Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: May 2024

Thursday, May 16, 2024


Virginia spends more money on its Department Of Corrections and The Prison system than any other State Agency, meaning The Virginia Department of Corrections, is the crown jewel of The State, its highest achievement, the crème de la crème of its intellectual effort or labors and I'm not being facetious, because one doesn't spend the most money on meaningless and clownish things. So we have to conclude that if the administration of a prison system is gobbling up a major portion of The People of Virginia's economic labors at the expense of educating its kids, providing health care that wouldn't bankrupt the people, retraining its workers and providing a just and practical support system for those out of jobs and The Commonwealth's society writ large, then The Virginia Department of Corrections has to be realizing the aspirations pursued by The Constitution of Virginia, due to the above asserted supremacy of State investiture. As such with this established, which by the way is irrefutable, because once again Virginia wouldn't be spending most of its quintessential value on a lie right? Currently the Virginia Executive is embodied by Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares who not only represent but also oppose The Virginian and are immediately responsible for what we know has forever been the true nature and priority of Virginia's government which is Virginia's dehumanization of its youth by valuing imprisoning them at the expense of their education. Its been a ritualistic genuflection at the altar of scapegoat politics, that the first thing that comes out of the "right" side of any Virginia politician's mouth is, "tough on crime, lock em up and throw away the key", without any interrogation from media that's constitutionally tasked to do just that, because who among The People will dare challenge whatever, "tough on crime "is supposed to mean right? So what we currently have are, Jason Miyares being the most aggressive between him and Glenn Youngkin, in asserting that a imprisoned person hasn't served "enough" prison time. Again media that's constitutionally tasked to give us, The People, clarity and insight into what the "tough on crime "mouth is saying, abrogates the task and by doing so seeds and fertilizes the environment for the exploitation of scape gloating politics which is that axiomatic one-eyed king in the land of the blind. If Jason Miyares in his unbridled ambition to succeed Governor Glenn Youngkin as Virginia governor is fundamentally basing his quest on the assertion of imprisoned persons not serving "enough" prison time, then the obvious question is how much "time" is enough and satisfactory for dictator in waiting Jason Miyares, because if Jason Miyares isn't insinuating himself as dictator between The People and The Law, then the adjudicative process of Virginia law has already determined sentence for the convicted and if anyone, including Herr Dictator Miyares has issues with prison sentences, then in this 21st century we need scientific basis showing that x amount of imprisonment equals y behavior, colloquial antebellum based suppositions won't do.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Monday, May 13, 2024


Power, Rights, Authority, Legality, Culture and all the myriad mediums of human existence and The Social Contract come from The People, based on what The People want to understand. The Virginia Department of Corrections and the prisons under its administration are a realization of, once again what The People want to understand. Do we all understand stuff to the same degree, with equal clarity and grasp of nuance? No. However what we all do have is a common denominator of recognizing when we are clueless and ignorant of something and as it relates, to reforming Virginia prisons, cluenessness and ignorance are assets. Because those who speak for and advocate for us prisoners are not boxed in under the adage, one with half a knowledge poses more harm than the completely ignorant, because you can't tell them nothing. Now what I mean by cluelessness and ignorance are assets is this. There are always two perspectives to acts and activities and I'm not saying sides, but perspectives. Because let's take for example The Virginia Department of Corrections, which is what this work is focused on, it isn't that there are two sides a la Jekyll and Hyde to its activities but there are two perspectives thus revealing purpose and the point I'm making is, critics of The Department and advocacy for its reform are always clueless and ignorant to either of the perspectives fueling its activities as such the basis of scrutiny and interrogation of the social good or legality of the activity must be based on other honest or transparent and knowable aspects of Virginia's government. This distinction is fundamental because, then the application of that other adage, catching stuff with honey doesn't fly and as a matter of fact it is down right idealistic when the focus is on the reformation of Virginia state organized violence, which is what the prison system is and The Virginia Department of Corrections is administrator. Now there is this vernacular, "self-check", denoting a type of social behavior, where one on interacting with governmental bureaucracy becomes pathetically obsequious which is necessary and must be present in order for government to indulge in its inherent corruption. The operative of self-checking is instead of the advocacy for reform wielding cluenessness and ignorance contextually as an interrogatory, it instead gives The Department the benefit of the doubt by behaving and acting as if it is knowledgeable of The Departments perspectives thereby legitimizing and giving it value. As I've been making the point The Virginia Department of Corrections as an aspect of Government is inherently corrupt by no fault of its own, but such is the dialectic of all bureaucracies and its on those wielding cluenessness and ignorance to hold it to account and make it accountable. What The Department presents as logic and reasons of its actions and activities never square with the actions. Here is a simple one, a Virginian is sentenced to 10 years in the custody of The Department and for whatever cookie cutter reason the prisoner is held in solitary confinement and completes the 10 years in solitary confinement because The Department claims it cannot release the prisoner into its general populations, yet the prisoner as soon as release is due, is released back into society. What I've just described isn't outlier, but the norm and we cannot simply accept the logic of the prison official because it lacks redemptive value and that's the authority of The People

