Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: VIRGINIA CRIME LAB, IS A CRIME By William Thorpe

Sunday, November 5, 2023


One doesn't even have to do an exhaustive and comprehensive research of Virginia's Jurisprudence, a simple and cursory one will do. To realize that the entire infrastructure of its Criminal Justice and Imprisonment system isn't concerned with realizing justice within the legitimacy of Social Contract but its purely and relentlessly about controlling its members who for one reason or the other interact adversely with the bias and dishonesty of its political-economy. It's impossible to ignore the contradictions, antagonisms and hypocrisies of Virginia's Social Contract that are at every turn of print and television media cycle thrust upon our frazzled, beat down and frayed psyches with revelations, one after the other that despite the exhaustive mental labors expended structuring The Social Contract and the crimes against nature exploitation of the labors of the chattel enslavement of Black people, the only operative of Virginia's Social Contract is 'do as I say'. Because how are we to wrap our heads around the fact that, for example, The Virginia Crime Lab. tasked with applying mental and manual labor to the singular duty of investigating evidence from crimes is itself a crime scene. The Crime Lab, thanks to the hard work of Virginia Public News [VPM] and the dedicated podcast, Admissible has been exposed as mishandling forensic evidence, meaning the violations and malfeasance of mishandling crime-evidence has perverted and corrupted whatever "justice" means in The Commonwealth of Virginia. What compounds this pathetic state of affairs is the response, meaning none and the lack of accountability. The role forensic, or the adjudication of crime-evidence plays within Social Contract is equally as pivotal and significant as the industry and creativity of humanness. Because it underpins,"trust" in the center holding of Social Contract. But what we have experienced is, the "Due Process" and "Equality under Law "formulations of Social Contract are convenient suppositions intended to psychologically lull us a'la the frog being cooked analogy. One of the few mechanisms available to a prey of Virginia's criminal justice infrastructure fighting the conviction is, a writ of innocence, (codified at, Va.Code Section 19.2-327.1) but it's a mirage and what I mean, is its structured not to enable the pursuit of justice but to disable and make a travesty of it.

Anything that not only adds on to the undermining of the underpinning trust of Virginia's Social Contract, but compounds it as the revealed acts of Virginia's Crime Lab are, is, an indictment not only of the specific perpetrator of the malfeasant handling of forensic evidence by the Lab but the entire status quo-elite establishment apparatus. From its corrupted Churches, through its Universities and Colleges, the complicity of its corporate and even to a degree alternative media, its commercial and business enterprises and its coopted Labor organizations, the entire structure and component halves of the Commonwealths Social Contract are participants in the frame work and mindset that criminalizes an entire demographic and historicity of Virginians. The failings of the Virginia Crime Lab haven't happened in a vacuum but are direct results and consequences of the unredressed, crimes against nature chattel enslavement of Black people, the extermination of Native Americans and seizure of land, the continuation of a stylized- feudalistic political-economy as Capitalism, which is not to say Capitalism is a benign set of economic relations. Did we need these actual revelations of fraudulent forensic evidence handling by Virginia's Crime Lab to realize that travesties were occurring, when as an edge on the tip of the spear of Virginia's organized-violence and its justice infrastructure it embodies the corruption of the Social Contract?

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright. Unit

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