Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: October 2024

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

How does the Supreme Court fail to accurately represent the interests of Americans?

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

Presidents pick Supreme Court justices, and the Senate rubber-stamps them. But do these nine unelected officials truly speak for the people? Political scientist Kevin J. McMahon joins Krys Boyd to explore this fundamental question. He'll discuss how the court has become increasingly out of touch with public opinion, the damage this does to its reputation, and potential solutions to restore public trust. His book, "A Supreme Court Unlike Any Other," offers a comprehensive analysis of this pressing issue.

Via "Think Podcast"

Think is a daily, topic-driven interview and call-in program hosted by Krys Boyd covering a wide variety of topics ranging from history, politics, current events, science, technology and emerging trends to food and wine, travel, adventure, and entertainment.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

John Grisham address wrongful Convictions

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.
Acclaimed author John Grisham, known for his gripping legal thrillers, turns his attention to the sobering reality of wrongful convictions. He joins host Krys Boyd to discuss these miscarriages of justice and the underlying systemic issues that contribute to them. His book, "Framed," co-authored with Jim McCloskey, provides a detailed examination of these disturbing cases.

Via Think Podcast ‪@NPR‬

*NOTE* Think is a daily, topic-driven interview and call-in program hosted by Krys Boyd covering a wide variety of topics ranging from history, politics, current events, science, technology and emerging trends to food and wine, travel, adventure, and entertainment.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Self Immolation at Red Onion State Prison by Kevin Rashid Johnson

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

On September 15, 2024, a harrowing incident unfolded at Virginia's Red Onion State Prison, exposing the dire conditions endured by incarcerated individuals. Kevin Rashid Johnson's recent radio essay detailed how Econ and his cellmate, Trayvon Brown, resorted to self-immolation as a desperate escape from the rampant racism, abuse, and inhumane treatment they faced. Econ sustained severe third-degree burns, while his cellmate's injuries were even more critical.

This tragic event is not an isolated occurrence. Within a mere two weeks, a dozen Black men at Red Onion took similar drastic actions, setting themselves on fire. These are not acts of defiance but rather the desperate cries of individuals driven to the brink of despair, seeking any form of relief from their torment.

Via Prison Radio


Thursday, October 24, 2024


This work isn't another one of those idealistic gambits into the tired and pathetic history of Virginia, to wit these UNITED STATES. The need for this work is to start the process of, okay, now that The Commonwealth of Virginia has been exercising the fiat of its organized violence by imprisoning people regardless of and besides pretext and logic, its time the social polity confronted a couple of it's incidentals, which are (1) what exactly are the Commonwealth's anticipations and (2) is it being realized? The reality is the practice of "imprisonment" throughout our human condition has always skirted Intellectual-Honesty and Hypocrisy. What I mean is simply this, irrespective and regardless of the lack of accountability exploitive diabolical trade off by society, given to (members of the justice infrastructure and prison official) as incentive boon for the satisfaction of their internal and inner deviant psychological realities for and towards their savage and sadistic work, of actualizing and effecting the imprisonment scheme, of which we then correctly recognize as their integral realization of themselves, gained upon the intellectual-dishonesty and spurious logic of controlling and sequestering another human, is laid bare and revealed as hypocritical and incompatible on our present and contemporary terms with its archaic suppositions. I am not contrasting nor claiming an ancestral, historical or traditional lineage with any antecedent logic of Virginia's imprisonment scheme, which happened to be and was nothing more than a thinly veiled political-economic ploy. Virginia's political-economy was founded on the chattel slavery of Black people and the indentured servitude of a class and type of White person. Upon revision of its terms, specifically, consequences and results of The Civil War,1861-1865 Virginia then conveniently exploited its imprisonment scheme as replacement for slavery and indentured servitude. The difference with the post-civil war substitution of imprisonment is, it was done under the guise and logic of DUE PROCESS OF LAW and JUSTICE. So returning the imprisoned Black or White person to the function of creating wealth for Virginia's status quo was euphemistically presented and justified as "PUNISHMENT", in pursuit of JUSTICE for crimes. What however confronts modern, contemporary Virginia is this, We the people reject" PUNISHMENT "as euphemism for whatever. If The Commonwealth of Virginia wants to indulge in the arbitrariness of " PUNISHMENT "as scheme of imprisonment, then it must and has to be clearly defined. We reject its idealistic imposition as function of DUE PROCESS, because it isn't. There is nothing in Virginia law that clearly defines what is " PUNISHMENT "under the imprisonment scheme. The imposed prison sentence, is understood as the punishment. But then the Virginia prisoner is subjected to treatment, conditions and terms that are dredged up from the dusty annals of historic barbarity that are nothing less than a mockery and insult to the notion of Virginia's civilization. Just because its politically expedient and opportunistic to scape goat the Virginia prisoner, isn't indicative of "otherness", but rather an indictment of a political-economy and Social Contract that extremely expresses its terms in the occupancy of prison cells by its component members. If as individuals,society instructs us not to make excuses, then, society meaning the status quo, should do likewise.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Track changes~ I Gotta Break These Chains ~ Episode 4