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Friday, May 10, 2024


The People of Virginia, the average and privileged are relatively conscious of the contradictory nature of the application of the rule of law by the prison official against and towards the Virginia prisoner, just as they're aware and impacted daily by the capricious and arbitrary interactive nature with Virginia laws and the organized violence of its justice infrastructure. As soon as a governmental official or public servant starts characterizing relationship with The People, They govern with the "us and them" descriptive,it signals that the "corrupting potential" inherent of society and its Social Contract is being nurtured and cultivated. What this means (and the biblical sin has nothing to do with it) is its at the expense of the accounting or accountability potential. Now this is the history and story of The Virginia Department of Corrections and the prison official. The Department with that natural tendency or dynamic towards impunity, is inherently corrupt by any and all standards and it isn't endemic to Virginia, that is the organic nature of all factors of government, which is why the inherent policing powers of government has that dialectic self serving responsibility of being conscious and attentive to that corrupting potential within itself which The Peoples elected representatives beholden to their irrefutable intentions, but pursuing his or hers purely selfish political interests has to suppress its emergence, by bringing it to account and accountability. We are told that Benjamin Franklin on being asked what had been given The People, he responded "a Republic that is if you can keep it".And that's the crux, because if Government is "OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE" then the Virginia tax payer, The People (which is every one, the imprisoned and the free) are The Government, so the question of holding the corrupt prison official accountable, yes is primarily the responsibility of the elected representative but secondarily, The People and on this account we see that the Virginia prisoner is actually the primary social entity being the one creating value in Virginia's government and governance by tirelessly, laboriously and diligently struggling to hold the Virginia prison official accountable, even though the corrupt prison official and allies in pursuit of impunity are wretchedly stuck in that anachronistic rut of scapegoating the prisoner. Whether or not a law exist circumscribing activity isn't a requisite for its interrogation. On the inverse the status quo is acutely and keenly aware that the least The People are aware of every single lie, double speak, double standard of its maladministration it lessens, The People's ability to question and hold its activities and Virginia's Government accountable. Nonetheless the depth and breadth of the impunity and extra-judicial practices of the Virginia prison official is so old and corrupt, that no matter how lawless, as a matter of fact the more they work at hiding it all we do is smell it. So for example their allies within Virginia's status quo particularly the corporate media, specifically, The Richmond-Times and Dispatch, will do their part in misinforming and distracting The People, but federal and state courts, who for the most part are also allied with and are the status quo, must disclose and publish all the countless cases presented to them, which is record of the depravity of the Virginia prison official.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Thursday, May 9, 2024


Were anyone to objectively study Governor Glenn Youngkin's expressed reasons for his recent veto of the Bill attempting to reform The Virginia Department of Corrections solitary confinement practices, the first thing the critique will use as standard and basis is The Constitution of Virginia, which is authority under the constitution of State Rights as applied upon the supremacy of Federalism and The 9th and 10th Amendments to The United States Constitution. In other words, the formulation of The Virginia Constitution as it defines The Social Contract we are subject to, is contradictory and at the same time antagonistic which then subsequently reveals and emphasizes the relic bankruptcy of ideas of the status quo embodied by those who will presume leadership over us, not of us but over us. Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed the bill attempting to reform Virginia's use of solitary confinement, not as expression and affirmation of some newly gleaned understanding with its enabling obligation of realizing a more developed Virginian as implicit aspiration of the Virginia Constitution, but as another oblivious episodic exercise in this seemingly perpetual and systemic insanity of the status quo's inability which is more like an unwillingness to cast of Virginia's antebellum ideas. Solitary Confinement, is antithetical to being human and that is not a perspective but fact, considering that the human being is intrinsically social. Government and governance isn't a mere crass dictatorship of suppositions, stuck in a simplistic loop of speculations as espoused by, John Locke, in his, FUNDAMENTAL CONSTITUTIONS OF CAROLINA'S, through Thomas Jefferson and his NOTES ON THE STATE OF VIRGINIA, or George-Louis Leclerc and his HISTOIRE NATURELLE, with all of this mess animating, Albert Priddy in the role of Superintendent of The State Colony at Lynchburg, Virginia along with the infamous activities of the University of Virginia School of Medicine and Dean Harvey Ernest Jordan, to where current prison officials of The Virginia Department of Corrections are shameless legates of those retrograde governing practices, which as defunct and repudiated those ideas are, we find ourselves confronted with Governor Glenn Youngkin endorsing and resurrecting them as "positively progressive" and necessary facts for The Commonwealth with his veto of reform of the use of solitary confinement in Virginia. This unwillingness to acknowledge that reforming The Virginia Department of Corrections is necessary reminds me of the sort of corruption presented by the "idea" that religion particularly evangelicals and Catholics are deprived of speech, when the fact of the matter is religious speech is dictatorial. How do we debate with...."and God said"? Religious speech declares that there is nothing to understand, everything is, you either have faith and accept. Now speech as we understand it, is what can motivate a Governor Youngkin to veto reform of a social fact, a social fact that is at odds with being human. A social fact that requires transparency and accountability as we challenge the fact that it is corrupt and extra-judicial.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Monday, May 6, 2024