Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: 2023 Virginia Elections, Accountability And Prison Reform

Thursday, November 2, 2023

2023 Virginia Elections, Accountability And Prison Reform

VAPAC agrees that prison is a fact of the Social Contract. We agree with the axiom that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result and we agree that the history and practice of Virginia's justice infrastructure fits the axiomatic definition of insanity and specifically, The Virginia Department of Corrections is guilty of it.

What we need is a honest and practical debate over what is expected of the imprisonment scheme and the justice infrastructure, and the answer is accountability, which currently we don't have. With the 2023 Virginia elections we have the opportunity to break out of the insanity axiom by electing people who will first of all acknowledge that what the Virginia Department of Corrections has been doing isn't working. For example, insistence on brutalizing prisoners with solitary confinement, shipping prisoners to far of states away from family are extra-judicial acts that cannot be defended notwithstanding the logic, because it is at the expense of and it self defeats the very underpinning of the Social Contract. To have an accountable prison system and government we have to vote for those who will honestly represent us and not repeat the insane pablum of tough on crime and law and order.

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