Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: July 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024


How many Virginians are aware that your Republican politicians spend your hard earned tax dollars on brutalizing the Virginia prisoner, torturing the Virginia prisoner and deliberately driving the Virginia prisoner insane, then releasing the comprehensively dehumanized prisoner into society, to which the likes of our vain glory Attorney General of The Commonwealth of Virginia Jason Miyares and our opportunistic Governor Glenn Youngkin can claim is what public safety looks like. First of all "justice" has never been found or satisfied in dehumanizing a Human. How many people has the Commonwealth of Virginia killed, we are not even talking about mistreating, but simply killed in the name of the people of Virginia? Is there anyone among Virginia that dare reach an approximate determination? When as individuals acting under our own volition engage in and commit acts devoid of and without whatever ethic is accepted as the collective morality of society, it is rightly criminal and no one is pro and conning that. The issue is causality as organic basis of the human condition is an objective fact as clear as what it means to not know. Virginia's formulation of its justice infrastructure and imprisonment scheme is simply that, a formulation upon theories that historically, along with this contemporary society hasn't been interrogated as the supposition and idea of justice that it claims as right demands and requires, to which the blame lies squarely with Virginia's media as indicative of its failings. Institutions in a society are affirmative stipulations of what is accepted as positive establishments for its development. So for example let's contrast Nomadism with Settlements. Nomadism is at odds or counterproductive to the development of Virginia society and its Settlements imperative. This doesn't mean that Nomadism its value and culture is wrong or antithetic to the human condition, it isn't, but for the specific imperatives of Virginia society, Nomadism has no place in it. Now this is an objective fact of Virginia society that must be understood. Means of such understanding varies. Conventional wisdom anticipates that Virginia's educational system conveys this and all the other necessities for practical function and productivity in Virginia society. Now as I've stated, convention assumes such basic facts are disseminated throughout The Commonwealth to which we encounter the indispensable function of media as its mature realization. In other words Media is the medium by which theoretically we should have information equality, socially functional information, for the simple fact as a society we are not equally educated, which isn't criticism, nor do we have equal rate of cognition. But what media does and provides is equality. Meaning we can comprehend stuff at our own individual pace without the pressures of our school years. So when media begins to compromise this fundamental function and provision of service, by either neglect or premeditated distortion which is exactly what I claim with this work and indict Virginia media over and I can easily defend the critique that, despite this potential it hasn't ever lived up to it. Virginia media does society as a whole harm when for the short sightedness of maintaining reactionary views in service of delusions that inexorably and inevitably will encounter resolution, see facts of such resolutions on City of Richmond's Monument Avenue it negates itself, its function by failing to provide and present us with facts.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Law and Politics are one and the same both serve the same ends. Politics as expression of organized society determines, law and law in turn validates or legitimizes politics. Criminal Justice, Prison and Imprisonment and its "organized violence" mechanism are the quintessential function of politics and law and both as expression of "society" exist simply, solely, specifically and particularly on the collective agreement of the people. So in Virginia, Virginians have collectively agreed to firstly, a state constitution and secondly laws that will establish a set of understandable realities. Accordingly every single office holder or repository of authority irrespective of whether public or private in Virginia is determined and defined by the collective agreement and acceptance of the people. Law defines all, even its violation which simply affirms its existence. Now I've went all this elementary stuff not because Virginia needs any remedial anything but, what I'm showing is the elemental and fundamental nature of how what has been collectively agreed upon by Virginians has been thoroughly corrupted and violated. Now just as in countless courtrooms across The Commonwealth Judges, juries, prosecutors, media and the indifferent population cares less what a drug dealer or armed robber's reasons are or for that matter the average accused of property and financial crimes. Regardless that space for mitigative posit exist, it isn't an affirmative-practical state of the due proceedings. We also in highlighting the obstructive and reactionary behavior of Attorney General Jason Miyares and corporate media, care less why the collective agreement and understanding of Virginians are violated. What we do know and state is the violation exist. What we also do know are the perpetrators and enablers. Now in the absence of understanding and the relative collective agreement what replaces it by default is might and force. Law, anticipating this about itself that force and might are a default, has a mechanism, Habeas Corpus, to correct or hold itself to account which we find enumerated or asserted in Article I, section 9 of The U.S. Constitution, theoretically providing process, challenging the detention which as I've stated is the distillation of governmental function. Yet Republicans along with the complicity of former President Bill Clinton, hated its process so much that its been leashed so tightly that for all practical purposes it isn't accessible, which again was a political gambit by both Republicans and a caving Democratic President Bill Clinton serving whatever cutting off the nose to spite the face short sighted interest both were pursuing. Since Virginia Republicans assumed political power, in 2022 specifically in the governorship and attorney general's office, respectively Glenn Youngkin and Jason Miyares their focus has been on rolling back the limited criminal justice and prison reforms done by Democrats according to the wishes of Virginians who voted for Democrats and by any measure and metric the entire Virginia prison infrastructure is waiting on and needs comprehensive and thorough reform.

