Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: ⚡News Flash⚡ Virginia Cut The Strings ~ Let Us Go By Chanell Burnette Who At This Time is Held In Fluvanna Women's Correctional Center

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

⚡News Flash⚡ Virginia Cut The Strings ~ Let Us Go By Chanell Burnette Who At This Time is Held In Fluvanna Women's Correctional Center

"When I caught my first felony conviction back in 1999, I received four years probation, and ten years good behavior.

What is the actual definition of good behavior? Am I on probation or not? Honestly, it seems like a trap to me. Another trap from the infamous penal system in the state of Virginia! A system designed to fail us at every opportunity provided.

Either I'm on probation or I'm not! Simple as that! There should be no in between. There is no in between when they pronounce our sentences!

So, If I am released from probation, why is it that they still have control over my life? That's the part of one of the ways the system is designed for our failure. We are forced to walk on eggshells after we've paid our debts to society, yet they still dictate our moves. How do they justify this?

In my experience with this "injustice" system, all they really want is your time and money, and sometimes it seems literally your blood! What more do they want from us? If we've given them all of that, why will they still not let us go? It's a catch twenty-two! In essence, they're saying, "you're free, but you're really not."

Personally, I'd rather not have to tip-toe through the rest of my days! We're not puppets! Newsflash Virginia cut the strings!

Chanelle is a frequent contributor to vapac, she enclosed a short note accompanying her writing: I hope my [post] open eyes of those oblivious to the way the system traps us. vicious cycle designed for failure! And then when we're placed in these facilities we're not only neglected but treated so horribly. Prison is designated for rehabilitation, not mistreatment, but they could care less about us.

Although I will be relieved to close this chapter of my life, it is the beginning of a new chapter! This experience has shaped me into who I am and provided many opportunities that I may not have received otherwise, such as the wonderful organizations like yours that allow me to do what I love! I will be forever grateful to you all!

Chanell Burnette

By Chanell Burnette
In collaboration with Anonymous vapac member

Chanell Burnette is currently a prisoner at Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women, she is a member of  Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee, Virginia Prisoner of Conscience as well as Coalition for Justice, She has expressed she is highly appreciative for any platform where "I am able to stand on and allow my voice to be heard, we all need an outlet to express ourselves from behind these walls"  we at "vapac" are giving her "her" platform, we thank Ms. Burnette for sharing her story and  for being the first Women's submission. Write to her and show your support.

Chanell Burnette #1188812
144 Prison Lane
Troy, VA 22974

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