Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: Exposing The Bureaucratic and Administrative Process of Virginias Parole System and It's A Crap Shoot

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Exposing The Bureaucratic and Administrative Process of Virginias Parole System and It's A Crap Shoot

Rarely do we get to see the bureaucratic and administrative process of Virginia's parole system under authority of Virginia code section 53.1-134 through 53.1-165.1

However, VAPAC has been given that privilege by copy of a prisoner's denial of parole letter. For obvious confidentiality purposes, the identity is protected.

VAPAC has numerous issues, questions and problems with this revelation of the parole process. The obvious being there isn't a evidence based on grounds for parole besides speculations by those with the authority to grant parole. Yet as this denial of parole letter and its verbiage reveal, the parole board is behaving as if there is.

What we at VAPAC ask is should parole and the redemption and justice it allows society be a crap shoot or poker bluff?

As we see in this specific parole denial and its reasons given: History of violence, crimes committed, conviction of a new crime while incarcerated, serious nature and circumstances of your offense(s)

All are facts of the prisoner's circumstances and cannot be changed, only contextualized. Which is what if the Virginia Parole Board had any modicum of understanding of what is the social contract. It would perform its duty by. Because whatever a history of violence means within analysis of the Virginia imprisonment experiment it cannot be changed. Crimes committed, conviction of new crime and serious nature and circumstances of crimes cannot be changed      So what practical and justifiable determinations is the parole board speaking of making relative to a "compatibility with public safety, the mutual interest of society, character, conduct, reflecting the probability of leading a law-abiding life"?

What the parole board however is exposing is its indulgence in petty sophistry, an end run of denial under the leopard has spots logic and because it has spots which cannot be changed      Therefore parole is denied      Why then are we the tax payers funding a parole board, to simply tell us a prisoner is imprisoned due to a conviction?

We at VAPAC and also as tax payers state: The parole system is crap shooting with lives of citizens imprisoned      If parole is an anticipation of Virginia's prison experiment then it must be granted or denied on practical basis or stand exposed as a specious gambit, another insidious exercise of side door, get out of jail for the privileged for whom the justice experience and imprisonment experiment is afforded context.

There must be transparency and accountability in the system.

Lets educate ourselves.

By vapac

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