I have been making this point in other works, that Attorney General Jason Miyares and Governor Glenn Youngkin, neither have any footing or standing to lecture us about "public safety"considering their pathological affection for and support of the Nations most wretched criminal, the 34 felony count convicted and sex assault adjudged former President Donald Trump, at the expense of the same rule of law they expect its adherence to by the people of Virginia.Their support for Trump even as they, Messers Miyares and Youngkin stridently oppose any practical reform of Virginia's justice and prison infrastructure, underscores and emphasizes the compromises saddled on and borne by Virginia coupled with the egregious and unapologetic violation of that understanding and agreement to accept law as foundational lattice by the people of Virginia.It's simple, Virginia under the political administration of Republicans Governor Glenn Youngkin and his Attorney General Jason Miyares, is a crass dictatorship, a comedy that isn't funny, an experiment in backwardness that indulges blissfull oblivion to why it was backwards.The only thing that transforms a people into a society is law and its equality, that no matter what, no one is above it, and we see it's applicative effort, with for example, despite the fact The Commonwealth of Virginia is a sovereign onto itself, still, it provides a means, a mechanism for the people to bring suit for repair and harm done by the Commonwealth through its public officials and civil servants and the understanding and acceptance that the leadership are guided by progressive judgement. For the insidious, who will labor mightily decrying my use of "progressive", I have this to say, even in death there is progress, remember decay is a progression. Progress or progressivism in politics is the only truism in our human condition determined by political-economy. What Attorney General Jason Miyares has brazenly revealed is what we as its subjects have forever understood that is, law and order in Virginia as across the Nation has a specific role that has nothing to do with law and order or public safety or justice, as its sold and supposed to be understood, in other words if the manner by which a Virginian or broadly an American is subjected to the organized violence of Virginia or and the National criminal justice infrastructure is by socio-maladaptive behavior, we'd see society vigorously tackling those causal determinants, but we don't, instead what we've historically experienced is mockery, chiding, scolding and dismissiveness of the truism that deviance has social causality. This work isn't focused on sand blasting or grinding away at the coat upon coat of all of that historical antagonism, willfully and deliberately applied as perfidious syllogism, opportunistic winks and nods, formulations, designed to do nothing less than fulfill that adage, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". What we do know is this, Attorney General Jason Miyares hypocrisies and his idealistic obstruction to reform of The Virginia Department of Corrections are allowed because Virginia's media enables it by their feckless coverage and misplaced deference to Jason Miyares as person instead of the Office itself. As The People we cannot allow for profit media or Virginia's corporate media to undermine our motive force. What Virginia families need is their voice. There is need for the creation of metropolitan newspapers for the urban, suburban and immediate rural areas, able to speak its views, for itself.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982.

