Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: December 2021

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Harvspot: Let's Write Letters Urging Compassion For These Ag...

Harvspot: Let's Write Letters Urging Compassion For These Ag...: John Bennie Williams, 88, is legally blind. The late Desmond Tutu once said, "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have c...

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Prison Reform In Virginia and The Richmond Catholic Diocese Office Of Social Ministries By William Thorpe

On April 4th, 2019; The Catholic Virginian announced that the Virginian Catholic Diocese out of Richmond, Virginia was committing $10k to prison outreach out of its Office of Social Ministry. As a Virginia prisoner now exiled to a Texas Prison Solitary Confinement cell, I didn't applaud nor recognize the declaration then nor do I applaud it now, neither am I simplistically being critical of the Richmond Dioceses entrance into prison reform in Virginia.

What I however state is despite the enormous historical harm, destruction and violence the Catholic Church and its thought has wrought and unleashed on the human condition. It stands that redemption for both the church as an institution and prison and imprisonment as a social and political exercise is the willingness to side with the transparency of institutional accountability. Meaning the query of reform as a realized and mature fact.

The Commonwealth of Virginia recently abolished its use of the death penalty, a use that was racist and arbitrary. Nor was it's dismissal based on any truism save political will      because its reactionary Republican and hypocritical white-evangelical Christian supporters who saw its imposition and use as means to the end of attaining speculative political power haven't relinquished, surrendered nor abandoned its utility as a political weapon. To wit, Donald Trump, a defeated and trounced in his refection bid, Republican President who was obscenely supported across the board by white     Evangelical Christians and corporate and Conservative Catholics, deploying the death penalty and its killing of prisoners as a spectacle, a blood lust orgy, compromising whatever remnant of judgment his supporters had, during the last days of his presidency. A deed so savage in its presumptions and anticipations that were Roman Caesar's who perfected the use of blood lust orgies resurrected with all their pagan sensibilities we would see them recoiling from the cowardice of the killings     yet was there an uproar and Ecclesiastic condemnation from the Catholic Church.

The Church despite its historicity of contradictions stands as subject and object of accountability. So yes, the work of prison reform recognizes the role the Catholic Church can play, when it reconciles its hypocrisies and is true to its mission. Because doesn't society claim that the validation of what in practice is nothing less than crass suppositions has its font from the church and its thought?

The church has the authority to demand accountability and transparency of the institutionalization of justice and the work of prison reform ask for it.

I'm in solitary confinement at the J.D. Wainwright Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.


Saturday, December 11, 2021

The October 20, 2021 Moon, A Pregnant full Moon Aries Moon and A Wife's Kiss to Her Husband In Solitary Confinement By Stacey Thorpe


Stacey & Sporty

Sporty you should see the pregnant full Aries Moon tonight. Its exceptionally gorgeous. Its radiance is Amazing.

I think it's an Aries Moon...My Moon...I can't wait until we're under it's brilliance. I Hunger for you.

Baby you know what the moon does to folks. it puts fire under their feet in some, heat in the mouths of others and peak energy and culminating events in the many.

So whats going on there? I Love You Sweetheart. Baby I trust your main event is you heard from me, a letter and our jpay I sent yesterday has you full of me tonight and you're doing A Moondance instead of experiencing Moon Madness.


My name is Sporty [William Thorpe] and I'm in Solitary Confinement at the Wainwright Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice exiled from the Virginia Department of Corrections and I am sharing the above gem from my Wife Stacey And Yes Solitary Confinement is A Cruel and Unusual Punishment  Violative of the natural law and the 8th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, created by the Mood Madded.

By Stacey and William Thorpe

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Turning A Blind Eye To Prison Official Malfeasance In The Fourth Circuit

This past spring we at VAPAC called on the preeminent schools of law of universities within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in holding prison officials within the circuit accountable

Despite the fact that we welcome the University of Virginia's response we state that it is inadequate in its scope, formulations, and grasp of this present stage of the justice system and it's exposed contradictions. Without going all into a comprehensive scrutiny of UVA's anticipation we can't help but notice glaring omissions       Where are the prisoner, where are the prisoner families, where are the victims of alleged crimes of the prisoner, and their experiential perspective which is germane to justice reform and accountability?

Prison and the imprisonment is that reality of the social - contract laid naked as a specific set of contradictions on a reactionary bed of suppositions and to speak of evidence-based data undermines any intent of holding the state via the prison official accountable.

Prison official's malfeasance does not exist in itself, it has a for itself mechanics of preying on the prisoner. It has a locus that corruption dynamic of the prison official operating above the law, reanimating all that is regressive in human relations, the same regressive human activity that on one level creates the prisoner.

We at VAPAC stand against and oppose that idealistic narrative. That wink and a nod apology for extrajudicial viz unlawful behavior of the prison official that the sadism and barbarity of the behavior is beyond reproach and not pathologically deviant.

What we do understand is prison official malfeasance exists because society and in particular institutions of schools of law have turned a blind eye to it.
  • University of Virginia School of Law
  • University of North Carolina School of Law
  • University of South Carolina School of Law
  • West Virginia University College of Law
  • College of William and Mary School of Law
  • Clemson University School of Law
  • Duke University School of Law