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

With his release from a Virginia jail just weeks away, hip-hop musician Devonte does everything he can to balance the love he has for his family against the big risks that come with their history.

As four men are held in a Virginia jail, they record an album to chronicle their efforts to break free from an oppressive cycle of addiction and incarceration.
In each music-infused episode of this documentary series, host and trailblazing hip-hop artist Speech Thomas meets a musician at a crossroads in their uphill struggle for freedom, learns what brought them to this inflection point, and helps them record a song that captures this critical moment in their life. From soulful country to fiery hip-hop and haunting R&B, this music affirms the lives of people who are written off by society. And amidst a re-entry crisis afflicting millions of Americans every year, these intimate stories from behind the walls of a local jail ask: What does it take to rebuild a life after incarceration
By npr

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO AND IT SPELLS "CORRUPT", Which is what the above, afore mentioned birds instruct. Starting with our "DEAR LEADER" GOVERNOR GLENN YOUNGKIN, whose judgement is observably corrupt by his embrace of DONALD TRUMP, The Nation's quintessential criminal. Then our "HONORABLE" ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE COMMONWEALTH JASON MIYARES who dementedly pined for released Virginia prisoners to effect a crime spree, wreaking havoc on Virginians, harming them. Then the astoundingly maleficent, sex assault adjudged,34 felony count convicted FORMER "PRESIDENT" DONALD J. TRUMP, whose criminality is simply pathetic. Then VIRGINIA REPUBLICANS, caught up in a web of all that mocks progress and the integrity of VIRGINIA'S SOCIAL CONTRACT. Then the incorrigibility of THE VIRGINIA PRISON OFFICIAL, sworn to uphold Laws of The Commonwealth of Virginia while SAVAGELY and GRATUITOUSLY breaking it in all imaginable ways. Then, last but by far not least an embodiment of SECTION 12.of THE CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA, an assigned "bulwark[s] of liberty", a representative of the press, THE RICHMOND-TIMES AND DISPATCH, being everything but. It's, once upon a time, Staff Reporter Frank Green, doing the bidding of Virginia's status quo with the perpetual demonization of The Virginia Prisoner. Once again enabling and effecting that tired, reactionary and short sighted view of DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO at the expense of the integrity of Virginia's Social Contract. I make this point with this work, that, yes the Virginia prisoner experiences the savagery and gratuitous harm from the violations and compromises of the afore mentioned "BIRDS" in the title of this work, for all the typical and common reasons. While the fact of the matter is Virginia, The Commonwealth is "corrupted". If and it is the case that the Social Contract, as Society is a POLITICAL-ECONOMY construct, a pursuit and objectification of our organic necessities, then perversions in it's lattice exist as Virginia as ship taking in water and I list some examples of the taking in water as the wasteful spending of the Commonwealth's resources expended in defending against claims by the Virginia prisoner of savagery and law violations by the Virginia prison official. These examples stand as the Virginia prison official's unwillingness and refusal to comply with law.(1) BALTAS V. MAIGA 2024 U.S.APP .LEXIS 25649 (2) HENRY V. PAIGE 2024 U.S. DIST.LEXIS 70982 (3) ESTES V.VA. DEPT.OF CORR. 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 37289 (4) PHOENIX V. AMONETTE 95 F. 4TH 852 (5) HOLLOMAN V. CLARKE 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 6842 (6) CLEM V. HAMILTON 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 100959 (7) NAPIER V. OHAI 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 156546 (8) SNODGRASS V. GILBERT 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 54523 (9 ) BRISTOL V. ANDERSON 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 41088 (10) CARTER V. CABELL 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 58459 (11) DESPER V. SANDERS 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 30092 (12) HAWKINS V.ALLEN 2024 U.S.DIST. LEXIS 138884 (13) BROWN V. COLLIER 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 112599 (14 )SIMMONS V. EARHART 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 104528 (15) ANDERSON V. CLARKE 2024 U.S.DIST. LEXIS 140371 (16) CARTER V. ELY 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 47285 (17) BURKE V. PUNTURI 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 140369 (18) WRIGHT V. VA.DEPT.OF CORR .2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 161014 (19) PULLER V. BARNET 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 91399.These cases stand as contextual facts of fraud by our Virginia Government, by the Prison official.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Monday, October 21, 2024

