If and it is correct that Society, which The Commonwealth Of Virginia is, has The Family as basic unit, then any and all examination of Social direction and development has to correctly and unbiasedly embrace it. Before I continue let me disabuse the insidious among us, who are chomping at the bit, to become absolutist and exclusivist over, "What is the Family", that is not the focus of this work. The definition of Family animating this work is simply its legal understanding and acceptance Nationally and The Commonwealth of Virginias'.As soon as humans recognized the value in Society, its dysfunction or what is wrong about it also simultaneously came into existence. So if Family as unit, is socially fundamental, meaning family is a crystallization quintessential valuation of Human good, the mechanism and means of pursuing that historical objective realization, in other words the why or purpose of its existence, then all human behavior has to be examined on those terms. As potential of our human condition, we ladle it with platitudes, sometimes with long handle, most of the time without and just toss it with cliches or to be definitive, suppositions or pop psychology and its babble so in Virginia, what we see and experience is the philistine and erudite putting the Family on pedestals, while laboring mightily to undermine it, sabotaging it at every turn, as such The Virginia Department of Corrections being a component of Virginia society albeit distinctively and conditionally corrupt. Claiming in its Mission Statement its acceptance and recognition of the primary import and role, it plays in its Public Safety focus. Then quickly and connivingly contravening it. This violation and jettison of the principle and imperative of Family isn't necessarily a result of cabalistic schemes or as the reactionaries among us would distort it with the infatuation on their bumper sticker "social engineering "nomenclature,but the exploitation of Family is the inevitable and inexorable consequence of opportunism for short sighted gain, the gain of speculative political power. So what we see is politicians exploiting the victim of crime as a social class, thereby instantly elevating them among the people at the expense of, the Family. What makes this exploitive of the victim of crime is this, in any modern society including Virginia."Society" as the interconnections and interactions of all the Families, its basic unit,The People, its to The People then, in their name and authority that the adjudication of criminal justice is processed.Politicians and those Virginians who would assume leadership over us know this.They understand that criminal justice adjudication, its dispensation is only through the authority of society, Families or The People. So what happens is the politician, in pursuit of self gain incites and aggravates the experience of the victim of crime by making it possible for them to substantially impose on the convicted imprisoned perpetrator's parole process,which by all measure and for all practical purposes is an extra-judicial act. Because during the adjudication and sentencing process,what is relevant to it, is presented. The imposition of criminal punishment, whether, fine, probation, jail or prison sentence are executed according to the Due Process of Virginia law, which are the terms of Virginia's Social Contract or Society. But what politicians in pursuing votes from the victim of crime have ended up doing is mock it. The consequences of this mockery are comprehensively extensive in its social corruption and rot.By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982
Yes, denying deserving persons parole bars them from being unified with their families, and denies families the blessings and benefits of their presence and support. The Virginia Parole Board has released only 11 prisoners so far in 2024, two of whom were terminally ill. Either the Department of "Corrections" is utterly failing to correct anyone or the VPB is failing in its mission of granting parole to all "whose release is compatible with public safety."
Earlier this year the General Assembly was assured that new efforts were being made to have fair parole hearings in the Commonwealth, yet only eleven prisoners have been granted discretionary or geriatric parole so far in 2024, two of whom were terminally ill. This in spite of there being scores of incarcerated men and women who have worked hard to meet every criteria for a second chance.
So is our Department of Corrections, to which we allocate over a billion tax dollars a year, a near total failure at actually "correcting" anyone? Or is our Parole Board failing in its mission of granting parole to all "whose release is compatible with public safety?"
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