Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: What Law and Order? Virginia Prisoners Are Dying In The Care Of Armor Correctional Health Services, Virginia Republican Narrative On Criminal Justice and The Virginia Department of Corrections By William Thorpe

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

What Law and Order? Virginia Prisoners Are Dying In The Care Of Armor Correctional Health Services, Virginia Republican Narrative On Criminal Justice and The Virginia Department of Corrections By William Thorpe

The Estate of Robert Lee Boley was awarded $4 million, see Boley v. ARMOR CORRECTIONAL HEALTH SERVICES 2022 US DIST. LEXIS 56244 and modified at Boley v. ARMOR CORR.HEALTH SERV. 2023 US DIST. LEXIS 60393. Robert Lee Boley was one of the outrageously many Virginia prisoners sentenced not to die yet died and he did so in the care of ARMOR CORRECTIONAL HEALTH SERVICES, Virginia Republican extra-judicial narrative on criminal justice and The Virginia Department of Corrections. There is much already written on the arbitrary and capricious nature and its idealistic consequence of the Commonwealth's industry of imprisoning a type of Virginian whose existence is already anticipated, not because of fate or destiny, but the nature of the Commonwealths political-economy. So what I'll do is let the speech of the Courts state it. Listed are persons who were not sent to Virginia prisons to die, yet died in the care of ARMOR CORRECTIONAL HEALTH SERVICES, The Virginia Republican Party's narrative on criminal justice and The Virginia Department of Corrections.

  1. Boley v. Armor Correctional Health Services (2022) ( (US Dist.Lexis 206656)
  2. Dallas v. Craft (2022) ( (US Dist.Lexis 171365)
  3. Liberator v. Armor Correctional Health Services (2020) (law.justia.com_(US Dist. Lexis 883)
  4. Pfaller v. Clarke (2021) ( (US Dist. Lexis 75130)
  5. Jones v. Virginia Department of Corrections (2019) ( (US Dist. Lexis 79107)
  6. Scott v. Clarke (2013) ( (US Dist. Lexis 168593).
In conclusion I state, no one is surprised that the Virginia Legislator/politician is a weather vane exploiting that age old scape goat diversion, nor are we flummoxed with the prison officials' malfeasant propensity. If people swooned when another National politician once upon a time said "trust but verify" then it shouldn't be complicated for all Virginians as they trust and have faith in the social contract to embrace the reality of holding the prison official accountable and the only way we can achieve it and its equality under law is Virginia's media enabling us with facts and opinions.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright. Unit.

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