Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: VAPAC Applauds Pastor Harvey Yoder, Ms. Kathleen Temple and Ms. Molly Gill of FAMM

Friday, March 18, 2022

VAPAC Applauds Pastor Harvey Yoder, Ms. Kathleen Temple and Ms. Molly Gill of FAMM

Law and Order is essentially the state of control. Prison and the condition of imprisonment are its mechanism. The work and its advocacy of qualifying the focus of law and order and the reform of the imprisonment condition is simply that of to what extent are we practical about our social contract, meaning how honest are we in understanding the social contract and accepting its realities.

Towards reforming the imprisonment condition we have to engage each other with understanding the social contract and accepting its realities. As such we must discuss our experiences, observations without idealistic suppositions.

VAPAC as mechanism demanding accountability and transparency of the imprisonment condition is established and structured to do exactly that. Consequently when we encounter the labors of our fellow social members also demanding accountability of the social contract. We at VAPAC will recognize, applaud and appreciate their efforts.

Recently, Pastor Harvey Yoder, Ms. Kathleen Temple, and Ms. Molly Gill of FAMM each engaged us with op-eds encouraging us to resist the existing colloquial suppositions and its narrative of Virginia's imprisonment condition. In other words, they asked that we think on the practicality of keeping imprisoned persons whom it made no sense to keep interned. They explained to us that the imprisonment condition isn't a cost-benefit analysis and as such, it requires a scrutiny which is the embodying operative of our social contract. Their work expects we reject the malfeasant notion that the prison official is beyond reproach and it instructs that as citizens of the commonwealth we have to hold law and order accountable.

In conclusion, we need more of the efforts of Pastor Yoder, Ms. Temple, and Ms. Gill not less


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