Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: Its High Time The Virginia Department Of Corrections Started Taking Serious The Fact That It Answers To All Of Virginia By William Thorpe

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Its High Time The Virginia Department Of Corrections Started Taking Serious The Fact That It Answers To All Of Virginia By William Thorpe

The Virginia Department Of Corrections spends a lot of money, yes taxpayer money on medication for prisoners it classifys, Mental Health. Such classification is serious and meaningful. Because the Nation, since the Republican, now dead President Ronald Reagan's policies made light of and ignored mental health as a societal concern and issue, is remembering that mental health is vital to the body politic. As such Virginia Prison Officials are administratively behaving as if the National consensus that mental health is of a high concern has to at least be respected. Now a study of The Virginia Department of Corrections Operating Procedures, Policies, Memos and Practices will show that focus has been given the Mental Health issue and yes, its commendable. So why then in practice is something off? Because, if Virginia prison officials recognize that mental health is an issue and an obligation to be treated as a fundamental responsibility just as providing Prisoners with nutritionally adequate meals. Then we wouldn't find their treatment of the prisoner with the Mental health designation is as schizophrenic as a diagnosis. The terms of interaction with the mental health prisoner by prison officials is generally punitive, averse and prejudiced. What this consequently means is a mockery of the prisoner's Mental health designation, because the prisoner is sanctioned and punished for what is generally maladjustive behavior. Its as if the prisoner is in a perpetual state of diagnosis by any and all prison official, guard and employee. This is happening in spite of and notwithstanding The Departments myriad procedures and policies. When it comes to the Virginia prison official respecting and complying with law and a professional and lawful treatment of the Virginia prisoner, see the case Landman v. Roster 333 F.Supp.621 decided on October 30, 1971. So why are Virginia Prisoners in 2024 still dealing with the same issues, those valiant prisoners who in 1971 labored to hold prison officials accountable? Virginia Prison Officials and their allies rarely pass up on opportunities to characterize prisoners, ircorrigible but the reality is the prison official is the one that has par none shown and proven to be a serial violator at the most quintessential level, that of the public trust.

By William Thorpe

.I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

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