Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: On The March 30th 2017 Tour of Red Onion State Prison [ROSP] By Interfaith Action for Human Rights [IAHR]

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

On The March 30th 2017 Tour of Red Onion State Prison [ROSP] By Interfaith Action for Human Rights [IAHR]

On Thursday, March 30th, 2017; a coterie of self-styled advocates for prison reform in Virginia including members of the group, Interfaith Action for Human Rights [IAHR] toured Virginia's Red Onion State Prison [ROSP].

The group walked past cells in c-building ROSP's primary solitary confinement building. Cells which held and hold prisoners who are denied outside exercise, showers and sometimes meals. They walked past cells improperly and inadequately holding mental health prisoners. [it is noteworthy that since 2014, 3 prisoners in solitary confinement in ROSP's C-Building have committed suicide], They walked past the cells holding prisoners, some of whom have been in Solitary Confinement over 20 years and the walk through, tour for them was a festive affair. Their voices rang giddy with the excitement of being inside the ROSP environment. As one asked their tour guide [a member of ROSP's investigative or intelligence department] could they go out into the outside exercise cages! Then a prisoner's voice yelling through a cell door, in C-Buildings 3/pod called to account the spectacle that prisoners are not animal exhibits or displays in a zoo.

IAHR in its subsequent newsletter/email titled "Report on visit to Red Onion State Prison" gave itself the proverbial congratulatory pat on the back.

What IAHR and its ilk ignore is: 1. Prison officials work for citizens of society which also includes prisoners. 2. Advocates for prison reform shouldn't be motivated by friendship with prisoners or prison officials. What I mean by prison reform shouldn't be motivated by amicability with either prisoners or prison officials is this: Prison reform is necessary because prison and imprisonment stand at the accountability apogee of society, playing a crucial and pivotal role to the social contract and compact. Because when society practice of imprisonment is done in an idealistic and reactionary manner, society as a whole suffers and pays the price. Because prisoners, once released from the imprisonment, who have been brutalized and dehumanized while in prison will now interact with an unsuspecting society in alienating and destructive ways and daily news accounts bear this out. to which prison officials are quick to shift the narrative and blame prisoners and the released prisoner for whatever stupid mayhem the released prisoner brings society. But the reality is prison officials are squarely and primarily to blame because of the idealistic conditions and sadistic treatment they subjected that imprisoned human to. Conditions which if the prisoner before the imprisonment was deviant, prison officials and their prison experimentation have now catalyzed and enabled the maturation of the deviancy. So society's interest in prison reform is primarily all about society's self-interest because to put it simply, accountability irrespective of the subjective is the objective of the social-contract and compact.

But as it related to IAHR and their March 30, 2017, ROSP tour, IAHR is oblivious to all that I have said. If Government is, to quote Abraham Lincoln, "of, by and for the people", prison officials are functionaries of government and are not exempt from the"..... by and for the people" nature of government and the only dilemma [which IAHR in its "Report on visit to Red Onion" describes itself as facing] was when it was confronted with the inadequacy and immaturity of its understanding and perspective of what is the prison official in a modern American prison. Which was starkly exposed by IAHR's behavior, its interaction with ROSP officials prior to and during the March 30, 2017, tour within the fraudulent context that it is about prison officials and the gentility of their sensibilities.

IAHR doesn't see the prison officials as a functionary of government which then means it doesn't understand that the only interactive operative prison officials have with society is that of accountability, specifically treatment of the imprisoned and how it readies and prepares them for release in a practical manner and not self-serving sloganeering for budgetary opportunities.

Instead, IAHR's behavior on March 30th, 2017, revealed it has a fantasy, an idea, a supposition that prison officials are to be reasoned with, cajoled or implored. Which then upends the only relevant fact: Which as I've stated, prison officials are functionaries of government and are bound by law, procedures, and policies to which they must and can only be held accountable.

Had IAHR interacted with ROSP officials within accountability imperative and context it wouldn't have accepted Virginia Department of Corrections and ROSP's  pre-condition for the tour, that it shouldn't talk to prisoners, whom it claims its advocacy is for?  Maybe prison officials wouldn't have permitted the tour. But then IAHR could have challenged such a decision and the obvious lack of accountability by 1. Legal action to obtain access to ROSP and 2. Politicizing the issue of access to ROSP and if it took a ballot initiative to specify public access to prisons which are governmental function funded by tax payers, so be it.

Instead on March 30th, 2017, IAHR and advocates for prison reform walked right past cells holding prisoners at Red Onion State whose conditions and experiences are the self-claimed basis and motive-force for the advocacy. Once again IAHR and prison reform advocates toured Solitary Confinement building at ROSP, walking right past cells that held and hold prisoners who experience daily violations of the United States, Virginia Law, and Prison procedures and policies. But because of a pre-condition that only mocked and undercut the very reason for prison reform advocacy, IAHR rendered itself impotent.

By William Thorpe

William Thorpe is held in Solitary Confinement at Virginia's Red Onion State Prison.


shaheed omar said...

