Our ancients instructed that the knowledge and understanding of the administration and management of the processes or the inner workings of a government, a State's Social Contract, its Law, not laws, but, Law which in this case, The Commonwealth of Virginia are 'secrets', as such are the most essential, significant and fundamentally educative. So those employed in its administration as functionaries of the processes or its gate keepers, in essence "bouncers" a la your typical nightclub are the possessors of the 'secrets', revealing and sharing with some of WE THE PEOPLE, at the omissive expense of the rest. An activity of our corrupt typical humanness expressed with all of our intrinsic proclivities, inclinations, predilections, biases, prejudices, sanctimony and suppositions.(What I mean by, our corrupt typical humanness is this, the human is a model of approximation and assumption as such our activity is relative and revisionist, see this case: MOSCHETTI v. OFF. OF. THE INSPECTOR GEN. 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 215863, Jennifer Moschetti was a former investigator employed with The State Inspector General of Virginia in other words she was a possessor of 'secrets' ,she was fired over the parole matter of VINCENT L. MARTIN, convicted of killing a Richmond cop. This case is instructive, because it was about The Virginia Parole Board's alleged violation of its process in the matter of a convicted cop killer, of which the office of State Inspector General was anonymously tipped. Now The Office of State Inspector General has its statutory authority from Virginia Code 2.2-309, which is broad and comprehensive in its scope. Keep in mind what I've said about the performance of governmental functionaries in possession of State secrets and their selectivity of revelation, in other words whom of We The People are permitted function. So just as the, Moschetti case was about the pursuit of an anonymous tip in the parole matter of a cop killer, the office of State Inspector General has been sent countless claims by Virginia prisoners of Virginia prison official abuse which hasn't and didn't receive the relative attention as the parole matter of a cop killer. Here is another reference point of activities of possessors of State secrets, to excerpt one of my previous works, from June 26, 2023 titled "EXPLOITING VICTIMS OF CRIME AND SCAPEGOATING VIRGINIA'S PAROLE PROCESS: THE BACKWARDNESS OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER THREE (2022) One of the first things a newly sworn in Glenn Youngkin as Governor....felt was the most pressing....was to sign Executive Order Number Three (2022) styled RESTORING INTEGRITY AND CONFIDENCE IN THE VIRGINIA PAROLE BOARD AND THE COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF JUSTICE, on January 15, 2022. "Now this Executive Order by a newly sworn in Youngkin was again in reaction to the parole matter of Vincent L. Martin, again exemplifying, some Virginians are valued more than others. Because let's fast forward to 2024 and another case and instance of Virginia Parole Board violations, as formalized in accounts specifically a October 14, 2024 letter by The ACLU of VIRGINIA, stating that the Parole Board is in violation of Virginia Code 53.1-136 and also HB 2169 and SB 1361, to which we haven't seen any level of activity comparable to the allegations in the parole matter of Vincent L. Martin) So these functionary possessors of 'secrets' of The Commonwealth of Virginia, in other words its human embodiment of Law and it's processes are the corrupted factor and aspects of when we say, The Virginia Department of Corrections has a sick and poor relationship with the truth, accountability and transparency. The point is this, if its understood hence accepted that omniscience is just that a point of sophistic critique then, the first order of business in all things human and our Social Contract or Law, is the pursuit and objectification of transparency, (which to you opportunistic invokers of God and religion, the Nazarene's crucifixion narrative deals with, as the asserted event of, the temple veil being rent or ripped to reveal or make transparent what was hidden, see, Matthew 27:51 "Then, behold,the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom", also at Mark 15:38 "then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom "also at Luke 23:45 ".....,and the veil of the temple was torn in two") which as it relates to the work of reforming The Virginia Department Of Corrections, is a requisite of "oversight" or the duty of our Virginia legislative and political leaders, exacting accountability of The Department. So as it relates to Andrea Sapone, the new Corrections Ombudsman, her position as a new statutory creation itself is a gimmick, because Virginia Code 2.2-309 as authority for the already existing Virginia's Office of State Inspector General provided the necessary investigatory mechanisms to do the work of holding The Virginia Department Of Corrections accountable, however because of the phenomenon of selectivity of whom of We The People are worthy of function from those proximate functionaries, or bureaucrats administering and managing the functions of Virginia's government, of which, the State Inspector General is, Virginia prisoners claims against the Virginia prison official are relatively ignored. There is another category of possessors of secrets of the inner workings of The Commonwealth, whom are the elected representatives of the people or We The People, who also perform the duty of oversight of The Virginia Department of Corrections selectively. For starters, Virginia Code 53.1-30 (A) states what Virginia authorities are allowed entry into Virginia prisons, whom are, The Governor, members of The Legislator and Attorneys. Secondly, our legislators in fulfillment of their oversight duties of The Virginia Department of Corrections have investigative authority into any and all aspects and functions of The Department. So when we see our Political Leaders and Legislators as Delegates Holly Seibold, Marcus Simon, The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus, Senators Dave Marsden, Lamont Bagsby, Majority Leader Scott Surovell and Barbara Favola, expressing their conscientiousness, their hand wringing over the barbarity and savagery of The Virginia Department of Corrections on their watch. The question isn't if they have and possess the authority, to wrangle accountability onto The Department and the Virginia prison official, but whether We The People, in whose name good and evil of Government are transfigured will acknowledge complicity and assert that the application of Justice isn't mere petty crass abuse. When Governor Glenn Youngkin, along with The State Inspector General, The Virginia Republican Party as foot soldier and their usual ally corporate media, seized upon the parole matter of a cop killer as critique gambit of parole as fact of Virginia's Justice Infrastructure. The, We The People gawked some in classic understandable ignorance while others as our elected representatives, possessors of the secret or the inner workings of government, averted eyes holding breath that their betrayed constituencies wouldn't call them out.
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982