Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: NO, GOVERNOR GLENN YOUNGKIN WE AIN'T BUYING IT By William Thorpe

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Governor Glenn Youngkin signed EXECUTIVE ORDER #36 dealing with Virginia Prisoners and the only correct and accurate thing I can, straight faced say about it without becoming derisive is its a gambit. A gambit has a host of synonyms and what I will for now say is, Executive Order #36 is a diversion still it reveals a fundamental truth about Virginia's and to wit The Nations Justice Infrastructure, which is, it supposes "control" or subordination as euphemism for "justice". Because even if we are daft as daft can be, Governor Glenn Youngkin's cavorting with the sex assault adjudged, 34 felony count convicted, former President Donald Trump, The Nations notorious felon has unambiguously and unequivocally declared, (what some of us already knew) that the talk of justice, is just that a convenience. So in Youngkin's Executive Order #36 he calls for Virginians to step up as volunteers to (and I'm paraphrasing) shepherd the reentry of released Virginia prisoners into society. Now facially it seems like a commonsense and reasonable proposition right? But you're wrong. Let's say a prisoner was confined for multiple decades with The Commonwealth of Virginia spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for it. So now some of the people of Virginia are being asked to do what? Volunteer mentorship of the released Virginian? When the defacto responsibility for the prisoner was ALL of the people of Virginia and their exercised prerogative of sanctioning alleged behavior by the imprisonment and shouldn't the period have equipped the imprisoned Virginian with functional necessities anticipating release and reentry into society? But thats the problem, Virginia's along with the Nations imprisonment scheme was never intended to repair anything other than scapegoat prisoners as a diversion for the fraud within the social contract and what Governor Youngkin has done with his Executive Order #36 is compound the sham thats the criminal justice system, but what his order also does is reveal or rather confirm the infirmity of his judgement of cavorting and endorsing the felon, Donald Trump. Should I give The Governor the benefit of the doubt that, his Executive Order #36 is a result of progressive thought? I can but it would be an idealistic indulgence because the conditions of confinement created by The Virginia Department of Corrections, extra judicially imposed on the Virginia prisoner and enabled by his approval due to his installment of its Director harms the imprisoned Virginian. Which is what before there is any discussion of window dressing gambits has to be tackled and resolved. Governor Glenn Youngkin can access the true nature of imprisonment administered by his Virginia Department of Corrections. The abject dehumanization, deprivation of meals and even when provided, substandard and malnutritional, the abuse and assaults, the framing, fabrication of infractions purposefully intended to extend the imprisonment, health degradation, mentally and physically, the practice of shipping prisoners off to other States prison systems, thousands of miles away from family, to name some of the conditions. This is what for whatever reason Governor Youngkin is ignoring with his support for Donald Trump. Youngkin's reasons could very well be based on the certainty that the people of New York got it wrong by convicting Trump. Well there are thousands of Virginians who also feel the same about their loved ones and friends convicted by Virginia's justice system who feel the system got it wrong and was corrupt, but don't have Youngkin's megaphone. There are also sex assault victims, victims of fraud who find it reprehensible that their Governor is betraying them by supporting Trump and his crimes.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982.

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