Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: Prison Is Speech By The State and It's Organized Violence By William Thorpe

Monday, June 1, 2020

Prison Is Speech By The State and It's Organized Violence By William Thorpe

The colloquialism "The only thing prison provides is time and what the prisoner does with the time is solely his choice."

On the surface and superficially it sounds commonsensical making all the sense in the world because it fits the narrative of the national status quo and its pursuit of a supposed responsibility and its individual accountability. But upon scrutiny, we find it is just another gibberish and idealistic utterance in the employ of the controlling functions of the state and its national status quo. And why should we simply stop with prison being the only environment requiring the accountability of individual responsibility        Lets expand it to general life, beginning with the argument point from our political and religious reactionary brethren, the life begins at conception demagoguery and let's hold that construct of life responsible and accountable for itself independent of the mother and humor at its collapse in the objectivity of its anticipation. Which by the way as much as our reactionary brethren push for life at conception, the fact it is still based on the responsibility and accountability of the mother as an independent anticipation, in no uncertain terms mocks the responsibility and accountability supposition.

And it makes the same point, that as much as the controlling mechanism of the status quo expects a self-policing imperative with our buy into a superficial and speculative grasp of individual responsibility and accountability. The fact remains, prison provides more than time. Prison is speech by the state and it's organized violence. Prison as function of the state assumes responsibility and accountability for and of the imprisoned in dicta to provide.

Thus the responsibility and accountability of the state to the prisoner as it exercises it's organized violence speech of imprisonment should not be excused nor apologized away with the naive and delusional observation that the prisoner in and for theirself should have the presence of mind and ambition to experience the passage of the imprisonment time in a supposed manner when the very lack or bias of the supposed is what resulted the prisoners confinement to begin with.

The adage "the devil is in the details" isn't sophistry and society and its inherent relations cannot escape its scrutiny and consequences of those relations will compel such scrutiny regardless of whether we are intellectually-material enough or still indulging in the intellectual-liberalism of our subjectivity. Because even the sun bows down to reason as the practice of our brethren in 1789 reminded us and again we were taught from 1818-1828 that colloquial traditions and culture are just that mechanisms of the supposed, to be brushed aside as feeble articles of backwardness while new realizations in the employ of progress enable the emergence of a new culture and tradition which in the prison context is reform and holding state and it's organized violence responsible and accountable.

By William Thorpe

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