Vapac has received a disturbing letter from committee member Mr. Shaheed Omar along with a copy of his letter to the proper Prison pfficials. Mr. Omar along with us are attempting to assist Wallens Ridge State Prison~Prisoner Shiva Bhairava. Mr. Omar through correspondence with many prisoners in the Virginia Department of Corrections has received permission to share Mr. Bhairava's treatment by Wallens Ridge State Prison Employees. We seek to help him get his monies back, publicly address hindering his grievance process and last but not least bring to light the prisoners right to access heat in cold temperatures thus exposing the deviousness of some prison guards and their actions. Vapac is aware of prisoners in many Virginia prisons because of the heat being turned down or conveniently leaving doors open having to burrow under a thin blanket nearly all day and night. As Mr. Bhairava has expressed, Its cold outside, ice on the ground, meat-locker temperatures and "they" find it human to "
cage me in cold stone walls and steel ". These violations by prison guards must be exposed and issues addressed. Here is Mr. Shiva Bhairava Correspondence.
Mr. Omar,
I am sending you proof that J. Oquinn stole $16.81 from my account for a commissary order
never delivered to me. I tried to go through the inmate
grievance process, but the grievance coordinator asked for proof that I couldn't retrieve at the time. Finding this proof was like pulling teeth. The Business officer M. William, works together with the commissary supervisor, J. Oquinn, and steal money and hide receipts in a United front. But there is proof, $16.81, taken on 11/3/2017 just as I said (Mr. Bhairava has submitted proof that was pulling teeth to obtain. You will find the proof following This correspondence)
Mr. Omar, please contact the people in reference to this criminal theft offense. I don't have money to spare, I am very poor. Also, Cpt. Carico, the Watch commander, had the heat turned down in the S.H.U. [Segregated Housing unit/Solitary Confinement/] so it is again, ice-cold in my cell. There is a cold front, and ice is on the ground outside, yet they find it
Human to cage me in cold stone walls and steel with no insulation in the window, and with such little heat that it doesn't bring up the temperatures in the cell. The heat had been up for a few weeks, but officers would leave security doors open to draw out heat from our cells. I protested the result is the closing of security doors and heat turned down very low in our cells. the heat was turned down again on 16 Jan. and 18 Jan every minute in the torture chamber with no heat is cruel and unusual. It's like a horror movie.
Mr. Omar, please contact the people in reference to the criminal enterprise of J.Oquinn and the
meat-locker temperatures in S.H.U. cells
Shiva Bhairava
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