Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: The Problem With The Virginia Department Of Corrections Is Old As The Antagonism Of Patrician And Plebeian By William Thorpe

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Problem With The Virginia Department Of Corrections Is Old As The Antagonism Of Patrician And Plebeian By William Thorpe

Roman law emerged upon the supposition of "Supremacy", that some humans were supreme and others weren't. Whether it was Pentateuch inspired, with its " chosen people" contradiction is irrelevant. The fact is, the bastardization and its mongrelization of Roman law through Charlemagne, the Magna Carta and its existence in Virginia and the rest of the North American colonies permitted its survival upon the political-economy of chattel enslavement of Africans. Law or Politics defends political-economies, meaning how members of society, The Social -Contract, do what is necessary for their existence and in Virginia what was necessary for the existence of the "supremacist" subjective was the unremunerated labor of the chattel enslavement of Africans. In other words "Supremacy" went hand in hand with chattel enslavement of Black people and Virginia laws enforced it. Fast forward to the practices of The Virginia Department of Corrections and no matter how hard we look, how rose colored our glasses are we will not find daylight between, the above the law behavior of Virginia's Prison Official and the "supremacist" motive force of the chattel enslavers of Black people.

The "Supremacist" supposition of ancient Rome created, the patrician who was only conditionally subject to law.Which the plebian, everyday folk was bound to.This is what Virginian political-economy replicated and to which no matter the apology,we see it entrenched firmly as logic of The Virginia Department of Corrections.
Of course the Virginia prison official will clothe "Supremacy" as anything but. Its been done enough,its undermined what little faith and trust the Virginia tax payer has in government, enough.Impacting the terms of Virginia's Social Contract enough and up until that moment HOMOPRISONER, becomes a genus as HOMOSAPIEN,we reject the above the law habit of The Virginia Department of Corrections and its Prison Official.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

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