Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: Virginia Main Stream and Legacy Media Complicit and Collaborative In The Malfeasance and Lack Of Accountability of the Virginia Prison Official

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Virginia Main Stream and Legacy Media Complicit and Collaborative In The Malfeasance and Lack Of Accountability of the Virginia Prison Official

If the blindness of justice is supposed and intended to convey equality before law then the work of media is the illuminant of it's practicality and Virginia's main stream and legacy media has failed us.

Whether or not societal factions agree with and support the ongoing debate for criminal justice reform and the corollarial emphasis on the lack of accountability of the prison official energizing the nation. The Commonwealth of Virginia as sister states of the Union has it's accounting to come to terms with      A coming to terms that requires exposure of those who have been complicit, collaborated, for the typical reasons and have actively exploited privileges conveyed by the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia by engaging in criminal, malfeasant acts, the perversion of justice and it's travesty.

Virginia main stream and legacy media from the Richmond Times  Dispatch through all other representations of Virginia's metropolitan hubs and regions to its colleges and university media have all been historically complicit and collaborated in enabling the lack of accountability of Virginia prison official       And not only are we calling 'em out but we invoke the mediant Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence:

"Let facts be submitted to a candid world"

To which we say, that in contravention of Article 1 Section 12 and Section 15 of the Constitution of Virginia:

"That the freedom of speech and of the press are among the great Bulwarks of liberty and...." That free government rests as does all progress, upon the broadest possible diffusion of knowledge."

The mainstream and legacy media has actively pursued and foisted on the citizens of the Commonwealth an apologetic      narrative of treating the prison official as an entity above law and beyond reproach thus obfuscating and denying the necessary informed illumination on the behavior of the prison official in the name of the citizen.

As recently as December 1, 2020 in the article "Advocacy group, inmates and their families allege abuse at Virginia prison" by Frank Green of the Richmond Times  Dispatch, we find another pathetic example of the style of apologetic-narrative.

What this work, the apologetic-narrative in prison and criminal justice issues by main stream media does, is, it enables unlawful and extrajudicial behavior by prison officials and allows it's acceptance by society with its natural Phillistine impulses. Thereby mocking the idea and practice of a requisite justice bulwarking the social contract and compact. 

We are hereby focusing on Virginia main stream and legacy media and calling on it's self-correcting ethic, that if we are able to achieve equality before law and hold the prison official accountable, then its work of reporting on prison criminal justice issues has to be a mechanism of holding accountable those given the privilege of authority by the people of the Commonwealth, of which the prison official is one.


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