Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: Put an End to Communication Deprivation By Kimberly Zittlow

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Put an End to Communication Deprivation By Kimberly Zittlow

Good afternoon,

Can someone within the VADOC PLEASE explain to me the value of taking the inmates' phones away from them for months, sometimes even years at a time? 

How in the world is destroying important relationships that provide positive support and reinforcement with loved ones helping anything or anybody?

All that you are doing is creating angry and emotionally deprived inmates and upset loved ones. Many will walk away and forget about the inmate after such prolonged absences of communication. Leaving the inmate with no viable affection, love or support with anybody meaningful outside of the prison walls.

This punishment tactic promotes a sense of abandonment and isolation that invariably translates to extremely violent outbursts. And for what? What exactly is the VADOC gaining from this practice?

A growing number of other states have put a stop to this barbaric practice for more forward thinking and obvious reasons. The only thing this action speaks of is cruelty and vindictiveness on the part of the Virginia Dept of Corrections towards both the inmates and their loved ones alike.

Based on what I know of this practice, the VADOC as a whole should really reconsider this barbaric practice and put an end to using communication deprivation as a torture and punishment tactic. It isn't working, nor has it ever worked to create anything positive for the inmate or the facility as a whole.

Just my 2 cents, spoken out of sheer frustration.


Kimberly Zittlow 


Anonymous said...

👏👏👏 bravo!! Wonderfully written and so tactically said, couldn’t agree more with this!

Kimberly Zittlow said...

As a follow up, to date nobody within the Virginia DOC has responded at all.