Virginia Prisons Accountability committee
The Second Sundays In November Are Being Established As #Virginia Day On #SolitaryConfinement Be Sure to use #VADayOnSolitaryConfinement #NovemberSecondSunday to get the word out

By vapac

Friday, October 18, 2024

One bad decision | S. Archer | TEDx, Virginia Green Rock Correctional Center

Ted x

Sgt Archer is a correctional officer -- but he could have ended up on the other side of the prison bars. I have been in corrections for 10 years, I started as an officer in a building, moved to the yard officer and a Field Training Officer (FTO), then became a Sergeant. I enjoyed being an FTO because I was able to interact with the new officers and train them to be the best officers they could be. I graduated from Averett University in 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology/Criminal Justice. I decided to go back and finish my degree that I had started many years ago because of a conversation with my son about the importance of education, trying your best, and putting forth effort in school. My son’s response to our conversation was, “You never graduated from college and you are doing just fine.” It was then that I realized I could not preach to my son about the importance of education when I hadn’t finished myself. When not at work, I am busy working in the family business, around the farm, and spending time with my family. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Track Changes ~ I'm Tired of Recidivism ~ Episode 3

*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only.

Struggling to keep up with his rehabilitation program, in Richmond City Jail Virginia, amateur rapper Anthony confronts the damage done by an entire life spent fighting for survival. 


Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Let me begin by calling some of 'em out. So we have THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, BLACKSBURG,COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY, OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY, HAMPTON UNIVERSITY, MARY BALDWIN,VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, VIRGINIA UNION,VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORFOLK STATE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND these are some of Virginia's pride and joy, purported witnesses to the world of The Commonwealth Of Virginia's civilization and progressiveness. Then there are those on paper only "RELIGIOUS" schools, i.e LIBERTY UNIVERSITY, RADFORD something and their ilk. Then we have, The Churches, CATHOLIC,PROTESTANT (their variegatedness) ORTHODOX, COPTIC, Then,the various Religious Faiths, ISLAM, BUDDHIST, JUDAISM, HINDI, RASTAFARIAN. Then The Business Community, who sell themselves to their customers and employees as reflective of and representative of "values" of VIRGINIA society. Then we have ORGANIZED LABOR, then it's sellouts NON-UNION. I've just listed a cross section of the foundation, basis and fundamentals of VIRGINIA'S SOCIAL CONTRACT. The Face that Virginia presents to the world that not only is it worthy of membership into the community of our human condition but it has much to contribute on the medium of RESPECT and RESPECTABILITY. I'm not polemicizing that The Commonwealth of Virginia is only a fraud and reprobate, what I'm calling to account is,just as Virginia's ancestry (of all its people, even the reprobates and reactionaries) engaged in the work and struggle of relatively redeeming Virginia from it's reprehensible human past, to where no where within this present Commonwealth is that past, legitimately defended as constructive speech and political activity. As such we see that this center of Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and its expressed scheme of imprisonment isn't holding to which we have as example our past work of redeeming Virginia from its antebellum ills. Virginia's current Establishment as structured, which I indict by critique, cannot claim any sort and type of enlightenment, insight and proclamation of anything, while continuing to avert its collective eyes and gaze from the existential savagery of its prison official towards the imprisoned Virginian. Much mental and manual labor are spent towards affirming, materializing and securing a/the future of and for our Commonwealth, but despite and regardless of the fact that circumspectively some of it occurs oblivious of the savagery of the Virginia prison official isn't absolution. A Social Contract, Society is an existence of omniscience, meaning society is obligated to pay attention and understand its nature. Whether or not Virginia Professors and their wards are aware and cognizant that savagery isn't a past tense, only to be sanctimoniously scrutinized and speculated upon the hypocrisies and schizophrenia of history, but are FACTS playing out in Virginia prisons between prisoner and official, again doesn't absolve them and the organic interactions of Society that birthed the sanctimonious presumptions. In other words, if what a typical and approximate Virginian is imprisoned for is fundamental and historical Virginia behavior and if there isn't an actual "other" in humanity, then the practical dismissiveness of Virginia's prison infrastructure by its Status quo, its Learning institutions, Religious organizations, Business and Labor groups isn't an indictment of the convicted and imprisoned but rather The Commonwealth. If the justice infrastructure is an expression of responsibility by the people then it must extend towards its reform.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