Friday, July 19, 2024


Even dictatorships' are based on law because their existence is in its violation. I say this to state the obvious, which is, depending on our understanding, Law is either imposed on us or we accept its formulation, based on the anticipation that it is applied upon the accountability imperative, that no one is above it. The Office of The Attorney General of Virginia as idealistic embodiment of it, as currently filled by Jason Miyares is statutorily tasked to represent the State. It's performance consequently encompasses a lot of factors, the operative being on "factors " and factors are interrelational and dialectical. I titled this work, THE VIRGINIA POLITY IS NOT ONLY DOING ATTORNEY GENERAL JASON MIYARES A DISSERVICE, BUT ALSO ITSELF. My formulation of "disservice", is a determination of it as a dialectic, because within it, first of all, is that which is unstated, which is LAW. The disservice then is a set of relations that is allowed to exist, by The People of Virginia or as I stated in the title, The Polity. What I'm saying is, despite the fact that The Office or position of the Attorney General is a creation of Law in its various levels and how either individually or as a polity or group we understand our relationship with and to Law, the fact is its existence is because of us, it exist because of us and as law is revealed in its other quality or level as Government, which we understand as being," OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE ".As such we are simultaneously its subjects and objects and we harm ourselves or do ourselves a disservice when for whatever reason we compromise the requisite equilibrium necessary for a healthy polity or more aptly a just one. The disservice, then is when we allow, the opportunity and circumstance of some people being above the law. Not only are we doing a disservice to them, because we are actively enabling their corruption and the permissiveness of their inevitable depravity, as defined by the adage, 'power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely' but what we are really doing is destroying ourselves and it's into this steps our Attorney General Jason Miyares. We haven't got to that place where A I (artificial intelligence) handles the symbiotic nuanced practicality of subject and object, and it's accountability so we are still subject to the judgement of humans as attorney general Jason Miyares. Jason Miyares, as Virginia's attorney general has revealed himself to be unseemingly idealistic in his critique of " public safety".What I mean by idealistic, is,the one dimensional superficiality of what he considers as a priority of public safety. Now Jason Miyares isn't the only one who has had a one dimensional view of public safety, but for purposes of this work his view is the focus. The people of Virginia declared their intention and desire to reform Virginia's penal code as it applies to incentivizing prisoner behavior during the imprisonment, thereby aiding The Virginia Department of Corrections supposed rehabilitative mission, by voting for Democrats, who consequently fulfilled the voters' wishes by expanding the EARNED SENTENCE CREDIT program, which allowed prisoners to earn sentence reduction or reduction of the prison sentence upon certain factors. But when Republicans, specifically Glenn Youngkin and Jason Miyares became Governor and Attorney General respectively, they plotted and schemed to repeal the EARNED SENTENCE CREDIT Law, when they couldn't they manipulated a budgetary maneuver to thwart the will of Virginia voters

Nonetheless, the EARNED SENTENCE CREDIT Law withstood the assault from Jason Miyares and Glenn Youngkin and over the past few weeks is now law. What prompted this work isn't just the fact that Jason Miyares was once again making those same old same old sleight of hand pronouncements on public safety that have been obscenely and thoroughly exploited as the historical bread and butter cudgel mechanism of Republicans in their perpetual quest for speculative political power to always do two things, cut taxes for their monied bosses and eliminate any and all regulations restraining and controlling environmental exploitation and pollution by all its myriad actors. But the fact that a Virginia attorney general, Jason Miyares can say out of one side of his mouth that his opposition to the earned sentence credit program is because it will allow the release of "violent offenders", but from the other side, along with the Governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, endorse and vouch for the Nation's most notorious criminal, the sex adjudged rapist and 34 felony count convicted criminal, former president of the United States, Donald Trump is, to put it simply, high time the people of Virginia, not simply reject this anachronistic mind set but call it to account. Because for example, what are the countless sexually assaulted Virginians who haven't received any adjudicative process to think when what they see and experience is their attorney general who at least is supposed to represent and be an aspirational paragon of process of justice, providing a sense of hope that their assailants would be brought to " justice" celebrating, a sexual assaulter, Donald Trump? Or what are the property owner, business owner who has been victimized by the crime of fraud to again say and think when they observe their attorney general of The Commonwealth of Virginia supporting an individual, Donald Trump who has been convicted by a sister State, New York of fraud? Yet this same attorney general can strenuously argue that his de facto opposition to prison reform is because of "public safety"?.However the fact of the matter is, the Virginia polity has to question then provide itself relative answers, because this age old one dimensional scape goating and exploitation of "public safety "only conceals those antagonisms predicating the usual unimaginative impunity, that is the perpetual recourse of Virginias organized violence." Violent "crime despite its destructiveness on the individual and the immediate circle, isn't the social destroyer, the public safety critique exploits. What threatens society, consequently impacting the true state of public safety is when the people, the polity loses faith in the quintessential process and basic foundation of society and that is what attorney general Jason Miyares has been doing. Dismissing the very humanity of the Virginia prisoner with the supposed to be criticism of those Democratic legislators who effectuated the passage of the EARNED SENTENCE CREDIT program by saying as the attorney general is quoted as that "Good intentions do not equal good results" only reveals the sorts of moral crags our attorney general Jason Miyares has to ascend. Because if the question is what does a society do with perpetrators of unspeakable crimes, the response then requires, firstly that the Jason Miyares of the world have to shed their euphemistic use of "public safety" and its "law and order" sibling for something they're incapable of being straightforward about and acknowledge that whatever it is, we already smell it and the only reason and I emphasize, the only reason they get away with it, is because organized media, by their silence permit its insidiousness.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982.

