Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only"
The Virginia Department of Corrections, in the administration, management and operation of Virginia prisons and the many forms of Virginia's Justice Infrastructure, acts and speaks through its many departmental Policies and Operating Procedures under the statutory authority and provisions of Virginia Code Section 53.1.Titled: PRISONS AND OTHER METHODS OF CORRECTIONS. The Law has 15 Chapters, starting with ADMINISTRATION GENERALLY and concluding with CORRECTIONS PRIVATE MANAGEMENT ACT or better known as MAKE MONEY OFF LOCKING PEOPLE UP. Now I'm stating all of this to show that The Virginia Department of Corrections is in fact a creation of Law as such is subordinate to the desires, intentions and will of The People of Virginia as expressed by their voting exercise. In otherwords, the politicians voted in who in turn express those desires, intentions and will. Secondly, law requires an operative or accountability and process which inherently is conditionally transparent. Thirdly all of what I've said requires the human actor in other words, the people the Virginia voter elects for the purpose of objectifying their desires, intentions are the ones then tasked with ensuring the accountability of law, its process and conditional transparency. So when for example the Virginia prison official is being their corrupt professional self, we first look to why the elected politician is allowing and permitting it and once we understand that its because the elected politician isn't fulfilling and serving in the role of and doing their tasked oversight and accountability function, then it turns to the people to quickly vote the offending politicians out and replace them with those responsible enough, mature enough and honest enough to follow the desires, intentions and will of the people. This work isn't intended to instruct and lecture anyone, instead what I'm showing is no ones hands are clean, or innocent, yes there is always complicity regardless of reason, which considering the fact we are all human runs the gamut, but what this work unequivocally declares is, if Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and its Department of Corrections is lawful, which I've shown is in fact that, a lawful construct, then as The People of Virginia, we cannot tolerate and have that fly in the ointment of the Virginia prison official being reprehensible under the cover of that lawfulness, thereby making a mockery of that most basic of humanness, the intelligence. For too long, Virginia politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike have conveniently and simply blamed, which in fact is scapegoat the Virginian prisoner at the expense of the basic or functional commonsense required in all other facets and aspects of the daily existence of the Virginian voter because the voter has acted as if those politicians knew better or understood better or were better equipped to speculate on matters and issues of "justice" in a contemporary and modern society as the Commonwealth of Virginia. So when tired, stale and decrepit speculative ideas of "justice" and human behavior were dredged up, repackaged and imposed on society, people responded as if the graphically naked emperor had on clothes. I haven't wasted the readers time and energy with another voluminous recitation of the Virginia prison official's barbarity, savagery and reprehensible deeds, because court records, law books filling shelves of Virginia's law schools do that, all the voter has to do is read.
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982
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