How a prison warden lost his eye | Mike Seville | TEDx Green Rock Correctional Center

Ted X

Mike Seville is a prison warden and a stand-up comic -- he is hilarious! He kept us all entertained with tales of his childhood and family. Mike Seville began his career with the Virginia Department of Corrections in 1995 as a Corrections Officer at Nottoway Correctional Center. During his time at Nottoway, he held the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant, Institutional Training Officer, and Chief of Housing & Programs. In 2018, Mr. Seville was promoted to Assistant Warden at Haynesville Correctional Center. In 2020, he was promoted to Superintendent at Haynesville Correctional Unit 17 before transferring to Sussex I State Prison in 2021. In May 2022, Mr. Seville was promoted to Warden at Haynesville Correctional Center before transferring to Green Rock Correctional Center as Warden in November 2022. Mr. Seville has served as a trainer at the Academy for Staff Development and Statewide Evidence-Based Practices Manager at Headquarters. Mr. Seville has most recently been tasked with transitioning Lawrenceville Correctional Center from a privately operated prison to a Virginia Department of Corrections-operated facility. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Awright let me start with this case JOHNSON v. RAPPAHANNOCK REG'L JAIL AUTH.2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 102074.The focus of my work is on Virginia's Government and its Department of Correction, because I'm under its jurisdiction as a Virginia prisoner. Then opportunities are presented that make the case that all that is wrong with Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and its exercise of imprisonment and detention isn't only limited to the Virginia prison official, but it extends to Virginia Jails. Read and study the above Johnson case and see for your self that there are systemic barbarity and savagery inculcated through and within Virginia's Government. Ms. Jemika Johnson, the protagonist in the above indicated case was subjected to and experienced the sort of harm that can only be characterized as primordial, primeval and anti-person and human, by her society, her community, The Social Contract of The Commonwealth and Government. It wasn't and isn't an anomaly, it wasn't some sort of exception, a confluence of tragic and unforeseen circumstances. What Ms. Johnson was subjected to by those 12 or so Rappahannock Jail authorities is a typical state and nature of Virginia's system of justice. The detention and confinement of Ms. Johnson by her fellow citizens and its subsequent deprivation of her citizenship and humanness evidenced by the savage treatment meted out to her consequently extended to, as a mockery, reduction and compromise of any and all claims Virginia's Social Contract has towards the affirmation of human development and progress. Our Virginia status quo have forever proclaimed and heralded the notion that within the Commonwealth life and its dignity is sacrosanct. Well we know that to be a lie and an exploited one at that. Rappahannock Jail officials and authorities, in the case and matter of JEMIKA JOHNSON, proved its a lie. Because not only was Ms. Johnson's humanity ignored and violated but it was discarded as (fill in your choice adjective) then it was compounded by the death of her baby, born in a solitary Rappahannock jail cell, by her lonesome-self, all because this destructive apathy, indifference and callousness of Virginia's government and its human agents have been allowed and permitted to normalize savagery and barbarity against our constituent personhood. Look people, read and study the case of Jemika Johnson cited above and as you grow indignant pause and realize that, WE THE PEOPLE are to blame .Look, LAW and its DUE PROCESS are a social cohesive and its purpose isn't to abuse, mistreat and mock our pronouncements on aspirations, which is what Virginia's justice infrastructure perversely does well. We are lectured to by our hypocrisies at the expense of brazen acts of violations by our lecturers. Facts that testify and indict our complicity to the brazen. Nonetheless, Ms.Jemika Johnson's experiences are not in vain. Our ancients have instructed that injustice isn't specific but a generality, which Ms. Johnson's travails reminds us. It reminds us that savagery isn't limited to the Virginia Department of Corrections, Officials but what it also energetically enables is, establishing with clarity that the ills and extra-judicial tendencies of Virginia's justice infrastructure, to wit its organized violence is, it presents the question without ambiguity that, our elected representatives are incapable of robustly debating and resolving these systemic contradictions of Virginia's imprisonment schemes.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Monday, October 7, 2024


Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only

Okay Virginia State Senator Russett Perry, recently told us that she trooped through a number of Virginia Prisons. Then she posited that, nah she opined, okay she intoned, you know what, she declared that prison reform is a nonpartisan or bipartisan issue, to which considering that I'm a prisoner under Virginia's jurisdiction, of course I responded that she's wrong. However before we can even begin to appreciate the seriousness of Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and the subsequent necessary reform of its prison system and its Virginia Department of Corrections, Senator Russett Perry has to give us the why to the existence of this: not only is it incredulous but quite frankly, unseeming. On what grounds is Senator Perry claiming to speak for reform of Virginia's organized violence expressed as its prison system, when there isn't record of her calling out the profanity of and undermining of The People of Virginia's faith and trust not only in Law, but the foundational politics by the spectacle of Virginia Republicans led by Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares embracing, supporting and defending the sex assault adjudged and 34 felony count convicted ex-president Donald Trump. Its incongruous for any Virginia leader or politician to speak about, Law and Order this, Values that, Morality, Ethics, Justice, Due Process and Equality Under Law and all of those other opportunistic and convenient social narratives intended to affirm The Social Contract at the expense of and without categorically denouncing and repudiating, those Virginians who embrace The Nation's most notorious criminal, Ex-president Donald Trump. So it's against this rubric we evaluate Senator Russett Perry's SPEECH, meaning her act of touring Virginia prisons. As a State Senator, Ms.Perry has at her disposal the "will" OF THE PEOPLE OF VIRGINIA, as resource to undertake any and all that's necessary to educate WE THE PEOPLE, which I have described as providing us with HONEST politics, by actually giving us what ACCOUNTABILITY finally looks like, in contrast to the pro forma, performative and theatrics of trooping to a Virginia prison under the pretense of what? When if Senator Russett Perry and any of her inclined colleagues want to gives us the honesty of a NEW POLITICS,that doesn't make a mockery and caricature of THE TRANSPARENCY OF ACCOUNTABILITY, where they should start and begin is by cataloguing and analyzing claims and cases filed in court by the Virginia prisoner, regardless of outcome or disposition which will give her and her colleagues a clear, unbiased and unadulterated idea of the state and nature of Virginia's prisons. Upon which she can then expand her understanding by communications with prisoner families,loved ones, friends also Advocacy groups.Then she can continue her education, by reviewing complaints and grievances filed by prisoners at the various Virginia Department of Corrections Regional Districts, then is when she exercises her subpoena authority over The Prison Official, by accessing all relevant material necessary for oversight,THEN she talks to THE PRISONER.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Friday, October 4, 2024


When a Virginia prisoner is accused of harming, The Virginia Department of Corrections hurriedly sends out press releases to Virginia's Corporate Media, to which the media quickly presses in its publications and on its Web sites. During the Governorship of the racist George Allen, and his macaca infamy, Virginia Republicans abolished parole for Virginia prisoners. During its so-called debate, Virginia's Corporate Media, The Richmond-Times and Dispatch in particular went over and beyond in carrying water for George Allen and his stooges, by propagandizing, Republican talking points and their bizarre and outlandish crystal ball speculations, that such and such harm wouldn't had befallen such and such individual had parole not existed and had been abolished. The Richmond-Times gave us full page spreads amplifying George Allen's opportunistic ravings, in pursuit of his no parole fetish, which we now have proof was, because, Republicans again are claiming that Virginia has a crime problem, which we were told abolishing parole in 1995,would solve. I state all of this to say this: as People of Virginia we have to start reminding our Media that its function isn't to kowtow to partisan speculations, which we emphatically indict its systemic behavior of, yes it can still push a partisan tilt but as it presents to THE PEOPLE the requisite facts of an event. So for example, the argument isn't against THE SOCIAL COHESIVE function of LAW, but the argument is Virginia's Corporate Media is doing Virginia's SOCIAL CONTRACT a disservice when it presents political ideological speculations as ascertained, proven and established facts at the expense of its disastrous consequences. The abolishment of Parole in Virginia hasn't created one iota of fact that it improved and matured Virginia's SOCIAL CONTRACT. Just think about this the current Attorney General of The Commonwealth of Virginia, Jason Miyares has given us one of the most despicable displays of human contrivance when he wished and pined for recently released Virginia prisoners to effect a crime spree, meaning he wants Virginians harmed, all because, the abolishment of parole as political exploitation by Republicans isn't working as such the refuge desperate precipice of Republican Political Thought is to wish for a crime wave. We wouldn't have this as spectacle had our media actually presented the question of PAROLE, not as a liability or deficiency, an antebellum hold back of reactionary distraction, because the reality is, Virginia's justice infrastructure and its prison system is not healthy. I challenge THE RICHMOND-TIMES AND DISPATCH along with its Sisters, to scrutinize the claims in these below listed Virginia prisoner filed cases in Virginia Federal Courts and give us the ask, why are Virginia prisoners making such claims against Virginia's Prison Officials who have the privilege of the Virginia tax payer and are sworn to uphold law, yet are violating it.(1) GRUBB V. SMITH 2024 U.S DIST. LEXIS 70062 (2) JOHNSON V. CHAFFIN 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 131645 (3) SMITH V. LARD 2024 U.S.DIST. LEXIS 3648 (4) ALLEN V. HURLEY 2024 U.S.DIST. LEXIS 143997 (5) OUALIA V. ESOCHAGHI 2024 U.S.DIST. LEXIS 151363 (6) GODFREY V. HAYMES 2024 U.S.DIST. LEXIS 166400 (7) CARTER V. ELY 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 38334 (8) WILLIAMS V. GILBERT 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 51918 (9) ARNOLD V. CREGGER 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 35270 (10) ADAMS V .HORNE 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 21519.Will our media treat prisoner claims as it does press releases?

