Criminal Justice Reform, Law, Virginia Commonwealth State, Prison Reform, Prison Advocacy blog
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Jeffery Gardner Warehoused at Pocahontas State Correctional Center Expressing Prisoners Plight
A former Senator once noted avidly before his colleagues (quote) " The Public cannot tour the prisons and interview the inmates". (unquote) However, the "inmates", as well as their families and friends can" share their experiences with "vapac" [Viginia Prisons Accountability Committee]. Here we amplify the prisoner's voice in society so both sides are presented. The following submission: The reality of prison life by Prisoner Jeffery Gardner confined in Virginia's Pocahontas State Correctional Center expressing the prisoner's plight. Note he has some interesting elements open for discussion. We at "vapac" give thanks to Mr. Gardner for sharing his experience. *Note* Click on pop-out icon for larger view,
By Jeffery Gardner Confined at Pocahontas State Prison
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Monday, April 23, 2018
Shouldn't Delegate Wendy Gooditis Also Care About Virginia Prisoner Suicides
Are we to infer from the omission of the prisoners (jail and state prisons) from
Del. Wendy Gooditis House Bill 569, dealing with suicide transparency. Which was signed into law by Governor Northam on 3/19/18? That the Commonwealth of Virginia doesn't care and isn't concerned with the prevalence of prisoner suicide who, need it be pointed out were not sentenced to die by suicide in its prisons?
If laws are expressions of societal-maturity, order, and development shouldn't the consequence of its violation, prisons become that nexus of Governmental transparency and accountability? Yet there is this understanding-perversion of the very reason laws exist, to begin with when it comes to prison.
The Daily Press in a recent story on the 1/7/18; death, alleged suicide of Jordyn Charity, a prisoner barely out of his teens, in Solitary Confinement at Red Onion State Prison (a prison that has high rates of suicides in its Solitary Confinement units) exposed the incredulously above the law realities of prison officials as it concerns prisoner suicides.
As the Daily Press succinctly put it: "The General Assembly must increase DOC oversight especially when prisoners die within the state's prisons".
By William Thorpe #1033929
Held in Long-Term Solitary Confinement at Virginia's Department of Corrections Red Onion State Prison.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Virginia Wallens Ridge State Prison Guards Exhibit Racist, Unprofessional Behavior Towards Prisoners Claims Sanctioned By Warden and Assistant Warden By Shiva Bhairava
The following letter was shared with Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee by Prisoner Shiva Bhairava confined at Virginia's Department of Corrections Wallens Ridge State Prison submitted by advocate Shaheed Omar. Per Institutional Operation Procedure 135.3. The PURPOSE of This operating procedure ensures that all Virginia Department of Corrections staff and service providers understand and comply with requirements to act professionally and ethically, and to respect the privacy of fellow employees and individual offenders. As prisoner, Shiva Bhairava states in his letter violations of his and other solitary confinement prisoners Civil rights. As Mr. Shaheed states in his cover letter to varied entities, There is a ongoing pattern over the years of racist, unprofessional conduct by named guards who are in violation of these policies and directives, rules and regulations, protocols and procedures and they are supposed to be disciplined accordingly. Examples of the prison's guards behavior are as follows contaminating and messing with Prisons Common Fare Diet/food trays that which is court ordered to be handled and served by Special Sanctions, racial slurs, (example "N****er I will stick these Common Fare up your A**, you Damn Muslims don't deserve to eat") (Mr. Bhairava claims to not be Muslim) it has been brought to our attention that allegedly kitchen supervisors have taken away gloves from kitchen workers as well and then there are the incessant threats. This degrading treatment of prisoners is dehumanizing but then add to the torturous treatment of these men locked in solitary confinement, sleep deprivation. the jamming on doors all night long by a Wallens Ridge Officer named Galliher. Mr. Shiva states that "No wonder prisoners are forced into insanity and are committing suicide! Officer Galliher states that This psychological Warfare is sanctioned by the Warden and Assistant Warden Combs etc..please read the following "Prison Alert" In his own words. *Note to enlarge click on pop-out icon
By Shiva Bhairava Confined at Wallens State Prison Narrative by Shaheed Omar and vapac
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Sunday, April 8, 2018
Prisoner Quincy Jones Is Asking Virginia's Red Onion State Prison are you Purposely Forcing the Hand of Non Gang Members In Your "Step Down Program""
One must ask Virginia Department of Corrections if they are purposely antagonizing prisoners that are not involved in gangs forcing their hand to make a behavioral mistake in their "Step Down Program" that might very well get them sent back to long-term solitary confinement? Because one must know the "Step Down Program" is just another form of "Solitary Confinement". Prisoner Quincy Jones has submitted a letter to "Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee" Member Shaheed Omar. Advising us that he may be forced to be confined in a cell with a gang member that which he is not a gang member, thereby placing him in a detrimental position one can only imagine. We are sharing his letter of concern to the public and the Virginia Department of Corrections must take notice to address this issue if their "Step Down Program" is to become successful. As this is not a pathway for prisoners to get to lower security.
*Note* Click on "pop out" tab for the enlarged view. ↡↡↡↡.

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