*Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only"
First of all, let me state this, let me say it again yes Director Chadwick Dotson and his colleague employees are professionally corrupt, but their corruption doesn't exist independent of The People of Virginia. Yes the average Virginian is ignorant of what is done by its government in their name, which The Virginia Department Of Corrections is. Nonetheless, Virginia as collective is culpable. The dust hasn't settled over the unfathomable and unconscionable recent incidents of Virginia prisoners pursuing self-immolation as speech, despite the fact that, those usual enabling suspects have been double-timing their efforts at sweeping it under that tired and worn rug of "irreproach" of Chadwick Dotson and co. So once again we have experienced Virginia's mainstream and for profit corporate media continuing it's "fifth column" work by pushing the adversarial or anti-The People partisan labor of being a status quo petty functionary and Virginia Department of Corrections Shill. Of course this description of Virginia's media, is accurate and apt, its more than enough that those executives, reporters, commentators and opinion-columnist running The Commonwealth's media are seldom called to account for what and in whose interest is for example, parroting the obscene and clearly insane explanatory defense offered by the hapless and clearly in over his head Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections, Chadwick Dotson, that prisoners under his supervision and care where not engaging in the desperate speech of self-immolation, because they only managed to set their legs on fire?.I mean a type of demographic of Virginian have been regularly and systemically eviscerated by those same well fed and shiny faced corporate media executives for attitudes and less behavior than Director Dotsons'.Yet when Chadwick Dotson does it, presents a logic so spurious that neither God and the devil would dare with a straight face embrace, our media, true to their petty functionary fifth columnism not only are pathetically silent, but craven in challenging its malfeasant and insidious brazenness. Let me for the whatever time say this, our critique and polemic against Chadwick Dotson and Co. Isn't adverse to and against the requisite accountability expected of "We The People", as dynamic of The Social Contract in other words, we accept and understand the "responsibility" factor of our human condition. What we oppose is that mockery of "equal under law "and its "above law "practice engaged in and weaponized by status quo hypocrisy and enabled by the craven media. Facts are facts independent and regardless of circumstance. So despite the expenditure of treasure and labor in pursuing what the mythical Chinese writer of two thousand years ago, either the 4th or 6th B.C, LAO-TZE in his seminal work, THE TAO TEH KING or THE TAO AND IT'S CHARACTERISTICS, told us or rather instructed at part one, pp 8 (2) THEREFORE THE SAGE, IN THE EXERCISE OF HIS GOVERNMENT EMPTIES THEIR MINDS, FILLS THEIR BELLIES, WEAKENS THEIR WILL AND STRENGTHEN THEIR BONES (continues at) (3) HE CONSTANTLY (TRIES TO) KEEP THEM WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE AND WITHOUT DESIRE, AND WHERE THERE ARE THOSE WHO HAVE KNOWLEDGE TO KEEP THEM FROM PRESUMING TO ACT (ON IT) WHEN THERE IS THIS ABSTINENCE FROM ACTION, GOOD ORDER IS UNIVERSAL (then it continues at )part two (65.1) THE ANCIENTS WHO SHOWED THEIR SKILL IN PRACTISING THE TAO DID SO, NOT TO ENLIGHTEN THE PEOPLE, BUT RATHER TO MAKE THEM SIMPLE AND IGNORANT.(continues at) (2) THE DIFFICULTY IN GOVERNING THE PEOPLE ARISES FROM THEIR HAVING MUCH KNOWLEDGE..... and folks what I've just excerpted from a 2000 year old book is exactly the state of affairs in Governor Glenn Youngkin's Virginia, where the media is actively complicit in keeping us the people ignorant and simple minded to the savagery and barbarity of The Virginia Prison System as governed and administered by the Chadwick Dotson and Co. Regime.
We shouldn't simply accept the Public Safety invocation by Director Chadwick Dotson and Co. as some sort of shibboleth carte Blanche, a get out of jail absolution, excusing away Virginia Department Of Corrections practices that are unconditionally backwards, reactionary, idealistic, gratuitously violent and dehumanizing, once again under the arbitrary rubric of "public safety". Look folks this illustrates and outlines the work of reforming Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and the Prison system. The practice of any governing and political authority declaring designation of activity under its specific and particular self-interest isn't novel, for instance what was the declared designation of the means of the ascribed "terror" of The French Revolution? It was THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY and The French administration of it's organized revolutionary violence under the banner and bureaucracy of "public safety" wasn't and as The Commonwealth of Virginia is reminding us via its arbitrary and speculative invocation by Chadwick Dotson and Co. isn't and won't be the last in our human condition, that it is used at the expense of and the "faith" in the variegated terms and acceptance of Social Contract or "equality under law". The rule is when government, is confronted with, which The Virginia Department of Corrections is, that inevitable corruption inherent and intrinsic to its philosophical supposititious and speculations, by its above the law and extra-judicial behavior as currently evidenced by and presented in stark relief by all the pretzel bending and shape shifting mockery of its own premises, it resorts to that most lawless and undemocratic of reactions, the usurpation and appropriation of word utility. So naturally and consequently we see and have Chadwick Dotson and Co. deploying and maximally exploiting it as defense to the savagery and barbarity of their actions. I'm quite sure and certain that none of our political leaders and legislators dare claim omniscience, neither does the Virginia citizenry and whether or not the psychosis of supremacism and megalomania lurks under the rocky havens of our holdover compatriots is besides the point and irrelevant, the facts are laws as parameters and definitions of The Social Contract are constantly being changed, repealed and revised which are proof of our fallibility, hell even the Biblical God expressed fallibility through revision as second guessing of what was done. I make this point to convey that we are on solid ground and footing in our challenge of the appropriated utility of "public safety" as exploited by Virginia prison officials in their efforts at compromising accountability and the requisite transparency for the application of "faith" in the rule of law and its process. Now the responsibility of the Virginia citizenry, The People is to sharpen focus and attention on all that is being done in their name by The Virginia Department Of Corrections because if prisoners under the supervision and care of Chadwick Dotson and Co. have to resort to the desperate speech of self-immolation, as we recently have experienced, to which Chadwick Dotson and Co. dismissed, under their corruption of the, what is Public Safety utility, The People have only one question, whose?.
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982
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