Virginia's, which it's systemic violations by our political overlords, particularly, Republicans, reveal the point that the destroyers of faith in the rule of law, are the very leaders entrusted with formulating and defending it. See the case UNITED STATES v. BANNISTER 786 F. SUPP. 2d 617---pay attention to sub category, C. HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY. also See the case UNITED STATES v. RIVERA 281 F. SUPP. 3d 269, it has a wealth of history. In support of the findings and rulings are these works, COLLATERAL DAMAGE: NO RE-ENTRY FOR DRUG OFFENDERS by NORA V. DEMEITNER 47 VILL L. REV. 1027....MANDATORY MINIMUM DRUG SENTENCES: THROWING AWAY THE KEY OR THE TAX PAYER MONEY by JONATHAN CAULKINS, C. PETER RYDELL, WILLIAMS SCHWABE and JAMES CHISER also RACE, DRUGS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES by JAMIE FELLNER 20 STAN. L. AND POL'Y REV. 257 also THE SOCIAL AND MORAL COST OF MASS INCARCERATION IN AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITIES 56 STAN. L. REV. 1271 and FIFTY YEARS OF REFLECTION:BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION AND ITS UNIVERSAL IMPLICATIONS: EVERY DAY IS A GOOD DAY FOR A JUDGE TO LAY DOWN HIS PROFESSIONAL LIFE FOR JUSTICE 32 FORDHAM URB. L.J.131 by JACK B.WEINSTEIN. I want to also quote what Federal Judge JACK B. WEINSTEIN said at a symposium on the Nations Justice System....."OUR OWN LEGAL SYSTEM HAS SOMETIMES FAILED TO COUNTER CHALLENGES TO WHAT WE NOW CONSIDER BASIC RIGHTS.I REMIND YOU OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE INDIAN IN COLONIAL, REVOLUTIONARY AND SUBSEQUENT TIMES THE ALIEN AND SEDITION ACTS, DRED SCOTT AND OTHER PRO-SLAVERY DECISIONS THE SACRIFICE OF FORMER SLAVES' FREEDOM TO THE POLITICAL COMPROMISES TOWARDS THE END OF THE LAST CENTURY CULMINATING IN PLESSEY THE FRUSTRATION OF LEGISLATIVE ATTEMPTS TO PROTECT WORKERS AND OTHERS AGAINST THE EXCESSES OF UNCONSTRAINED CAPITALISM AND THE JAPANESE INTERNMENT CAMPS"...(speech is found at SYMPOSIUM: NAZIS IN THE COURTROOM: LESSONS FROM THE CONDUCT OF LAWYERS AND JUDGES UNDER THE LAWS OF THE THIRD REICH AND VICHY, FRANCE 61 BROOKLYN. L. REV. 1121).....What I want to show with this work is remind those doing the good work of struggling to reform the Justice Infrastructure and the Prison System, that, for example the likes of Governor Glenn Youngkin, Attorney General Jason Miyares, their allied foot soldiers in Virginia's General Assembly who are rabidly anti-reform, are such, not because their opposition are based on a synthesis of the mental labors of our ancients, who contended with the purpose of reform, for the greater good of Political-Economy efficiency. But what their opposition reveals is the limits of their intellectual honesty and enlightenment, as such the work of reform has to reveal and expose it. What the above cited examples of Court activity by Judges objectively show is American Jurisprudence despite its innumerable deviations and distortions inexorably labors towards reform not because of some altruistic inherency and metaphysical realizations, but because, its existence, its deterministic justification lies in its self-affirmation thus honesty and regardless of the dishonesty of the speculative supporting political basis and its subsequent short sightedness, the focus of reform has to be that of standing firm on those Social Contract justifying reasons. In other words, Reform shouldn't allow its opponents to pervert and distort its incontrovertible and unambiguous narrative. Almost to the word, opponents of prison reform have nothing to support their obstinacy, because their expressed reluctance and refusal was itself a position of reform. If there is one thing to be said about the work of reform, it is in a lot of ways, that of the necessary focus and understanding of THE WHY, violations and extra-judicial activities have assumed a systemic nature. So for example Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed a feeble and ineffective solitary confinement law, on grounds that even mocked and emasculated his very own executive authority. Reform advocacy applauded what little was left of the law as being a step in the right direction. Well humans held in Virginia's solitary confinement cages have recently voiced their disagreements with their hunger strike and self immolation acts.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Here is an explanation of why our loved ones are not in prison because of behavior. By William Thorpe

