Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: The People Of Alabama Collectively Placed Their Hands Around The Neck Of Kenny Eugene Smith And Choked Him To Death With Nitrogen Gas By William Thorpe

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The People Of Alabama Collectively Placed Their Hands Around The Neck Of Kenny Eugene Smith And Choked Him To Death With Nitrogen Gas By William Thorpe

So, on Thursday 1/25/24, the people of Alabama collectively placed their hands around the neck of Kenny Eugene Smith and choked him to death with nitrogen gas. Kenny Smith had been convicted of capital murder, a murder for hire scheme concocted and set into motion by the victim's husband, a Charles Sennett who was a pastor or Reverend in the Church of Christ for the sum of $1k. Mr. Smith was tried, convicted and sentenced to death. On November 17, 2022 with intent of carrying out Mr. Smith's death sentence the people of Alabama collectively enthralled by the capital punishment motive jabbed needles extra-judicially into Kenny Smith's body with intent of killing him, they failed. The failure then, to kill Mr. Smith enabled this peculiar emergence of nitrogen as agent of death, which the people of Alabama collectively used in killing Kenny Smith on 1/25/24.What I want to focus on are two occurrences, as a result of the killing of Mr. Kenny Eugene Smith. The first is how, John Hamm Commissioner of The Alabama Department of Corrections misrepresented to the people of Alabama the circumstances of the killing of Mr. Smith .A misrepresentation that will deprive the people of Alabama the necessary information and facts and can subsequently impede their ability to abolish the death penalty as legal instrument in their name. Commissioner Hamm in his comments to the media after the choking death of Mr. Smith said, "he (meaning Kenny Smith) struggled a little bit". However witnesses, media and Mr. Kenny Smith's wife described the circumstances of the killing as "violent convulsions", (I paraphrase) with seepage of stuff, vomit, under the leather mask that was tightly strapped to Smith's face, choking him. This is the reality Commish Hamm said," he struggled a little bit". So the question is why?, Why would a prison official, a public servant, become a partisan in the ongoing argument on Capital Punishment and the Death Penalty? By saying that the dying Kenny Smith only struggled a little bit, Hamm is insidiously attempting to make light of the barbarity and savagery of what was done to Kenny Smith under the misnomer of justice and by making light of the death circumstances Hamm is dumbing the people of Alabama down with what they need to know to then say, Not In Our Name. Lastly if Commissioner John Hamm is certain of his position, that he's on the right and correct side of history he shouldn't cowardly misrepresent what happened at that charnel house of a prison on 1/25/24 of the killing of Kenny Smith. Secondly the surviving sons of the victim, whose preacher husband had her killed, were quoted in the media as saying and I paraphrase that the world has forgotten about their mother and its all about Kenny Smith, what I say to their grief is this, justice shouldn't simply be a one upmanship endeavor, a steppingstone to speculative political power.

By William Thorpe

.I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

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