Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: Prison Reform In Virginia Ain't About Politicians, But Politics By William Thorpe

Friday, February 2, 2024

Prison Reform In Virginia Ain't About Politicians, But Politics By William Thorpe

First of all if we are to reform The Virginia Justice Infrastructure and its Prison system we need to develop and define the supporting narrative, meaning, the politics for ourselves, among the regular Virginia taxpayer based on our definitions and not that of The Virginia Politician, whose definitions are naturally engineered on a biased narrative supporting the politicians desires. Case in point The Virginia Department of Corrections use of Solitary Confinement is historically objectively reprehensible. Meaning there isn't any wholesome arguing point for its use, still Virginia politicians support and defend The Department of Corrections narrative for its use. At the expense of the wholesome, for the greater good determination that it is socially destructive and if we are to reform Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and the prison system we have to have an accountable narrative supporting the reform meaning there has to be a clear and concise dissemination of political activity that removes the politicians interest and replaces it with our needs and wants, our interests. What this means is we have to recognize narratives that we have accepted as descriptive of our human experiences that are actually intended to sabotage and consequently undermine how we politicize our interests. So for example we are always telling ourselves not to do stuff that will impact the whole, whether it's in society or prison. In other words what we are saying is we accept that there are those waiting on a reason or excuse to oppose and challenge our narrative and deny our wants or policies, our aspirations and we have to be saints while they get to be human with all the understood frailties and shortcomings. Its as if our politics has to be approved by the same politicians who betray and compromise our interests. Politics is first and foremost about who gets the benefit of the doubt. So for example we see the Virginia prison official getting the benefit of the doubt regardless of how clearly offensively depraved the act, legally and socially. Because the prevailing politics bestows immunity on it and to stop this we must change the politics that's gives the offense cover.

Why am I saying that it ain't about politicians, but the politics. The Politician in American and Virginia politics is an embodiment of a point of view. Now despite the fact that Politics is also a point of view it is instead a collective or aggregate one.What the politician typically represents is the "don't rock the boat" point of view, meaning the politician is naturally anti reform and whatever reform engaged in is primarily to limit and even misdirect it. Look too much has already been written on politicians and politics but what we need is the courage to control it yes our politics for ourselves, because it is the story and narrative of our existence and how we determine and define the circumstances and conditions we understand are necessary and vital for our existence and it is also the politics we need to reform Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and prison system. No one in their right mind will argue and defend the position that Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and prison system, is firstly concerned with "justice" and secondly "public safety", when on both accounts what we have are politicians telling us what justice and public safety are. In other words the politics that gave us the current ideas of justice and public safety in Virginia had nothing to do with a politics representing our point of view and the taxes extracted from us supporting it. Here is an example, someone within the hierarchy of the Virginia Department of Corrections thought it made perfect sense to introduce teeth bared, drooling and snarling dogs into its prisons that held a large amount of Black prisoners as if Bull Connor wasn't reminder that no American, especially a Virginian public official, which is what prison officials are, should resurrect Bull Connoresque tactics. But The Virginia Department of Corrections under cover of the type of Virginia politics that permits Bull Connoresque narratives is emboldened to exploit dogs. So here is a point for our politics and narrative by speaking directly to the Virginia taxpayer and people, that,using dogs to rip the flesh of prisoners, not only has nothing to do with safety but it undermines the very idea of due process of Virginia law required for a stable society. Contrary to the myth that law speaks for all, law instead is a reflection and tool used against (the against is whoever is at odds) with the distinction being that when law is utilized to criminalize its intent is to control by distracting, using the symptoms of dysfunction as diversions from the causes.

By William Thorpe

.I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

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