Pictures are taken from the internet and are used for illustrative purposes only"
The Commonwealth of Virginia has a State Board of Corrections and once upon a time the position of The Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections was subordinate to it, then for whatever reason Virginia politicians aka legislators decided the people of Virginia needed a dictator running their imprisonment scheme and prison system. So we have witnessed a parade of petty dictators enjoying fat pay checks, the largesse of The People of Virginia, to this current dictator, Chadwick Dotson and his imitation of dictator Nero, Emperor of Rome who is forever in history as fiddling while Rome burned, which dictator Dotson will also forever be in history as the Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections who also fiddled while Virginia prisoners under his care set themselves on fire, were self-immolating, because that was what the reality of his care impelled them to do. Now there is a narrative that prisons are black holes, inscrutable enclosures, where nothing much of what goes on is revealed unless its what the prison official wants, in other words what will be beneficial to the dictator and this narrative is enabled and actively developed and maintained by a majority of society's fundamental, foundational and bulwark institutions. Starting with the victims of crime, who instead of ensuring that the convicted person who is now imprisoned because of law and its process, is treated according to law (the same law that is affording justice) turn a blind eye to the impunity and law breaking savagery and barbaric treatment of the prisoner by the dictator. Then we encounter the hypocrisy and complicity of Religion and it's various Faiths, who prostitute their tenets to curry favor from the State by being their "three monkey see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil self". Our academia and higher institutions, are also caught up in and dealing with their "three monkey see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil demons". Next in line are both positions of Business from, ownership or management to labor or the worker, both genuflecting to the liege with their " three monkey see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil servility. Then the penultimate, Virginia's corporate media and its inability to understand its purpose. I haven't been one of those who has allowed convention to distort and muddy my polemic against media, from it being a reactionary font for propaganda, to its status quo bias and the most damming, its complicity. And its with media we see the undermining effect and diabolical nature of the prison or the Virginia prison is a black hole narrative, which then allows obfuscation not only of the underpinning concept and it's practice but the ability and very nature of questioning and challenging the suppositions in its defense. In so many words its just as the Religious sophistry of "fiat", yet let's "discuss", which is just an exercise in twisting ones self into knots or the spectacle of a dog chasing its tail, with the real, deliberate and intentional purpose of keeping the People of Virginia subordinated to anathematized formulations of the Social Contract by presenting ignorance as cognition and understanding. Because if media and all our foundational institutions accepted the necessity of what it means to know, to have an educated electorate, which The Supreme Court of The United States, stated clearly in JOINT ANTI-FASCIST REFUGE COMMITTEE v. McGRATH 341 U.S.123 "..... [A] democratic government must therefore practice fairness and fairness can rarely be obtained by secret, one-sided determination of facts decisive of rights" and this echoes an earlier Supreme Court of The United States finding in IN W. Va.STATE Bd. of EDUC. v. BARNETTE 319 U.S. 624 (1943) where Justice Jackson wrote in the majority opinion, building on the reasoning in MINERSVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT v. GOBITIS 310 U.S. 586..."The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. Ones right to Life, Liberty, and Property, to Free Speech, a Free Press, Freedom of Worship and Assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote they depend on the outcome of no election" (then he continues)" [T]hose who begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating dissenters. Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard".....What these above excerpts help instruct is, The Social Contract or The Constitutionalized aspirations of The People or Society cannot be realized without a comprehensive grasp of what is being done in their name, which for The Commonwealth of Virginia is the understanding of what Chadwick Dotson as Chief prison official, is doing to the imprisoned Virginian. If the Virginia media in particular, considering that it has a constitutional responsibility to inform the Virginia polity wanted to fulfill those obligations in a real way and not a pro forma, performative one, what we would see is when Chadwick Dotson and The Virginia Department of Corrections hide behind the usual gambits employed by Virginia government officials to conceal. Media would look to all those other avenues of disclosures and revelations of what is being done, which court records are one, families and friends of the Virginia prisoner are another and specifically the understanding from victims of crime that breaking law by Chadwick Dotson in his treatment of the Virginia prisoner isn't their expected justice of accountability and is just another expression of deviance and criminality. So when we study a listing of Virginia Court records. We find chronicles upon chronicles of claims, allegations of prison official deviance and criminality by Virginia prisoners accusing Chadwick Dotson's dictatorship of abuse, misconduct, malfeasance, savagery and barbarity. Now for you the reader who might not be savvy to American and Virginia jurisprudence, there is a concept, respondeat superior or "let the superior make answer", which as [BLACK'S LAW] defines," The doctrine holding an employer or principal liable for the employee's or agent's wrongful acts committed within the scope of the employment or agency". What makes this germane to the law breaking of Chadwick Dotson's dictatorship is, under the classic manner Virginia prisoners sue or take the Virginia prison official to court for their deviance and criminality is by a Federal Law, 42 U.S.C.S section 1983 and under its interpretation by The Supreme Court of The United States in the case MONELL v. Dept. of Soc. Servs. 