Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: Chadwick Dotson, Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections, Response To Prison Substance Abuse Violates Treatment Of Mental Illness By William Thorpe

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Chadwick Dotson, Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections, Response To Prison Substance Abuse Violates Treatment Of Mental Illness By William Thorpe

The Virginia Department Of Corrections under the leadership of Chadwick Dotson an ex Judge from Southwest Virginia, a region that's described as the Nations Meth Capital, meaning its population inordinately abuses controlled substances is punitively denying phone access and family visits to its prisoner population extra- judicially, under the rubric of controlling substance abuse. Okay the Commonwealth of Virginia has over a hundred years to date exercised its organized violence perogatives by having an imprisonment scheme and we can state as fact that a percentage of its prisoners have subsequently abused accessible intoxicants. The Virginia Department of Corrections as a department under the executive function of Office of Governor has naturally had penalties for rule violations by prisoners it holds and detains and denial of family visits and phone access for a specified period have always been used. But this heightened and extreme punishment, being implemented by Chadwick Dotson as Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections, the denial of all visits and phone access because of a human behavior, substance abuse, that is accepted by all health and mental health authorities as a type of mental illness. Is another reminder that Virginia sees its prisoners as sub-human.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright. Unit

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