Inmate William Thorpe has written an excellent piece on the Tour Visit by the Organization Interfaith Action for Human Rights. When I first heard about the Organization I was really perturbed because they werent focused on the same issue or they didnt include the issue of Physical Brutality on Prioners. They rather focused on Solitary Confinement which was a secondary issue to Physical Brutality from my eyesight. I also wrote Ms. Gay Gardner a very undeserved letter. After being contacted by inmate Kelvin Khasi Canada who at the time was in Solitary Confinement and is himself a Prison Reform Activist, whom I was already corresponding with and also recieving a call from him, I begin to look at Solitary from a different perspective. I have also come to beleive that the Organization is fairly new and does not have much experience in dealing with the Correctional System. However they do have some heavy weights in their Organization , which made them be able to get the Tour. However I agree with Brother Thorpe that not being able to speak with an inmate would have not been agreed to by me if I had anything to do with setting up the Tour. It is real disrespecting to inmates to walk right by them and act as if they dont exist. It is a terrible mistake. Not only is it disrepectful the tour people can learn nothing able what they are observing by not talking too the Victims of this Terrible Prison Policy. At the very least the Organization owes the inmates a pubic Apology. They should also ask for another Tour and this time focus on Wallens Ridge. When I first became aware of their focus on Red Onion I advised them not to limit themselves to that facility because Wallens Ridge is just as bad as Red Onion and in some cases a lot worst! I also noted that they did not invite me to be part of their Committee that was scheduled to meet with some folks from the Department. There has been several organizations that have had that opportunity but none would ever invite me. I dont think they wanted to really deal with the nuts and bolts of the issues. The nuts and bolts are the perspectives of the inmates and I have those nuts and bolts on paper from inmates. I have been very diligent in making sure that the words of inmates get out to the public officials, just like VAPAC is doing. The only difference is that we on the VAPAC Committee are doing it on line while I send them letters of my own and the inmates letters. Denise has become very diligent in putting some of my letters that I have wriiten to officials on this site. That way the public can see just how I deal with them and exactly who I deal with. I just recently sent her a package of letters that I sent to all the celebities and other officials and important people in American Society that may be concerned about Prisons or should be. Brothewr William Thorpe has put together an excellent letter. There are several brothers that write very well and I have copies of some of their material that I will be submitting to Denise for her awareness and asking her to post on this site. The Public needs to know.

shaheed Omar said...

I also like to add that I hope that the organization ITFHR will let us know about whatever progress they have had or they are having dealing with the focus of Solitary and I hope they will seel the Commaradi of other people such as myself and other organizations . This will show some power when the Department becomes aware that many others in the State of Virginia are concerned about what they are doing with our peoples in these prison facilities. There are many more issues that must be talked about and I will be addressing them as time goes on. I have a letter sitting right in front of me talking about the weather condition in Solitary Confinement. This Brother name Shiva Bhairava at Wallens Ridge has sent me at least 5 letters detailed about how extremely cold it is in the cell where he is and intentionally so because officers are leaving certain doors open that blow the cold air in the Pod. He says it is brutal and inhuman what these officers are doing that allows these cells to be so cold. I will send it to Denise or get some one to show me how to post it just as it is written. And a few other letters about this weather. William Thorpe is luck he has not been transferred out of State. It has been my experience with brothers whom write as well as he does that they are transfered intentionally out of the state to keep their voice from being heard. I will show you what and whom I am talking about. You already know about one brother Kelvin Rashid Johnson. You even posted some material by him. There is also Kelvin Khaysi Canada. He writes very well and wrote some strong documents on Solitary and the Step Down Program and I sent it to some Politicians and he was sent right out of here. I spoke with him the other day and I beleive he caled me from Colorado. Might have been some where else but it wasnt Virginia!
Again I am publicly asking the Human Rights group to bring us up to date on whatever progress they have made, etc.

shaheed Omar said...

I also like to add that I hope that the organization ITFHR will let us know about whatever progress they have had or they are having dealing with the focus of Solitary and I hope they will seel the Commaradi of other people such as myself and other organizations . This will show some power when the Department becomes aware that many others in the State of Virginia are concerned about what they are doing with our peoples in these prison facilities. There are many more issues that must be talked about and I will be addressing them as time goes on. I have a letter sitting right in front of me talking about the weather condition in Solitary Confinement. This Brother name Shiva Bhairava at Wallens Ridge has sent me at least 5 letters detailed about how extremely cold it is in the cell where he is and intentionally so because officers are leaving certain doors open that blow the cold air in the Pod. He says it is brutal and inhuman what these officers are doing that allows these cells to be so cold. I will send it to Denise or get some one to show me how to post it just as it is written. And a few other letters about this weather. William Thorpe is luck he has not been transferred out of State. It has been my experience with brothers whom write as well as he does that they are transfered intentionally out of the state to keep their voice from being heard. I will show you what and whom I am talking about. You already know about one brother Kelvin Rashid Johnson. You even posted some material by him. There is also Kelvin Khaysi Canada. He writes very well and wrote some strong documents on Solitary and the Step Down Program and I sent it to some Politicians and he was sent right out of here. I spoke with him the other day and I beleive he caled me from Colorado. Might have been some where else but it wasnt Virginia!
Again I am publicly asking the Human Rights group to bring us up to date on whatever progress they have made, etc.