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

Here is an explanation of why our loved ones are not in prison because of behavior.  The idea that adjudication of a criminal code isn't about behavior, is simple. Let's take the example of the meaning of qualified immunity. So a prison official behaves in a certain manner with a prisoner. The prisoner in turn claims the prison officials' behavior caused harm e.t.c. So the prisoner takes the prison official to court, in defense the prison official responds with the law wasn't clear on whether his or her actions or for purposes of this, "behavior" was illegal or unlawful. Our justice system is full of examples of officials causing harm, even to the point of killing and the perpetrating officials are let off, because the law of qualified immunity excuses the behavior, let me repeat, the offending prison official is let off because the law wasn't clear that the behavior was a violation. Yes as humans our actions are behavior, but for the purposes of whether or not we are subjected to legal action, depends on law and its process. Here is another example,(I'm using the Virginia prison official as example because this is a Virginia specific page and site, but the characterization of law holds true for the Nation) a Virginia prison official because of law can physically put their hands on a Virginia prisoner and restrain the prisoner, regardless of reason in other words a human thats a Virginia prison official can exhibit the behavior of placing their hands on a human that's a Virginia prisoner, but if a Virginia prisoner places their hands on a Virginia prison official without the prison official's permission, it is an impermissible and unlawful contact, which the Virginia prisoner can be charged with a prison infraction or even prosecuted in a court of law. So once again what I'm showing is criminal prosecution or legal adjudication isn't about behavior but law and its process. How often have we heard the colloquial expression, "if I did what he or she did I'd be locked up", which is a simplest way of saying all that I've said. As all of this relates to prisoners held in solitary confinement, any type of confinement or detention by a State or Government is a result of law and its process, yes the presumption and assumption is "behavior" is the predicate or cause but the reality is without law and its process, behavior is just that a generic fact of being human.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Monday, November 18, 2024

What systemic failures are leading to excessive deaths in Virginia's prisons, and is there sufficient oversight to prevent future tragedies?


In the past decade, Virginia's state-run prisons have seen over a dozen homicides. Additionally, hundreds of inmates have suffered serious injuries or died from causes like suicide and drug overdose. Given these circumstances, the public should be aware of the significant challenges facing the state's prison system and advocate for reforms to improve inmate safety and well-being.