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


People, people, people its about us, its always about us, meaning our interests, our understanding and our ability to speak up. So I begin with this excerpt from a ruling by THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT, in the case ESTATE OF JONES v. CITY OF MARTINSBURG 961 F.3d 661 (2020). The opinion was delivered by Circuit Judge Floyd joined by Chief Judge Gregory and Circuit Judge Thacker."WAYNE JONES WAS KILLED JUST OVER ONE YEAR BEFORE THE FERGUSON, MISSOURI SHOOTING OF MICHAEL BROWN WOULD ONCE AGAIN DRAW NATIONAL SCRUTINY TO POLICE SHOOTING OF BLACK PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES......ALTHOUGH WE RECOGNIZE THAT OUR POLICE OFFICERS ARE OFTEN ASKED TO MAKE SPLIT SECOND DECISIONS WE EXPECT THEM TO DO SO WITH RESPECT FOR THE DIGNITY AND WORTH OF BLACK LIVES.BEFORE THE INK DRIED ON THIS OPINION THE FBI OPENED AN INVESTIGATION INTO YET ANOTHER DEATH OF A BLACK MAN AT THE HANDS OF POLICE,THIS TIME GEORGE FLOYD IN MINNEAPOLIS. THIS HAS TO STOP.TO AWARD QUALIFIED IMMUNITY AT THE SUMMARY JUDGEMENT STAGE IN THIS CASE WOULD SIGNAL ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY FOR FEAR-BASED USE OF DEADLY FORCE,WHICH WE CANNOT ACCEPT." (By the way, The Fourth Circuit, is the federal jurisdiction for The States of Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina).I start with this excerpt on the issue of "QUALIFIED IMMUNITY" because the robust and aggressive recent assertiveness of supremacy and racism, has made its existence known to the Joe and Jane Blows of society as such, true to the adage if you wanna hide something expose it. The present focus on "QUALIFIED IMMUNITY" despite,the correctness of identifying its insidious harm, by the good, well intended and progressive minds amongst us, has naturally ran up against the reaction of those who exploit it, evidenced by the stunt by U.S.Senator Tim Scott in its pathetic defense. So a basic explanation of QUALIFIED IMMUNITY is this, THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1967,came up with a scheme, (in the case, PIERSON v. RAY 386 U.S.547 (1967), a case, true to all things America and our foundation was RACE BASED and its RESISTANCE), that practically says, our GOVERNMENT THAT WRITES AND ENACTS LAWS, upon violating it, can abrogate its responsibility to repairing the harm with the gimmick that the law wasn't clearly established so we cannot hold it accountable or liable for the harm caused by the violation. The history of this gimmick, typically is anti-THE PEOPLE. I say typically, because notwithstanding the existence of a quasi-stability of (for this work) the terms of Virginia's SOCIAL CONTRACT and its relations, which, when violated, we see it repeatedly invoked by the Virginia prison official in excuse of their barbarity. The case JAMISON v. McCLENDON 476 F.Supp.3d 386 (2020) gives us one of the most comprehensive and honest examination of not only the origin and history of QUALIFIED IMMUNITY but most importantly its nefarious purpose, by Federal Judge Carlton W. Reeves of THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 5th CIRCUIT of MISSISSIPPI SOUTHERN DISTRICT, who said "ONCE,QUALIFIED IMMUNITY PROTECTED OFFICERS WHO ACTED IN GOOD FAITH.THE DOCTRINE NOW PROTECTS ALL OFFICERS, NO MATTER HOW EGREGIOUS THEIR CONDUCT, IF THE LAW THEY BROKE WAS NOT CLEARLY ESTABLISHED" then he goes on to enlighten us with "EVERY JUDGE MUST LEARN TO LIVE WITH THE FACT HE OR SHE WILL MAKE SOME MISTAKES, IT COMES WITH THE TERRITORY BUT IT IS SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY TO PERPETUATE SOMETHING WE ALL KNOW TO BE WRONG ONLY BECAUSE WE FEAR THE CONSEQUENCE OF BEING RIGHT".People speak up.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only
