Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: September 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024


Of course a victim of crime is entitled to express the sentiment that I've titled this work. The sentiment, perpetrators of crime don't deserve to breathe fresh air, which was, once again expressed by another tortured Dad, voicing torment at something crazy done to his child. As I caught the news clip exclamation by a Texas Dad hurling the invective into the principles of our human condition and existence. As a prisoner having experienced its exploitation by politicians in pursuit of speculative political power endemically at the expense of the pain of a victim of crime, I understand its visceral origins, nonetheless The Social Contract of our American Society isn't structured nor constructed on visceral formulations, which is what our presumptive political leaders would be imparting to US the people if they weren't craven and opportunistic. Human behavior or activity is well reasoned or it isn't and therefore, insane. The Social Contract anticipates both states of our behavior and capabilities accordingly we have gleaned an idea, a concept, a practice called Law. So we, Society have Laws and I as a prisoner under the laws and jurisdiction of The Commonwealth of Virginia, exist within its definitions. For the purposes of this work, I'm imprisoned under the convictions of armed robbery and the use of a firearm and the point being, as much as process of law is conveniently distorted by politicians and the visceral utterances of the victim of crime, I am not convicted because of whether I did or committed what I was accused of, but on sole process that the people of Virginia or The Social Contract, convinced a panel or jury of other Virginians that based on what was presented as evidence within the logic of supporting the accusation or charge. In plain talk no one is in prison or convicted because of deed. And the reason and proof is simple, every single definition in for example Virginia's criminal code 18.2 are acts committed by Virginia's Government and the humans legally personifying or embodying it. Which within The Social Contract we experience as the tyranny of the majority against the individual and on the inverse when I as an individual am prosecuted for alleged acts against the proscriptions of Virginia Code 18.2, it is seen as tyranny of the individual against the majority. So for example despite the fact the supreme law of these United States is The Constitution with it's circumstances. Likewise The Commonwealth of Virginia has its Constitution governing existence of all under its jurisdiction. Still we see, observe and experience all sorts of behaviors by Officials representing the State that not only are contrary to commonsense but also specifically at odds with our baseline understanding and comprehension of The Constitution. Yet for the purposes of ruling and governing a people, is legal and accepted as good and beneficial. When politicians, our legislators and presumptive leaders, exploit visceral sentiments by victims of crime who understandably can be as visceral as they therapeutically need to, still politicians or leaders who understand that the body politic or society isn't a formulation conveying vindictiveness shouldn't then be amplifying or endearing such sentiments, knowing that visceral ravings are contradictory, antagonistic and asocial. Just as we don't see governance legitimizing lynch mobs, kangaroo courts, extra-judicial acts, summary retaliatory acts and all those opportunistic expediencies that share the inevitable historical event horizon, because it reveals that The Social Contract or Society is tenuous faith.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Thursday, September 5, 2024


If Virginia's Corporate media wasn't deluded with its idealistic and ingratiating business model and what I mean by that is, the notion that its ad buyers would frown, were it to actually start exposing the stunts played by our Government as controversial and would therefore find other points of selling their wares, Virginia would begin to be a developing and healthy society. But that isn't the case. Virginia's media, The Corporate or for profit media has always been a mechanism for the subordination of The People. It has always been a functionary, a support system enabling a specific type of speech. What I mean by speech is, the conceited narrative governing Virginia society and it plays out primarily on two fronts.(1) The Economy or to be accurate, The Political-Economy (2) The Justice Infrastructure and The Prison System. The basis of this speech is FEAR, what I mean by fear is simply this, those factions of Virginia society, whose narrative is the prevailing governing operative and force, are unwilling to trust The People's simple willingness and ability to UNDERSTAND, so everything is filtered through implausibility's, improbabilities, metaphysics and outright contradictions and its in that vein the media gets its cue, when it isn't explicitly told how to long handle dump the pablum on us, dumbing us, while as we behave as typical humanity, feigning literacy, ashamed to reveal that we have been duped, conned and taken advantage of. Because the criticism, "voting against ones interest" has become a white noise, badge of honor, attesting to that adage, "misery loves company "or perceiving our