Saturday, November 16, 2024


Awright first of all I'm a prisoner, I'm in solitary confinement and on top of that Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I say this to state that there isn't much about Virginia and to wit the Nation's criminal justice apparatus and system that is lost on me. Now let me also say this, that as I put this together, prisoners at Virginia's comprehensive immersion into the CONCENTRATION CAMP business, RED ONION STATE PRISON, the prison I was held at from its opening in 1998, (as a matter of fact I was one of the first in its A-Building) to 2019,when I was flown on the Governor of Virginia's plane, exiled to Texas, are setting themselves on fire, going on hunger strikes in protest of the same old tired, barbarous and savage prison official attitudes, behavior and practices that not only are extra-judicial but have nothing to do with the mission statement and purpose of The Virginia Department of Corrections. The human, the Virginian convicted of violating law and then imprisoned is not the measure of incorrigibility as the narrative of the Justice Infrastructure, its functionaries and support system, scape goats. But the embodiment of the Justice Infrastructure and prison system, the prison official is the vessel of incorrigibility. We don't hold nor indict the personalization of behavior instead what we indict and hold to account are THE SOCIAL CONTRACT and the civilization it defines. Because what the behavior of the Virginia prison official in 2024, reveals and clearly instructs is, if what we have and experience are a practice of barbarity and savagery, predating the twenty or thirty something year old prison official perpetrator, yet is the same thing Virginia's Social Contract and political-economy was doing to enslaved Black people as parameters and terms of its social relations and were clearly vile, a humanistic and that most base of conduct, hypocrisy. Then that individual human, that Virginian in violation of a criminal code is a point for reintegration, while the prison official malfeasance exist as a systemic continuum to be reformed. I titled this work, acknowledging the proliferation of prison reform groups in Virginia and across the Nation, yet the barbarity and savagery of the prison official continues relatively unabated. This carceral fact speaks to that typical social fact, which is, what we understand, how we want to understand it and to what extent are we allowing it to guide our motive force and activity. You know what, let me state the obvious, which is, THE or THAT AGENCY OF OUR SPEECH. So naturally and contextually we state and indicate our agency by what we do. In Virginia society and Nationally the highest act is that of voting. If THE PRISON SYSTEM, is the quintessential value of society and on all accounts it is then society has to and must understand it, because those society votes for, in absence of that necessary understanding will as we have continuously experienced take advantage of the existing social ignorance and continue behaviors and practices which in the light of day are discredited and indicted as uncivilized while as I have posited, exist and flourish in the prison officials behavior in the confines of Virginia's Concentration Camps, which a former Virginia Governor described as "his monument" which proves my point that incorrigibility isn't as scapegoated, a purview of the convicted, but is status quo.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

The author Dale Brumfield, has provided us with a recount of Virginia's savage history in his recent CLOSING THE SLAUGHTER HOUSE book, a work on The Commonwealth of Virginia killing people. Any statement on history, provides perspective, as such Dale Brumfield's work on Virginia's practice of executions or killing people gives us that. When a society, State, or in this instance The Commonwealth of Virginia kills a person, the manner or process is subsequently given and ascribed a legal character independent and irrespective of the death fact, which exist for itself regardless and independent of process, so the only thing relevant about the death fact then is process, with its if outside of legality, a murder. As such accounting of the death fact is within and on the terms of process. The Commonwealth of Virginia murdered, Richard Boggs upon conviction of capital murder. Richard Boggs, a 21year old white male was convicted of the murder and robbery of Ms. Treeby Shaw, an 87 year old widow,from Portsmouth, Virginia, affirmed by The Virginia Supreme Court in BOGGS v. COMMONWEALTH 229 Va. 501 (1985). The subsequent execution of Richard Boggs by The Commonwealth of Virginia for the capital murder of Ms. Treeby, despite its revelatory existence as data point in Mr. Brumfield's compendium on Virginia's killing of people, is actually inconsequential within the specifics of the anti-death penalty debate, argument and movement, as intended by Mr. Brumfield.Instead what the Boggs incident does provide is the clear and unambiguous point, that a JUSTICE INFRASTRUCTURE, purportedly existing to distinguish legality, is actually a cover, a masquerade, exposing the savagery beneath Virginia's civilized veneer. In a January 19, 2023 work titled, NPR UNCOVERED SECRET EXECUTION TAPES FROM VIRGINIA MORE REMAIN HIDDEN, Chiara Eisner told us that the Commonwealth of Virginia virtually murdered Richard Boggs, because if a "legal" killing is a distinction of PROCESS, then the taped killing of Boggs by Virginia as revealed by Ms. Eisner was murder. Its this, incident, with this murder that we ask author Dale Brumfield, along with THE DEATH PENALTY INFORMATION CENTER, that their unwavering focus is also directed. Ms. Eisner's reporting revealed that those Virginia Department of Corrections prison officials tasked with the killing of Richard Boggs carried it out in violation of and outside of the defined process, that made killings of people by The State legal. Ms. Eisner tells us, (and I paraphrase) prison officials carrying out the killing of Richard Boggs were not in and didn't have phone contact with the Governor of Virginia, who at that time was Douglas Wilder, The first Black Governor of a State since reconstruction. As an aside and an irony, that the violation of the law occurred under the authority of Virginia's first Black Governor considering the central thesis of Mr. Brumfield's work, that Virginia's use of the death penalty was a mechanism of controlling its Black citizens is inescapable. What those tapes of the killing of Richard Boggs show is, how it was nothing but murder, because of the violation of THE PROCESS. Maintaining contact with THE GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA DURING STATE KILLING OR EXECUTIONS IS MANDATORY BECAUSE THE GOVERNOR HAS FIAT AUTHORITY TO INTERRUPT AND CALL OF THE KILLING. Being out of contact with The Governor means the killing is occurring extra-judicially, outside of the process that makes it legal and without that veneer of legality, which for a subjective of a type of Virginia's history is nothing more.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Nature Of The Reform Conversation

