Thursday, August 22, 2024


Law as fact of a Justice Infrastructure is always two-faced or Dialectical, experienced on the terms of interaction. Even when the terms are corrupted. As currently revealed by the spectacle of the sex assault adjudged and 34 felony count convicted former President Donald Trump. What I want to focus on is the fact that the two-faced nature of law, is also intrinsically permissive as a couple of antagonistic incidentals relative to the Virginia prison circumstance will allow me to show and before I get all into it, let me clearly and unequivocally state that indictment of the corruption is squarely with the cravenness and complicity of established Virginia society. Solitary Confinement as type and form of imprisonment, has since its emergence been criticized and indicted by humanities Jekyll and Hyde nature, specifically that, singularly it is savage and barbaric and in the aggregate existentially anti-social. The Virginia Department of Corrections has forever deployed its use against Prisoners. Enlightened and progressive members of Virginia society allied with the instructive experiences of the Virginia prisoner have stridently and consistently criticized its use by the Virginia prison official. Numerous legal actions by the Virginia prisoner against its use have also been waged in courtrooms across the Commonwealth. Nonetheless, the political narrative on the use of solitary confinement has been usurped by reactionary voices, meaning it is distortive and hypocritical and as such is the case, dumbed down to its most delusional terms, where only shells exploding in the proverbial fox hole and trenches will compel a reorientation to the commonsense and progressiveness of the criticism of its use and it just so happened that the 2020 global pandemic of Covid-19 and society's lockdown, (which weirdly but apt is a prison term) presented that proverbial shell in fox hole moment, by the relative sequestration of people to their homes and the subsequent limited mimicry of aspects of solitary confinement thereby causing vociferous protestations, ironically using the same fundamental arguments, critics have been using against it in the prison context. What is noteworthy and revealing about the parameters of the anti-Covid-19 lockdown protest is how those reactionaries who have forever "extolled" the positivism of and defended the use of solitary confinement against, in this instance the Virginia prisoner quickly realized its existential anti-sociableness and barbarity, when opposing it's imposition on society writ large. My emphasis with this work isn't on the existing compromising dissonance between supposed justice and its crass revenge or arbitrary vindictiveness which we know is it's true nature advanced by the reactionary mind that has been revealed by their cries of foul, due to their Covid-19 lockdown experiences .Because, if the Covid-19 lockdown was gratuitously cruel and existentially anti-social as critiqued by its detractors, thereby causing a gamut of social ills from suicides to all sorts of substance abuses, then it is clear that it is an "unusual" punishment, to subject a prisoner to, as such there isn't any debate to be held, there isn't any jurisprudential gymnastics be performed in determining that as a fact of The Commonwealth of Virginia's conditions of confinement, it has no place.

What I show with this work is simply this. For all sorts of stated and unstated reasons, the visible and invisible, those intimated and realized, the application of justice in a society and specific to me, Virginia is corrupt. It requires a perversion and betrayal of honesty that has nothing to do with the ethics, integrity or morality of the corrupted. Case in point the recent ruling by the Supreme Court of The United States, that Donald Trump in the Official capacity as President is unconditionally above law and we all understand that, as corrupting the necessary faith in the "we the people", along with the ask of why should there be submission to viz acceptance of whatever the rule of law means, if there are those of us that are above it. What is funny however is who amongst us is oblivious to the fact that," the above the law" contradiction is what a number of our philosophical ancients instructed is the natural inclination or default state of society? And accountability or wrestling justice or the accounting of actions and behavior into and onto society is the process and quality of civilization?.So how then are we to, with a straight face ingest and witness all the fuming and descent into the borderline violence of the anti-vax opportunist against the covid-19 resistor mask wearer, recently warring against the covid-19 lockdown using the same identical arguments the abolish solitary confinement movement educates us with, then brazenly doing an about face that somehow a prisoner is exempt from the harms of asocial confinement and its prison conditions, which their indulging romanticized relative descent into futile violence asserts. Now this level of corruption, by the instigators and practioners of solitary confinement, the prison official and ally isn't surprising, they are irredeemable and incorrigible in their pursuits of barbarity. Those human beings who do matter and can be redeemed are those "good" Virginians who have shown the will and ability to confront and challenge, the asocial and savage impulse exhibited by the defenders of the practice of solitary confinement, as a social good. Still those "good" Virginians, seem to forget, make light of and gloss over the fact that the Nation was almost reduced to a second civil war over the covid-19 lockdown, a condition its detractors relatively related as a tyrannical imposition invoking experiences us prisoners subjected to solitary confinement, (which to you dear reader, I've been subjected to since 1996 and continuing here in Texas being Virginia exiled me here in May 2019) are familiar with but in its more unbridled and extreme fact. Our "good" Virginians shouldn't surrender, relinquish or out of civility and deference to idealistic "authority" give up the commonsense and progressiveness of anti-solitary confinement work, but instead use the totality of the covid-19 lockdown to reinforce it. As harsh as I will sound, the reality and truth is harsh particularly when ameliorating and resolving corruption as work exacting accountability from and of those who assume being irreproachable and the mental instability of presuming being above law, as privilege, is anathema to them, because the dynamic of the Virginia prison official and ally who insist that performing the Virginia peoples idea of imprisonment is to contradict reason, antagonize logic and continue corrupting the peoples simple desire for a justice infrastructure and prison system that repairs the community and rehabilitates the prisoner.