lot, vicariously, just as the low end "welfare recipient" is shamed, while the mega corporation is expected to get its gobble of "welfare" as subsidy, indicating its a smartly run company. The point being, all of this are aspects of Social-Contract interactions. But again, because the prevailing narrative is unable to, unless compelled, acknowledge that its point of view or speech, isn't absolute nor does it have a monopoly on anything, regardless of it's presumptions, and the primary means of this deed is Corporate Media we have to wide eye, expose it, particularly on the question of holding The Virginia Department of Corrections accountable. Our politicians are inarguably incapable of exercising oversight over Virginia's prison system, because they simply don't want to deal with it. So we get stunts like Governor Glenn Youngkin's recent Executive Order #36 treating the re-entry of the released Virginia prisoner into society as an after thought that nonprofits should address and find their social worth in. Well as I've already stated we ain't buying it. Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and its imprisonment scheme is to damn impactful on society to simply leave it up to colloquial suppositions and metaphysical speculations, which is the same ole, same ole age old controlling stunt played by the governing narrative of executive order #36 and if we are to say no, to that type of speech we have to practice our acceptance and understanding that as, Society and The People, those are our questions, those are our issues and with our debate and discussions we will reach our answers reflecting the objectivity of our human condition. The Virginia prisoner isn't apart, independent, superimposed on or alien to Virginia society but is quintessential to it, because its with the Virginia prisoner The People reveal their absolute sovereignty of WILL or STATE ORGANIZED VIOLENCE in all its antagonistic ignorance as The Social Contract.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Let me begin with no one has answers, which is also to say no one knows it all. When and if we are fortunate, we grasp questions, to which we begin to answer and criminal justice to a modern society as The Commonwealth Of Virginia, is a Question. The history of Law including criminal justice in Virginia is old, ancient as the Human Condition and rightly so, because it is the evolution of it's answers. Of course for all sorts of reasons there are data points of its process, so we'll encounter stuff like, based on this English Common Law e.t.c, which then begs, before Blackstone and his ilk started, characterizing and organizing traditions and proclamations, as Law, which in this context, English Common, people had enough Law or manner of interactions that were practical and judicious enough to sustain human survival to where we, now exist. The point is modern Virginia society didn't invent the wheel nor can reinvent it but only refine and qualify it, which is to say underscore the evolution of answers. So contextually, criminal justice in the Commonwealth shouldn't be stuck in an Era: despite the fact political opportunists and speculators ply its presumption. Nor should it be held hostage to the divide and conquer and the end justifies the means idealistic thinking. Criminal Justice in Virginia and its Prison system, is inarguably barbarous and savage and there is nothing empirical, as utility in our human condition that justifies it. Yes a 1870's Virginia Supreme Court right after The Civil War or War Between The States gave us the infamy in RUFFIN V. COMMONWEALTH 62 Va 790, that the Virginia prisoner only existed in the ignorance's of assumptions and speculations. Despite, its theoretical repudiation, the decision is still synoptically streaking in the lazy thinking and hypocrisies determining Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and its Prison System. But the potential, meaning questions our human condition presents and ask demands that we change it. Imprisoning a Virginian is an answer, while the question of the prisoner's re-entry into society as a responsibility isn't treated as such because it has been ceded as expression of who has the right to pose and ask it, another instance of the antagonisms roiling the Social Contract. Conventional wisdom would imply that the Virginia legislator, should give us the answer, but parameters of The Social Contract tells us, we'd be naive. Our elected Representatives or legislators are not bound to act in the interest of, "We The People", yes they seek our votes under its assumptions, but as a Commonwealth we elect the presumption of their "judgement" or "commonsense", in other words we give them our blind faith to reach decisions that will enable the progressive evolution of social answers which as it concerns how the Virginia prisoner re-enters society are the most important. However, historically this question, not only hasn't received answers but it hasn't even been recognized as a question and If it is to be elevated and not relegated to the scape goat imperative of the justice infrastructure dynamic, it will require a politics of all of Virginia led by Families of Virginia Prisoners and Victims of Crime. A politics that will present questions, enabling the development of a social contract that isn't endemically sabotaging itself with scape goatism.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982