By vapac

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Track Changes ~ Before the Miracle Happens ~ Episode 5

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

Seven years have passed since the REAL program's exit from Richmond Virginia City Jail. Speech, the program's founder, now looks back on the lives of the men he once inspired through music. His reflections extend beyond the program's impact, addressing the systemic issues that continue to hinder successful re-entry for countless individuals across the country.


Sunday, November 10, 2024

Virgina Day On Solitary Confinement

Virginia's regulations on solitary confinement stipulate that adults are confined to their cells for a minimum of 20 hours daily, while juveniles face 17 hours. These conditions, often described as "cruel and unusual punishment," have been linked to severe mental health deterioration, including hallucinations, paranoia, and suicidal thoughts. Despite numerous lawsuits and advocacy efforts, Virginia's prisons continue to utilize solitary confinement extensively, raising concerns about its long-term impact on incarcerated individuals and its potential violation of human rights.

By vapac

Friday, November 8, 2024

The role of probation and parole in mass incarceration

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

"Approximately four million individuals are currently under parole or probation supervision. However, preventing recidivism and reducing prison populations is a complex challenge. Vincent Schiraldi, a leading expert in criminal justice reform, argues that the current system of parole and probation is ineffective and should be abolished. In his book, "Mass Supervision: Probation, Parole, and the Illusion of Safety and Freedom," Schiraldi explores the limitations of these practices and proposes alternative solutions." Think Podcast @NPR

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Immediate Action Required to Shut Down Red Onion State Prison By Kimberly Zittlow


*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

Governor Glenn Youngkin,

The conditions at Red Onion State Prison are a blatant violation of basic human rights, and your administration can no longer ignore them. For years, this facility has been a symbol of systemic abuse, inhumane treatment, and psychological torture. I urge you to take immediate action to shut down this facility. If swift changes aren’t made, these issues will need to be reported to national media outlets and federal authorities to expose the horrific conditions being forced upon the inmates at Red Onion.

The inhumane treatment at this facility is well-documented. Inmates are subjected to prolonged solitary confinement, often confined to small, dark cells for 23 hours a day with almost no human contact. This extreme isolation, compounded by a lack of adequate mental health care, is devastating. There are numerous recent accounts of inmates driven to desperate measures, including self-harm and even setting themselves on fire, in an attempt to escape the physical and psychological torment

The facility’s issues extend beyond psychological abuse. The physical mistreatment of inmates is rampant, with guards frequently using painful restraint techniques—bending fingers, twisting limbs, and even withholding basic necessities. These actions are designed to break the spirit of those incarcerated, turning Red Onion into a factory of suffering rather than a place of rehabilitation..

Additionally, the so-called "Step-Down" program at Red Onion is nothing more than a sham. Inmates are frequently reclassified and sent back to solitary confinement for arbitrary or minor infractions, forcing them to restart the program from scratch. This endless cycle traps inmates, leaving them no real path to reintegration and perpetuating the system of mental torture.

One of the most heartbreaking issues is the treatment of inmates in the Restorative Housing Unit (RHU). These men are routinely served small portions of inedible, substandard food, leaving them hungry and malnourished. It is a disgrace that in a nation as wealthy as ours, people are being starved behind bars. This is not just poor treatment; it is cruel, inhumane, and a violation of basic human decency.

