Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: Attacking The U.S. Postal Service Is A Violation of The U.S. Constitution and Why It Is A Criminal Justice Reform Issue By William Thorpe

Monday, May 18, 2020

Attacking The U.S. Postal Service Is A Violation of The U.S. Constitution and Why It Is A Criminal Justice Reform Issue By William Thorpe

Trump vs USPS published April 21, 2020 by J.D. Crowe
"The Constitution of the United States of America
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establishing justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America 
Article 1 Section 8
The Congress shall have power........To establish Post Offices and post roads"
So why has the Republican Party, it's Evangelical lackey and Conservatives been hell-bent on violating Article 1 section 8 of the Constitution and it's establishment of Post Office's provision by destroying the Postal Service, despite claiming to be staunch defenders of the Constitution?

So here we are in 2020 with another Republican President Donal Trump with his party lemmings, Evangelical lackey and confusion of Conservatives Depriving the Postal system of $10 billion it needs to function..

Secondly to support the U.S. Postal Service is to stand with Criminal Justice Reform because if it is in a state's penological interest that prisoners have stable family support contact and association then the Postal service is the primary and dominant means of facilitating such. It is also in the family and friends of prisoner's interest that the postal service maintains its Constitutional mandated function. Because of the primary means of contact, it allows them to stabilize and support the prisoner during the imprisonment period and they must be on the forefront in opposing any attempts and efforts by Republicans, Evangelicals, and Conservatives in destroying the Postal Service.

The stupidity of Donald Trump's Anti-Postal Servies critique which is thinly jealousy of Amazon's Jeff Bezos shouldn't be basis for policy. Donald Trump doesn't have a clue about what is money as a macro-realization. Even if the postal service was rendering its services freely. Being deficit funded just as the department of defense and those other black holes, the Intelligence Agencies, it would simply be and can only be money being pumped into the economy as all other introductions of capital into the economy. A $1 million allocated to the Postal Services is no different from a $1 million given manufacturer of a Tomahawk missile that is only produced or manufactured to be destroyed yet it exist in function as $1 million pumped into the economy. 

Its high time we let idiots like Donald Trump and their simpelton Evangelical lackeys understand that the deficit jig and money as a mom and pops budget is up because money is a mature and anchor economy as the U.S. has nothing to do with that bank in the sky which we are taught our grandkids will owe what we deficit spend       I have one question        So what if you don't have any grandkids?

By William Thorpe

William Thorpe is at Eastham Unit in Texas in Solitary Confinement since 1996, Virginia exiled him in 2019 to Texas

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