Okay, Virginia Code Section 53.1-30 (A) allows any member of Virginia's General Assembly, including the Governor access to any of Virginia's Prisons. There isn't any excuse why Delegates and Senators of The People of Virginia rarely exercise the right. Considering the fact that even under a rock, isn't Rip Van Winkle removed enough to be oblivious that what is being done by Prison Officials of The Virginia Department Of Corrections in the name of The People has nothing to do with a primary function of preparing The Virginia Prisoner for social reentry. Virginia Code Section 18.2-10 specifies punishment for convictions of felonies in The Commonwealth of Virginia which are imprisonment and fines. Virginia Code Section 53.1-1through 53.1-267 gives a generalized idea of Virginia's imprisonment scheme. I have given the basic laws dealing with Virginia's prison and imprisonment scheme, but the laws are not the basis, the foundation of Virginia's Justice Infrastructure of which the prison system is function. The basis however is The Politics. The Politics is what stops and inhibits The Peoples Representatives or Virginia Politician from going to Virginia's Prisons i.e Red Onion, Wallens Ridge, Sussex I State Prisons, even if its a Photo Op, as President Barack Obama's with his visit to a Federal prisoner at a Federal Prison during his push for reduction of drug sentences and focus on solitary confinement, to take seriously the fact that the "above the law" behavior of the prison official is a rot on Virginia's Social Contract. I have listed Va .Code 18.2-10, the punishment for felony convictions law to highlight that the sentence and fine is the punishment. Everything else and I mean everything else the prisoner experiences as condition of the imprisonment is based on ideas and speculations of what The Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections thinks and feels will serve the ruling political masters interest. So to hold the prison official accountable requires the narrative of political reform. Political reform isn't necessarily about Republican or Democratic critique, but its about an accounting of relations within Virginia's Social Contract that indicts reaction and its anti-reform insentience. Classic Virginia politics has nauseatingly exploited the Justice Infrastructure at the expense of remedying its aggravating circumstances, while pursuing the unoriginal scapegoating of the prisoner, as diversion from its true subject or focus of its political energies, which is maintaining an iron grip on the mass demographic from whom the Virginia prisoner is born. My position is, this is known and clearly understood by those who perennially seek votes from the prisoner's family and the victims of crime and their families. The reality nonetheless is the exploited demographic of that political same ole same ole has to come to terms with their complicity and accept not as petty criticism but the realization that every relationship or point of interaction had with the social contract provides opportunity to assert and attest that the requisite politics is specifically an understanding of its common interest. The law is politics, its extension or expression. The civil rights act of 1871 was passed to stop Klan terror of Black people yet it wasn't enforced till 1961 in Monroe v. Pape 365 US 167, appx 90 years after its passage because the politics in 1961 permitted it.By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit
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