Governor Youngkin, this cannot continue. The conditions at Red Onion State Prison are a stain on Virginia’s moral compass. If you fail to take decisive action, these issues will inevitably be brought to the national stage. Major media networks, human rights organizations, and the Department of Justice will be informed in order to shed light on the ugly truth. The stories of abuse, mistreatment, and deliberate cruelty need to be heard, and they will demand justice.

It is your responsibility to ensure that no one, regardless of their circumstances, is subjected to the level of suffering consistently being reported at the Red Onion. The facility must be shut down, and an independent investigation launched to fully expose and address the systemic abuse within its walls. Anything less would be a gross dereliction of your duty to protect the rights and dignity of all individuals.

I urge you to act immediately, Governor. The world is watching, and the inmates at Red Onion are waiting for someone to recognize their humanity.



Kimberly Zittlow 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Second Sundays In November Are Established As Virginia Day On Solitary Confinement Awareness Day

On this Solitary Confinement Awareness Day, the Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee urges the public to reflect on the profound impact of solitary confinement. This practice, meant to be a measure of last resort, has profound psychological effects on individuals and is a pressing human rights concern. We advocate for transparency, accountability, and reform in the use of solitary confinement within our correctional facilities. We encourage community members to educate themselves on the realities of solitary confinement, support legislative reforms such as HB 1244, and join us in our efforts to promote humane treatment and rehabilitation over punitive isolation. Together, we can work towards a justice system that embodies the principles of fairness and dignity for all.

The second Sunday in November will represent a speaking out in whatever manner available in accord with ones ability against solitary confinement. If its tweets,  posts on the various social media platforms, t-shirts, signs, videos, radio call-ins, and discussions     That clearly state to our politicians that abusing and driving prisoners insane in our name, we the people isn't what we vote for.

Please use these hashtags       either or both




Sunday, November 3, 2024


*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.
Here we go again: The word coming out of, The Virginia Department Of Corrections, Red Onion State Prison or as its correctly known, Virginia's Concentration Camp. Yup a concentration camp, like those used by the British for those rebellious South African Boers, or when the Germans practiced it's use on those Namibian tribes men, before deploying it during World War II. I give this background to state: Virginia's Red Onion State Prison is just as vile, barbaric and malevolent as the above cited antecedents on all accounts. So the recent word out of Red Onion is, prisoners in its cages are attempting self immolation as protest of the extra judicial treatment meted, in the usual form of racism, abuses and all the other stunts Virginia prison officials malfeasantly and unoriginally do. To get all into critiquing the extra judicial impulses of the Virginia prison official, is to indulge in that game of complicity. I say complicity because who amongst the Virginia polity isn't aware of the savagery of the Virginia prison official? Hell even fetuses in the womb experience recoil from its shocking accounts, not because of the depravity of the deed, but because the perpetrators are Virginia Government Officials, PRISON OFFICIALS, who have swore to uphold and comply with LAW, yet are its par none violators. So no, my focus isn't to simply give another recount of the prison officials misdeeds and savagery or for the umpteenth, denounce the blight on humanities push for progress and civilization, the existence of Red Onion State Prison, as Virginia's concentration camp which by the way a former Virginia Governor dementedly declared was "his monument", another proof of how Red Onion State Prison only perverts. My focus is to remind us, WE THE PEOPLE, that all that is compromised by our elected and political leaders, which we see played out and by the way isnt limited to the barbarity of the prison system and JUSTICE INFRASTRUCTURE are results of our failure to realize the absolute value of our speech. SPEECH is everything, silence is speech, activity is speech, agency of our humanness is quintessential speech.What I'm saying isn't novel insight nor do I presume it. I just want to remind, all the Mothers,Wives, Sisters, Fathers, Brothers, Children, families, friends of Virginia prisoners. I also speak to those harmed, victims of alleged crimes and deviant behavior, because the conventional narrative is the speech and interest of those harmed by criminality and deviant behavior are at odds with that of the alleged perpetrator, convicted and imprisoned and the fact of the matter is, its false and an exploited insidious dichotomy, because without the speech of the victim of crime presented for itself within the full panoply of the social contract, what we have are politicians compounding the harm by exploiting the event, when what the crime victim demands is, it shouldn't have happened. We can't get at those basic and fundamental facts if what we accept are sanctimony and hypocritical speech from our elected political leaders and representatives.Virginia's Social Contract or the Politics is a fact of SPEECH. Every aspect of Virginia's establishment is speech. All shortcomings and governmental failures, i.e the savagery of the prison official are results of speech. My point is this, we have the resources to hold the Virginia prison official accountable. So, for example, when you call into those myriad talk shows, exposing the savagery of the prison official and the host attempts to dismiss you with that silly flip of prison isn't this or that, remind them, that THE PRISON OFFICIAL SHOULDN'T BREAK LAW EITHER.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Friday, November 1, 2024


