Friday, July 19, 2024


Even dictatorships' are based on law because their existence is in its violation. I say this to state the obvious, which is, depending on our understanding, Law is either imposed on us or we accept its formulation, based on the anticipation that it is applied upon the accountability imperative, that no one is above it. The Office of The Attorney General of Virginia as idealistic embodiment of it, as currently filled by Jason Miyares is statutorily tasked to represent the State. It's performance consequently encompasses a lot of factors, the operative being on "factors " and factors are interrelational and dialectical. I titled this work, THE VIRGINIA POLITY IS NOT ONLY DOING ATTORNEY GENERAL JASON MIYARES A DISSERVICE, BUT ALSO ITSELF. My formulation of "disservice", is a determination of it as a dialectic, because within it, first of all, is that which is unstated, which is LAW. The disservice then is a set of relations that is allowed to exist, by The People of Virginia or as I stated in the title, The Polity. What I'm saying is, despite the fact that The Office or position of the Attorney General is a creation of Law in its various levels and how either individually or as a polity or group we understand our relationship with and to Law, the fact is its existence is because of us, it exist because of us and as law is revealed in its other quality or level as Government, which we understand as being," OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE ".As such we are simultaneously its subjects and objects and we harm ourselves or do ourselves a disservice when for whatever reason we compromise the requisite equilibrium necessary for a healthy polity or more aptly a just one. The disservice, then is when we allow, the opportunity and circumstance of some people being above the law. Not only are we doing a disservice to them, because we are actively enabling their corruption and the permissiveness of their inevitable depravity, as defined by the adage, 'power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely' but what we are really doing is destroying ourselves and it's into this steps our Attorney General Jason Miyares. We haven't got to that place where A I (artificial intelligence) handles the symbiotic nuanced practicality of subject and object, and it's accountability so we are still subject to the judgement of humans as attorney general Jason Miyares. Jason Miyares, as Virginia's attorney general has revealed himself to be unseemingly idealistic in his critique of " public safety".What I mean by idealistic, is,the one dimensional superficiality of what he considers as a priority of public safety. Now Jason Miyares isn't the only one who has had a one dimensional view of public safety, but for purposes of this work his view is the focus. The people of Virginia declared their intention and desire to reform Virginia's penal code as it applies to incentivizing prisoner behavior during the imprisonment, thereby aiding The Virginia Department of Corrections supposed rehabilitative mission, by voting for Democrats, who consequently fulfilled the voters' wishes by expanding the EARNED SENTENCE CREDIT program, which allowed prisoners to earn sentence reduction or reduction of the prison sentence upon certain factors. But when Republicans, specifically Glenn Youngkin and Jason Miyares became Governor and Attorney General respectively, they plotted and schemed to repeal the EARNED SENTENCE CREDIT Law, when they couldn't they manipulated a budgetary maneuver to thwart the will of Virginia voters

Nonetheless, the EARNED SENTENCE CREDIT Law withstood the assault from Jason Miyares and Glenn Youngkin and over the past few weeks is now law. What prompted this work isn't just the fact that Jason Miyares was once again making those same old same old sleight of hand pronouncements on public safety that have been obscenely and thoroughly exploited as the historical bread and butter cudgel mechanism of Republicans in their perpetual quest for speculative political power to always do two things, cut taxes for their monied bosses and eliminate any and all regulations restraining and controlling environmental exploitation and pollution by all its myriad actors. But the fact that a Virginia attorney general, Jason Miyares can say out of one side of his mouth that his opposition to the earned sentence credit program is because it will allow the release of "violent offenders", but from the other side, along with the Governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, endorse and vouch for the Nation's most notorious criminal, the sex adjudged rapist and 34 felony count convicted criminal, former president of the United States, Donald Trump is, to put it simply, high time the people of Virginia, not simply reject this anachronistic mind set but call it to account. Because for example, what are the countless sexually assaulted Virginians who haven't received any adjudicative process to think when what they see and experience is their attorney general who at least is supposed to represent and be an aspirational paragon of process of justice, providing a sense of hope that their assailants would be brought to " justice" celebrating, a sexual assaulter, Donald Trump? Or what are the property owner, business owner who has been victimized by the crime of fraud to again say and think when they observe their attorney general of The Commonwealth of Virginia supporting an individual, Donald Trump who has been convicted by a sister State, New York of fraud? Yet this same attorney general can strenuously argue that his de facto opposition to prison reform is because of "public safety"?.However the fact of the matter is, the Virginia polity has to question then provide itself relative answers, because this age old one dimensional scape goating and exploitation of "public safety "only conceals those antagonisms predicating the usual unimaginative impunity, that is the perpetual recourse of Virginias organized violence." Violent "crime despite its destructiveness on the individual and the immediate circle, isn't the social destroyer, the public safety critique exploits. What threatens society, consequently impacting the true state of public safety is when the people, the polity loses faith in the quintessential process and basic foundation of society and that is what attorney general Jason Miyares has been doing. Dismissing the very humanity of the Virginia prisoner with the supposed to be criticism of those Democratic legislators who effectuated the passage of the EARNED SENTENCE CREDIT program by saying as the attorney general is quoted as that "Good intentions do not equal good results" only reveals the sorts of moral crags our attorney general Jason Miyares has to ascend. Because if the question is what does a society do with perpetrators of unspeakable crimes, the response then requires, firstly that the Jason Miyares of the world have to shed their euphemistic use of "public safety" and its "law and order" sibling for something they're incapable of being straightforward about and acknowledge that whatever it is, we already smell it and the only reason and I emphasize, the only reason they get away with it, is because organized media, by their silence permit its insidiousness.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982.

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