436 U.S. 658, it doesn't allow or permit a straight forward application or use of the, respondeat superior, and in a follow up case, ASHCROFT v. IQBAL 556 U.S. 662, The Court gave a bit of clarity on how respondeat superior is used. The jurisprudence on respondeat superior has been structured on the Court's 1908 ruling in Ex PARTE YOUNG 209 U.S. 123. Now in Virginia jurisprudence which is also structured on the MONELL ruling, we find these determinations, ASHBURY v. CITY OF NORFOLK 152 Va 228, SUFFOLK CITY SCH. BD. v. WAHLSTROM 392 Va. 188 and BD. OF SUPERVISORS OF FAIRFAX CNTY. v. LEACH-LEWIS 303 Va. 225. The situation with the law and with all of these twist and turns is the Virginia prisoner is not a lawyer or legal scholar and even amongst lawyers and legal scholars there isn't unanimity of interpretation, application or what the law is saying, because notwithstanding Justice Jackson's correct reading and jurisprudence in the 1943 W. Va. State Bd. of Educ. v. BARNETTE case, law and jurisprudence are consequences of Politics, in other words when the politics is human development affirmative or Progressive or simply put, "common sense" we find the wisdom of a 1943 Justice Jackson but when the politics is reactionary or short sighted, selfish, exploitive and feudalistic we find the sophistry of the anti-respondeat superior jurisprudence which only allows one thing and one only "impunity". So, as we will see with this listing of Virginia prisoner filed cases against Chadwick Dotson's employee activity and behavior at Virginia's KONCENTRATION KAMP RED ONION STATE PRISON, ranging from self-immolation to physical and sexual assault, the Virginia prison official uses law to do lawless and reprehensible deeds. Here are Virginia prisoner claims: GORDON v. STUMPF 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 170277----WHITE v. MAYS 2025 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 14923----OBIE v. FULLER 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 219369---CARTER v. COLLINS 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 51923---- DEFOUR v. HALL 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 109352-----PRICE v. HUBBARD 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 223200---- MADISON v. DOTSON 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 234698----CARTER v. ELY 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 38334-----CARTER v. KING 2025 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 14925----JACKSON v. ROBINSON 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 119173---- MOULTRIE v. SMITH 2025 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 988-----JONES v. WHITE 2023 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 186345----BINGHAM v. RAMEY 2025 U.S. DIST. LEXUS 985----GEORGE v. COUNS. KEGLEY 2025 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 12943-----WALKER v. KISER 2022 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 56878----GODFREY v. DAVIS 2023 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 108421-----WILLIAMS v. GILBERT 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 51922----RIDDICK v. MOORE 2023 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 55162-----WALL v. McCOWAN 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 155981-----MAKDESSI v. FOX 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 56444------WHITTEN v. JOHNSON 2023 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 42151------CARTER v. KING 2025 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 34555------ANDERSON v. CLARKE 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 164446-----DEFOUR v. WHITE 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 56423------LEE v. BENTLEY 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 74659-----CARTER v. ELY 2025 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 37499----BURKE v. STANLEY YOUNG 2024 Va. App. LEXIS 580.This listing of cases or claims and allegations of Virginia prison official violations by Virginia prisoners are just a drop in the bucket in a tsunami of savagery and barbarity that is allowed to exist by the failings of Virginia's corporate media in fulfilling its Constitutional duty, see Virginia Constitution, Article 1 Section 12 Freedom of Speech and of the Press-----"That the freedoms of speech and of the press are among the great bulwarks of liberty and can never be restrained except by despotic governments....." and what we see and experience is Virginia's corporate or mainstream medias' abrogation and compromises of the straight forward declarations of Section 12 and its, selling itself and us The People out to that 'despotism' Virginia's Constitution cautions against. For one on, February 16,2022 The Virginia Department of Corrections using taxpayer money sent out a press release, claiming media coverage of its doings or activities was "inaccurate" and "skewed", to which Virginia's mainstream media cowered in silence, despite the unconstitutional intent of the press release. But even besides the Department's obvious desperation as revealed with its incredible press release, Virginia's corporate and mainstream media by failing to see in the multitudinous existence of prisoner claims against prison official behavior that are public records is telling us that it isn't up to its Constitutional duties. Then lastly, blame for the laweless and reprehensible behavior of Chadwick Dotson as Chief Prison Official and his rank and file underlings lies and rest with The People. What exactly is Law, if it isn't the foundation of The Social Contract ? And if as our ancients have painstakingly lectured and I paraphrase that the existence of injustice is comprehensive and therefore isn't a lesson the voting Virginian has to be taught?. Meaning if imprisonment of the convicted Virginian under process of law is under the logic of accountability and The Social Contract's integrity it's cohesion.But the prison official tasked with the care of the imprisoned Virginian is instead compromising that logic of accountability and The Social Contract's integrity in the most vile manner,that of "betrayal of its trust and faith" then blame rest squarely with The People.
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982
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