Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: There Has To Be Mechanisms Behind Prison Walls By Phillip Daniel

Thursday, June 17, 2021

There Has To Be Mechanisms Behind Prison Walls By Phillip Daniel

There are many issues that we wrestle with in here. Self hatred, lack of conflict resolution skills, divisions, negative reinforcements from the administration, and ignorance are all part of the problems we have to overcome.
In order to become better men, productive men, full of unique contributions there has to be a mechanism behind these walls which builds us up instead of tearing us down.
Most of us are soon to be citizens. We will be charged with a responsibility and accountability that prison is not preparing us for. With a rising national violent crime rate and an overall moral decay permeating every facet of society, I am not encouraged. Prison reform has to be effective in not only keeping us safe but also in preparing us for reentry into society.
They have a re entry program in most VA prisons but its only for prisoners who are soon to be released. If you have ten years, fifteen years, etc you just do your time wherever you end up at.
You can voluntarily sign up for therapeutic programming but nothing mandatory. The way the system is set up you don't have to work or do anything constructive with your life for twenty years if you so choose.
Idle hands are the devils workshop. Because I'm in here and I see what's going on I know that the only way to change mindsets and work ethic is by mandating it.
The choice is either reprogramming criminal mindedness or releasing a more hardened, criminally educated, breed of gangsters into our neighborhoods and communities.

By Phillip Daniel

Phillip Daniel #1008019,
River North Correctional Center
329 Dell Brook Lane
Independence, Virginia 24348

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