These Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump Republicans and their Virginian brethren are inherently, inexorably and inevitably at odds with the law of the United States Constitution despite their ad nauseam self-declaration of its defense, as such they are in every regard lawless. The Virginia prisoner as their National or American brethren occupies that compelling or fulfilling motive, which despite the seeming contradiction, considering that a formidable part of American jurisprudence, in that self-negating manner is devoted to denying prisoners standing, are the force taking the law on its word. Asking that it fulfills its intention, it ablates its impurities, its distortions, as the 1871 Virginia Supreme Court in RUFFIN v. COMMONWEALTH 62 Va.790 and I quote, "The Bill of Rights is a declaration of general principles to govern a society of freemen, and not of convicted felons", exposes. With the prisoner as with all dehumanized facts of The Social Contract do we see the struggle that its terms or its Constitutionalized aspirations are realized, in otherwards the civilizing of humanness.
In their scheming and quest for political supremacy and dictatorship, The Virginia Republican legatee, of the Jefferson Davis white-supremacist depravity, has effectuated Lyndon Johnson's "if you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man,...." insight, with the scapegoating and exploitation of the human propensity for deviance and criminality, a most basic human condition by racializing it, making it a Black People thing, as electoral means, an insidious medium of securing a majority White People vote. In other words, instead of doing the responsible, and in the practical interest of The Social Contract, repudiation of, no matter how intoxicating the prospect of exploiting the voters ignorance and delusions, enlightening the voter, the Virginia Republican politician instead chooses to exploit, by reanimating the stench of RUFFIN v. COMMONWEALTH 62 Va.790 and its on this ground, on this reactionary self-defeatist, cutting of the nose to spite the face politics and its Sisyphean short term gain, that forever the Virginia Democrat has cowered and surrendered the activity of Social Contract development, it's advancement and integrity which an accountable application of law and justice is reform of The Virginia Department of Corrections and its prison system. Now as I've explained, despite the fact the Prisoner, the Virginia prisoner is confronted with reactionary anti-reform headwinds, the recognition and actual substantive assertion of The Social Contract is realized due to the activity of the prisoner. If the Virginia Democrat hasn't been so demonstrably craven and to a degree subject to the rank and fetid allure of the sirenic distortions and corruption of the Jefferson Davis supremacist delusions afflicting the Virginia Republican, prison reform in Virginia wouldn't be perverted into a liability but a compelling necessity. So what have we seen as effects of the idealistic sophistry of the Virginia Supreme Courts 1871 ruling in RUFFIN v. COMMONWEALTH? Its relative comprehensive denunciation, stated in Supreme Court of The United States rulings found in JOHNSON v. CALIFORNIA 543 U.S.499 [dissent Thomas and Scalia], SHAW v. MURPHY 532 U.S.223, LEWIS v. CASEY 518 U.S.343, JONES v .N.C.PRISONERS' LABOR UNION INC.433 U.S.119, MEACHUM v. FANO 427 U.S.215 [dissent Stevens] and Virginia has cited RUFFIN no less than 15 times, as recently as 2024 in MARLOWE v. Sw. VA. Reg 'L Jail Auth. 81 VA. App. 415. The RUFFIN ruling has also caused these works, THE PUZZLES OF PRISONERS AND RIGHTS: AN ESSAY IN HONOR OF FRANK JOHNSON, 71 ALA.L.REV.665 then ALSO (UN)CONSTITUTIONAL PUNISHMENT: EIGHT AMENDMENT SILOS, PENOLOGICAL PURPOSES, AND PEOPLES "RUIN" 129 YALE L.J.F.365 both works by JUDITH RESNIK, then SLAVERY AS PUNISHMENT: ORIGINAL PUBLIC MEANING, CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT, AND THE NEGLECTED CLAUSE IN THE THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT 51 ARIZ.L.REV.982 by SCOTT W. HOWE, then RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AS PUNISHMENT, 111 CALIF.L.REV.1305 by KATE WEISBUD and last but not least RIGHTS WITHOUT REMEDY: THE MYTH OF STATE COURTS ACCESSIBILITY AFTER THE PRISON LITIGATION REFORM ACT 30 CARDOZO L. REV.645 by ALISON BRILL. The point all of this makes is the Virginia Democrat and all honest and practical people shouldn't cower from aggressively stating and defending the work of prison reform.
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982
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