Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: The Second Sundays In November Are Being Established As Virginia Day On Solitary Confinement

Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Second Sundays In November Are Being Established As Virginia Day On Solitary Confinement

The  U.S. Supreme Court as early as 1890 concluded in the case in Re Medley that solitary confinement made prisoners "violently insane," "suicidal" and it was an "infamous punishment." Since 1890 through 2022 a slew of Federal courts have reached similar conclusions.

Nonetheless, the executive and bureaucratic minds and hearts of the Virginia Department of Corrections claim by their insistence on continuing it's use that they are wiser smarter than everyone else, even the nations of the world who by the United Nations have criticized its use and worked to abolish its long term use.

By establishing a Virginia Day on Solitary Confinement, we state, the Virginia Department of Corrections isn't a paragon of any exclusive insight. If it is still doing something hearts and minds in 1890 concluded were ahumanistic and "infamous." Secondly it claims it is working for us the taxpayers, we the people, doing what advances public safety      We the people disagree and say no to infamy done in our name.

We Establish Virginia Day on Solitary Confinement

The second Sunday in November will represent a speaking out in whatever manner available in accord with ones ability against solitary confinement. If its tweets,  posts on the various social media platforms, t-shirts, signs, videos, radio call-ins, and discussions     That clearly state to our politicians that abusing and driving prisoners insane in our name, we the people isn't what we vote for.

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