Virginia is a Commonwealth of all its people, and as much as the supremacist amongst us would suffer the delusion, not some. Now the idea that some people are worthy than others, is a plague that has been castigated, by the mockery of cutting off ones nose to spite the face which, if whatever "satisfaction" is, as crest of being, then mockery, is in itself a vantage of the crest of satisfaction. I titled this work, IM NOT HERE TO TEACH YOU HISTORY BUT PREFACE THE CONSEQUENCE.....and consequences are not practically anthropomorphic, despite the fact as people we exact accountability, again pursuing holistic satisfaction, repair and the concurrent speculations on justice. So in all aspects of our human condition and specifically to this work, Virginia. We have this approximation of accountability, the faith that no one is beyond it, which unifys us and maintains the Commonwealth's integral holism and any hint of one upmanship draws ire, seething, whether articulated or repressed with its motive force lending to the fact our aspirational sapience isn't surrogate omniscience, which the delusion and deviance of supremacy presumes. Recently our current Attorney General Jason Miyares, who is addled with, take your pick of megalomania, decried the release of Virginia prisoners who had complied with laws allowing sentence reduction of the base prison sentence. Not only is Jason Miyares opposed to prisoners being rehabilitated as inferred from his opposition, but the nature of his opposition is demented and I don't say this lightly, but Attorney General Jason Miyares presented his animus against prisoner release like this and I paraphrase, that releasing prisoners will bring on a crime wave. Besides the recklessness of such an assertion, its inherent compromise of the terms of Virginia's Social Contract, the implicit asocialibity of the released, returning Virginian into society, so who then do we hold responsible and accountable of the accused asocialibity, if the released Virginian has spent years on end, detained, confined and held within Virginia's Department of Corrections?. What is pathologically pathetic about it, is this, even as Jason Miyares dehumanizes The Virginia Prisoner, who are constitutionally and jurisdictionally his constituents he brazenly genuflects to the patently corrupt, sex assault adjudged, 34 felony count convicted former President Donald Trump who is alien to Virginia. Now centuries ago such hypocrisy and antagonism would have played out as intrigue among the courtiers of the sovereign hidden from the eyes of us the people and even though the terms of what is sovereign has evolved maturely and accountably, still the fact Attorney General Jason Miyares is unable and incapable of restraining his dictatorial proclivities indicts US, WE THE PEOPLE, our complicity, for reasons that are constructs of our individual and aggregate history has enabled and tolerated. No work save for this one is pointing out the obscenity of Jason Miyares' gambit of scapegoating The Virginia Prisoner, a gambit that mocks the Commonwealth by cutting off the nose to spite the face. All educational institutions, even the segregationist holdovers home schoolers recognize the destructiveness of undermining faith in due process of law. Corporations and Businesses are relatively cognizant of the fact scapegoat politics is just another Humpty Dumpty folly, Religion can talk out of both sides of its mouth and We The People see it as State organized violence.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982

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