When our form of Government gives us accountability, we recognize it.The incident of the case, BURKE v. STANLEY YOUNG 2024 Va. App. Lexis 550 (9/24/24) is an instance, a moment and we recognize it. Our Virginia State Courts do not have a track record of much dealings with the circumstance of the Virginia prison officials' created conditions and nature of Virginia's prison system, because the Virginia prisoner for certain historical reasons normally goes to the Federal Courts for redress and attempts at exacting accountability, but there are a few instances i.e. OGUNDE v. PRISON HEALTH SERVICES 274 VA. 55 (6/8/2007), BILLUPS v. CARTER 268 VA.701, so when a Virginia court as the Court of Appeals recently gave us accountability in the Burke Stanley Young case, I won't say its momentous but we recognize it. I speak specifically from the vantage of a Virginia prisoner, under the Commonwealth's jurisdiction, but exiled to the Texas prison system. As I've noted due to certain historical specifics, prisoners all across the Nation typically go to the Federal Court system seeking accountability. Yes it is an indictment against States and The States Right leeway but that's a discussion for another day, what I want to focus on is what the Burke v. Young case present and enables .BURKE,Conrad Burke is a Virginia prisoner who was held and confined during the facts that brought cause of the case in question at Virginia's POCAHONTAS STATE CORRECTIONAL CENTER. IN 2019, Prisoner Burke filed a grievance on a Pocahontas guard, JAMES POORE. First of all prisoner filed grievances are mandated by United States Law,at 42 U.S.C.S 1997(e) and Virginia also has its mandatory grievance law at Virginia Code 8.01-243.2.What these grievance procedures simply mean is regardless of the facts a prisoners claim will be dismissed when the prison official and their representative, The Virginia Attorney General attacks the prisoners compliance with the grievance law. So Conrad Burke's grievance on James Poore was necessary to save Mr Burke's option of going to court. Then, Pocahontas prison guard James Poore retaliated against prisoner Burke by claiming ,Burke had the cell's intercom covered, that he had extra clothes, food in the cell and had cussed out a nurse, then Poore claimed Burke had pushed a meal tray at him in a manner where food got on him, the claim was found to be "meritless". Now prisoner Conrad Burke suffers from, "SEVERE THORACIC SCOLIOSIS, DEGENERATIVE DISC DISEASE and CONGENITAL HIP DYSPLASIA" and Pocahontas Prison Officials had him assigned to a special medical cell, with hand railing e.t.c to stabilize his mobility. So this is the context where a number of Pocahontas prison guards on February 22,2019, fully cognizant and aware of his medical condition, ordered Prisoner Burke to strip to his boxers, hog tied him with shackles, handcuffs, chains and a black box that keeps ones hands rigid and left him without food, bathroom breaks for appx.21 hours,during which he fell and couldn't right himself up. The prison guards who subjected prisoner Burke to this savage and barbaric treatment told him it was under the direction of the prison's warden, Stanley Young, because of the claim that he had tossed food. I ask you the reader to get the case and read it. We congratulate his lawyers, DANNY ZEMEL (ALLAN STUART GRAF, JOHN F.PREIS, DAVID FLORES, THE KRUDYS LAW FIRM, UNIV.OF RICHMOND SCHOOL OF LAW DAVID FLORES)

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982