*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.
Authors John Grisham and Jim McCloskey started their work, FRAMED: ASTONISHING TRUE STORIES OF WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS on exposing the rotten underbelly of The Justice Infrastructure, with the 1997 rape and murder of Michelle Bosko, a Norfolk, Virginia Navy wife, not as a fact and testament to how the justice system and process got it right, but how it gets it wrong. A systemic wrong, unmasked by the historical consistency of it's cavalier and casual matter of factness. Now this cavalier and casual matter of factness is the corrupt inherency of its intended purpose. A purpose, euphemistically cloaked under DUE PROCESS,RULE OF LAW and JUSTICE. But as Grisham and McCloskey reveal in their book FRAMED, is anything but. What I want to focus on isn't its mere historical purpose but what enables it, which consistently is us, "We The People".We enable and are complicit in all the harms and violations tragically documented in the book FRAMED by our ignorances, due to apathy, indifference and indulgences in colloquial suppositions of what is the rule of law and justice.We blindly trust in the capabilities and intentions of those we put in leadership positions, at the expense of our instincts and practical logic, that what we observe and experience isn't adding up to the aspirations and affirmed anticipations of The Social Contract. We endorse, then support irrational systems and constructs that make a mockery of the narratives we establish our humanness on and all I have to cite is one name, DONALD J. TRUMP, which epitomizes, anticipates and embodies everything that is corrupt, wrong and hypocritical with The Justice Infrastructure.There is another peculiar dynamic revealed by the authors of FRAMED, which is that adage and axiom,"if you can't speak for yourself and tell your own story some one else will and you won't like it". What is documented in the book FRAMED, didn't just happen over night, in a vacuum nor are the revelations anomalies.Victims of the corruption of the justice system, understood what was being done to them, its fair to say that they relatively conveyed the harms and violations to their families, loved ones and friends even to the extent of laboring, seeking redress from the same system that was causing it, hammering them, confronting them with its primal fangs bared, unbridled purpose, compounding the impotence of their seeking redress labors.The point is that environment of THE SOCIAL CONTRACT which the harms and violations documented in the book FRAMED stand not as mistakes but purposeful and deliberate tools that are insidiously deployed as mechanisms of control has historically shown and proven itself as incapable of speaking for itself, telling its stories on its own terms for itself. It's not my intention to quibble with the speculative benefit of the doubt given the Justice Infrastructure as to intent,by John Grisham and Jim McCloskey in their book FRAMED, instead I indict it on "deeds". At this juncture I need to state this, THE SOCIAL CONTRACT, it's status quo beneficiaries can lay no claim to the " acting in good faith" or "harmless error" disclaimer thats been exploited cavalierly, constantly and casually against "WE THE PEOPLE". Theoretically the Social Contract is an affirmative existence of the human condition, yet in its practice we encounter the DONALD J. TRUMP antagonism with some given the benefit of the doubt at the expense of the requisite "faith" in LAW and THE JUSTICE INFRASTRUCTURE, rule.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

How does the Supreme Court fail to accurately represent the interests of Americans?

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

Presidents pick Supreme Court justices, and the Senate rubber-stamps them. But do these nine unelected officials truly speak for the people? Political scientist Kevin J. McMahon joins Krys Boyd to explore this fundamental question. He'll discuss how the court has become increasingly out of touch with public opinion, the damage this does to its reputation, and potential solutions to restore public trust. His book, "A Supreme Court Unlike Any Other," offers a comprehensive analysis of this pressing issue.

Via "Think Podcast"

Think is a daily, topic-driven interview and call-in program hosted by Krys Boyd covering a wide variety of topics ranging from history, politics, current events, science, technology and emerging trends to food and wine, travel, adventure, and entertainment.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

John Grisham address wrongful Convictions

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.
Acclaimed author John Grisham, known for his gripping legal thrillers, turns his attention to the sobering reality of wrongful convictions. He joins host Krys Boyd to discuss these miscarriages of justice and the underlying systemic issues that contribute to them. His book, "Framed," co-authored with Jim McCloskey, provides a detailed examination of these disturbing cases.

Via Think Podcast ‪@NPR‬

*NOTE* Think is a daily, topic-driven interview and call-in program hosted by Krys Boyd covering a wide variety of topics ranging from history, politics, current events, science, technology and emerging trends to food and wine, travel, adventure, and entertainment.

Thursday, October 24, 2024


This work isn't another one of those idealistic gambits into the tired and pathetic history of Virginia, to wit these UNITED STATES. The need for this work is to start the process of, okay, now that The Commonwealth of Virginia has been exercising the fiat of its organized violence by imprisoning people regardless of and besides pretext and logic, its time the social polity confronted a couple of it's incidentals, which are (1) what exactly are the Commonwealth's anticipations and (2) is it being realized? The reality is the practice of "imprisonment" throughout our human condition has always skirted Intellectual-Honesty and Hypocrisy. What I mean is simply this, irrespective and regardless of the lack of accountability exploitive diabolical trade off by society, given to (members of the justice infrastructure and prison official) as incentive boon for the satisfaction of their internal and inner deviant psychological realities for and towards their savage and sadistic work, of actualizing and effecting the imprisonment scheme, of which we then correctly recognize as their integral realization of themselves, gained upon the intellectual-dishonesty and spurious logic of controlling and sequestering another human, is laid bare and revealed as hypocritical and incompatible on our present and contemporary terms with its archaic suppositions. I am not contrasting nor claiming an ancestral, historical or traditional lineage with any antecedent logic of Virginia's imprisonment scheme, which happened to be and was nothing more than a thinly veiled political-economic ploy. Virginia's political-economy was founded on the chattel slavery of Black people and the indentured servitude of a class and type of White person. Upon revision of its terms, specifically, consequences and results of The Civil War,1861-1865 Virginia then conveniently exploited its imprisonment scheme as replacement for slavery and indentured servitude. The difference with the post-civil war substitution of imprisonment is, it was done under the guise and logic of DUE PROCESS OF LAW and JUSTICE. So returning the imprisoned Black or White person to the function of creating wealth for Virginia's status quo was euphemistically presented and justified as "PUNISHMENT", in pursuit of JUSTICE for crimes. What however confronts modern, contemporary Virginia is this, We the people reject" PUNISHMENT "as euphemism for whatever. If The Commonwealth of Virginia wants to indulge in the arbitrariness of " PUNISHMENT "as scheme of imprisonment, then it must and has to be clearly defined. We reject its idealistic imposition as function of DUE PROCESS, because it isn't. There is nothing in Virginia law that clearly defines what is " PUNISHMENT "under the imprisonment scheme. The imposed prison sentence, is understood as the punishment. But then the Virginia prisoner is subjected to treatment, conditions and terms that are dredged up from the dusty annals of historic barbarity that are nothing less than a mockery and insult to the notion of Virginia's civilization. Just because its politically expedient and opportunistic to scape goat the Virginia prisoner, isn't indicative of "otherness", but rather an indictment of a political-economy and Social Contract that extremely expresses its terms in the occupancy of prison cells by its component members. If as individuals,society instructs us not to make excuses, then, society meaning the status quo, should do likewise.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Track changes~ I Gotta Break These Chains ~ Episode 4

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

With his release from a Virginia jail just weeks away, hip-hop musician Devonte does everything he can to balance the love he has for his family against the big risks that come with their history.

As four men are held in a Virginia jail, they record an album to chronicle their efforts to break free from an oppressive cycle of addiction and incarceration.
In each music-infused episode of this documentary series, host and trailblazing hip-hop artist Speech Thomas meets a musician at a crossroads in their uphill struggle for freedom, learns what brought them to this inflection point, and helps them record a song that captures this critical moment in their life. From soulful country to fiery hip-hop and haunting R&B, this music affirms the lives of people who are written off by society. And amidst a re-entry crisis afflicting millions of Americans every year, these intimate stories from behind the walls of a local jail ask: What does it take to rebuild a life after incarceration
By npr

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO AND IT SPELLS "CORRUPT", Which is what the above, afore mentioned birds instruct. Starting with our "DEAR LEADER" GOVERNOR GLENN YOUNGKIN, whose judgement is observably corrupt by his embrace of DONALD TRUMP, The Nation's quintessential criminal. Then our "HONORABLE" ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE COMMONWEALTH JASON MIYARES who dementedly pined for released Virginia prisoners to effect a crime spree, wreaking havoc on Virginians, harming them. Then the astoundingly maleficent, sex assault adjudged,34 felony count convicted FORMER "PRESIDENT" DONALD J. TRUMP, whose criminality is simply pathetic. Then VIRGINIA REPUBLICANS, caught up in a web of all that mocks progress and the integrity of VIRGINIA'S SOCIAL CONTRACT. Then the incorrigibility of THE VIRGINIA PRISON OFFICIAL, sworn to uphold Laws of The Commonwealth of Virginia while SAVAGELY and GRATUITOUSLY breaking it in all imaginable ways. Then, last but by far not least an embodiment of SECTION 12.of THE CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA, an assigned "bulwark[s] of liberty", a representative of the press, THE RICHMOND-TIMES AND DISPATCH, being everything but. It's, once upon a time, Staff Reporter Frank Green, doing the bidding of Virginia's status quo with the perpetual demonization of The Virginia Prisoner. Once again enabling and effecting that tired, reactionary and short sighted view of DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO at the expense of the integrity of Virginia's Social Contract. I make this point with this work, that, yes the Virginia prisoner experiences the savagery and gratuitous harm from the violations and compromises of the afore mentioned "BIRDS" in the title of this work, for all the typical and common reasons. While the fact of the matter is Virginia, The Commonwealth is "corrupted". If and it is the case that the Social Contract, as Society is a POLITICAL-ECONOMY construct, a pursuit and objectification of our organic necessities, then perversions in it's lattice exist as Virginia as ship taking in water and I list some examples of the taking in water as the wasteful spending of the Commonwealth's resources expended in defending against claims by the Virginia prisoner of savagery and law violations by the Virginia prison official. These examples stand as the Virginia prison official's unwillingness and refusal to comply with law.(1) BALTAS V. MAIGA 2024 U.S.APP .LEXIS 25649 (2) HENRY V. PAIGE 2024 U.S. DIST.LEXIS 70982 (3) ESTES V.VA. DEPT.OF CORR. 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 37289 (4) PHOENIX V. AMONETTE 95 F. 4TH 852 (5) HOLLOMAN V. CLARKE 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 6842 (6) CLEM V. HAMILTON 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 100959 (7) NAPIER V. OHAI 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 156546 (8) SNODGRASS V. GILBERT 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 54523 (9 ) BRISTOL V. ANDERSON 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 41088 (10) CARTER V. CABELL 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 58459 (11) DESPER V. SANDERS 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 30092 (12) HAWKINS V.ALLEN 2024 U.S.DIST. LEXIS 138884 (13) BROWN V. COLLIER 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 112599 (14 )SIMMONS V. EARHART 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 104528 (15) ANDERSON V. CLARKE 2024 U.S.DIST. LEXIS 140371 (16) CARTER V. ELY 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 47285 (17) BURKE V. PUNTURI 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 140369 (18) WRIGHT V. VA.DEPT.OF CORR .2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 161014 (19) PULLER V. BARNET 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 91399.These cases stand as contextual facts of fraud by our Virginia Government, by the Prison official.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982