Monday, July 8, 2024


Virginians living in Chesapeake, on June 28/2024, woke up to the nuisance and assault of a cavorting of braying voices in a bacchanalian celebratory fest, that the rule of law is a delusion and justice is a petty opportunistic contrivance, because there was their "esteemed" Governor, Glenn Youngkin, maniacally and vociferously, on stage, being a petty hype man (no disrespect to Flavor Flav) for one of the Nations most notorious criminals, the sex assault adjudged, 34 felony count convicted former President of The United States Donald "orange Jumpsuit, #olelabrateyes" Trump, defending him. Now, the corruption of crime isn't a novelty to Virginians living in Chesapeake. The rule of law, the justice infrastructure has processed its fill of Virginians from its midst, while victims of all the myriad expressions of crime within it's Virginia definitions of The Social Contract anticipate "justice". So experiencing the spectacle of Governor Youngkin in Chesapeake, on stage vouching for a felon, not only was perplexing to say the least but profoundly disturbing on the level of The Governor's, judgement as function of his mental health. Because this is the same Governor who by vetoing the electorates efforts at qualitatively reforming the barbarous practices and philosophy of The Virginia Department of Corrections, lectured us with "his" judgement, that allowing and permitting the Virginia prison official to violate law and be above the law was in the best interest of The Commonwealth and The pursuit of justice. Those of us who due to the proximity and intimacy of the issue of reforming The Virginia Department of Corrections and the subsequent push to hold the Virginia prison official accountable, which Governor Glenn Youngkin dictatorially vetoed. Understood the corrupted basis and nature of the Governor's "judgement". But it would take something much more craven and brazen for the 'caught up in the daily machinations of existing and living in The Social Contract, Virginian' to notice that their " honorable and esteemed "Governor, is nothing more than another tired 'dictator', plying that well played out and worn antebellum "law and order" gambit, which when pulled out from under its historical rock, is exposed as, impunity, and on June 28/2024 at Chesapeake, Virginia, Governor Glenn Youngkin, did it and he revealed and exposed himself for not only all of Virginia to see but in the words of and to quote The Great Schizophrenic In Chief, Thomas Jefferson in The Declaration of Independence, "let facts be submitted to a candid world" (July 4, 1776 unquote), for all of the world to see and for all of forever and eternal history to witness, that a Governor of The Commonwealth of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin discredited the rule of law and profaned and undermined the always tenuous "faith" held by the human condition in justice, by cavorting with a disgraced, by a 34 felony count convicted former American President, Donald Trump. In the cages of Virginia's prison system are Men, Women and children, whose adjudicative process are nothing less than travesties. In Virginia society are victims of crime who have received no process on their experiences and Governor Youngkin, is accountable to both groups. So if what we see, what we experience is our Governor telling us that there are two sets of laws, one for a majority unprivileged and the other for all law breaking reactionaries of all stripes the only conclusion we have to reach is, 'rule is by might'.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit