When we talk about holding accountable the prison official (and for this work, the Virginia prison official and his/her political overlords, i.e Governor Glenn Youngkin, Attorney General Jason Miyares, Leaders of both Houses of Virginia's General Assembly), what we mean is, we present to society and the voting public, those authorizing arguments and logic used by Government, in this case, Virginia's in it's exercise of the will of the people of Virginia and as it concerns this work, those excuses given the mayhem practiced by the Virginia prison official and show with their own words its compromises and violations.What I want to do with this work is show that the crass obstinacy continuously displayed by Virginia Republicans, currently under the leadership of Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares, against true reform of Virginia's prison system, its Department of Corrections and its Justice Infrastructure reveals that despite the violation of Virginia's criminal code by the imprisoned, the harmful singularity of consequence done to the Commonwealth of Virginia is that from the systemic violations of its prison officials and those embodying elected political leaders of, firstly THE CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA, ITS STATUTORY LAWS, and secondly IT'S TRADITIONS AND PRACTICES and thirdly by their unimaginative and unoriginal opportunistic scapegoating of prisoners, in pursuit of petty and speculative political power, they stand revealed and exposed as nothing more than worshippers of crime. I titled this work, OUR ARGUMENTS HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE FOR US. The us are those minds and hearts laboring for reform against the reaction and backwardness of the worshippers of crime and their violations and compromises. In Virginia and across the Nation what are relatively accepted as facts are those ascertained in Court proceedings, hence my OUR ARGUMENTS HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE FOR US. So I'll present a couple of cases adjudicated in our Federal Courts, where the facts ascertained and applied are basis of our Laws and to wit Virginia's, which it's systemic violations by our political overlords, particularly, Republicans, reveal the point that the destroyers of faith in the rule of law, are the very leaders entrusted with formulating and defending it. See the case UNITED STATES v. BANNISTER 786 F. SUPP. 2d 617---pay attention to sub category, C. HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY. also See the case UNITED STATES v. RIVERA 281 F. SUPP. 3d 269, it has a wealth of history. In support of the findings and rulings are these works, COLLATERAL DAMAGE: NO RE-ENTRY FOR DRUG OFFENDERS by NORA V. DEMEITNER 47 VILL L. REV. 1027....MANDATORY MINIMUM DRUG SENTENCES: THROWING AWAY THE KEY OR THE TAX PAYER MONEY by JONATHAN CAULKINS, C. PETER RYDELL, WILLIAMS SCHWABE and JAMES CHISER also RACE, DRUGS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES by JAMIE FELLNER 20 STAN. L. AND POL'Y REV. 257 also THE SOCIAL AND MORAL COST OF MASS INCARCERATION IN AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITIES 56 STAN. L. REV. 1271 and FIFTY YEARS OF REFLECTION:BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION AND ITS UNIVERSAL IMPLICATIONS: EVERY DAY IS A GOOD DAY FOR A JUDGE TO LAY DOWN HIS PROFESSIONAL LIFE FOR JUSTICE 32 FORDHAM URB. L.J.131 by JACK B.WEINSTEIN. I want to also quote what Federal Judge JACK B. WEINSTEIN said at a symposium on the Nations Justice System....."OUR OWN LEGAL SYSTEM HAS SOMETIMES FAILED TO COUNTER CHALLENGES TO WHAT WE NOW CONSIDER BASIC RIGHTS.I REMIND YOU OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE INDIAN IN COLONIAL, REVOLUTIONARY AND SUBSEQUENT TIMES THE ALIEN AND SEDITION ACTS, DRED SCOTT AND OTHER PRO-SLAVERY DECISIONS THE SACRIFICE OF FORMER SLAVES' FREEDOM TO THE POLITICAL COMPROMISES TOWARDS THE END OF THE LAST CENTURY CULMINATING IN PLESSEY THE FRUSTRATION OF LEGISLATIVE ATTEMPTS TO PROTECT WORKERS AND OTHERS AGAINST THE EXCESSES OF UNCONSTRAINED CAPITALISM AND THE JAPANESE INTERNMENT CAMPS"...(speech is found at SYMPOSIUM: NAZIS IN THE COURTROOM: LESSONS FROM THE CONDUCT OF LAWYERS AND JUDGES UNDER THE LAWS OF THE THIRD REICH AND VICHY, FRANCE 61 BROOKLYN. L. REV. 1121).....What I want to show with this work is remind those doing the good work of struggling to reform the Justice Infrastructure and the Prison System, that, for example the likes of Governor Glenn Youngkin, Attorney General Jason Miyares, their allied foot soldiers in Virginia's General Assembly who are rabidly anti-reform, are such, not because their opposition are based on a synthesis of the mental labors of our ancients, who contended with the purpose of reform, for the greater good of Political-Economy efficiency. But what their opposition reveals is the limits of their intellectual honesty and enlightenment, as such the work of reform has to reveal and expose it. What the above cited examples of Court activity by Judges objectively show is American Jurisprudence despite its innumerable deviations and distortions inexorably labors towards reform not because of some altruistic inherency and metaphysical realizations, but because, its existence, its deterministic justification lies in its self-affirmation thus honesty and regardless of the dishonesty of the speculative supporting political basis and its subsequent short sightedness, the focus of reform has to be that of standing firm on those Social Contract justifying reasons. In other words, Reform shouldn't allow its opponents to pervert and distort its incontrovertible and unambiguous narrative. Almost to the word, opponents of prison reform have nothing to support their obstinacy, because their expressed reluctance and refusal was itself a position of reform. If there is one thing to be said about the work of reform, it is in a lot of ways, that of the necessary focus and understanding of THE WHY, violations and extra-judicial activities have assumed a systemic nature. So for example Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed a feeble and ineffective solitary confinement law, on grounds that even mocked and emasculated his very own executive authority. Reform advocacy applauded what little was left of the law as being a step in the right direction. Well humans held in Virginia's solitary confinement cages have recently voiced their disagreements with their hunger strike and self immolation acts.
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982