Before I get all into this work, let me begin with, Virginia Department of Corrections Director Chadwick Dotson recently implied that criticism against the department was by advocates, e.t.c. In other words it was another unoriginal and unimaginative play on that antebellumnesque apology that Northern Yankee agitators were the ones telling and filling the heads of enslaved Black People that their life circumstance were crimes against nature. Well, you the reader check this out, Marie Knoskie, a Black Woman was employed by The Virginia Department of Corrections at its Koncentration Kamp Red Onion State Prison and she sued The Virginia Department of Corrections, claiming her White colleagues were racist, see the case at KNOSKIE v. Va. Dept.of Corr. 2017 U.S. Dist.Lexis 22719. Also see this case by another Black person, this time a man, who also worked at Koncentration Kamp Red Onion State Prison, Thomas McCurdy, who also sued The Virginia Department of Corrections, claiming his colleagues were racist, MCCURDY v. Va.Dept.Corr.2017 U.S. Dist. Lexis 142788. So when Virginia prisoners, their families, friends, allies and all equality under law loving Virginians speak to the horrors and harms perpetrated by the Virginia prison official, it's barbarity and savagery done in the name of the People of Virginia on the Virginia prisoner, it isn't self-serving to be summarily dismissed and comically deflected. But the response by Virginia government as represented and expressed by Governor Glenn Youngkin in his role as executive and his chosen administrator of the prison system, Director Chadwick Dotson, shouldn't be adversarial as if State of Virginia actors, i.e THE PRISON OFFICIAL are paragons of virtue, under the rubric of irreproachability. The reality however is Virginia Government has provisions for accountability, anticipating that its representatives will run the gamut of corruption, in all its malevolent expressions. The thing is processes which accountability is form, requires human agency or in other words, the human person behaving accountable or in accord with the intent, purpose and necessity of accountability
.The situation confronting The People of Virginia with its Justice Infrastructure and it's Virginia Department of Corrections is simple: THE WILL TO HOLD THE VIRGINIA PRISON OFFICIAL ACCOUNTABLE. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the question isn't what is to be done with the convicted, imprisoned and sanctioned under the varied expressions of Virginia's approximation of "justice", but the honesty of, as I've stated, holding the prison official accountable. As we recently have been reminded, by revelations of the extreme barbarity and savagery of the Virginia prison circumstance via the self-immolation of its prisoners, the Virginia prison official, is mind-numbingly corrupt. Because when Chadwick Dotson, Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections was confronted with Virginians under his care as prisoners having to resort to self-immolation, setting themselves on fire as the only commonsensical means of saying their conditions of confinement was inhuman and inhumane. His response was firstly to blame Virginians who expect the Virginia prison official to perform their duties and do their job under Law as all other humans and the irony of this is the very law violated, broken and flaunted by the Virginia prison official is the same law that allows Chadwick Dotson to imprison those entrusted into his care. There isn't a human grouping, collective, social gathering or Society that doesn't have as its North Star, the simple Maxim, "two wrongs don't make it right". This simple recognition belies the twisted and torturous path of it's grasp,the haplessly brained, littering the neural gateways into our collective human psyche as testament, yet it is this dearly paid for understanding, that the Virginia prison official casually mocks with each and every act of impunity, every violation of law against the prisoner done in secret, behind the concrete and steel opportunity of prison walls, furnished and provided by the treasure and hypocrisy of The People of Virginia. First of all isn't accountability in society as terms of The Social Contract, that proverbial loose thread on a sleeve which upon tugging separates it from the body of the shirt?. Which we see clearly revealed in that reactionary and backwards politics of a perpetual prisoner dehumanization and it's scape goating at the expense of the integrity of The Social Contract, sacrificing that, "two wrongs don't make it right".The point in all of this is, the impunity of the prison official is an extension of the objectification of hypocrisy structuring The Social Contract and if government as its administrator is an idealistic mechanism, a team of bridled horses chomping at the bit, snorting and rearing up, anticipating that grip on reins, regardless of source, but as it relates to our human condition and holding the prison official accountable, human hands, then the behavior of the Virginia prison official in all of its unrivalled corruption and hypocrisy is a result of a lack of will, an unwillingness by The People of Virginia to rein in the chomping, snorting and kicking horse of State. By taking the fact of voting, paying taxes and all the myriad interactions consisting and making up the daily existence of a Virginian, necessary obligations and responsibilities requiring attention, because we cannot decry the barbarity and savagery of the Virginia prison official without actually taking those practical steps that will stop it.The Commonwealth of Virginia has a ahumanistic and supremacist construct, built on the political-economy of the chattel enslavement of Black people,which the prison system reflects, we can't castigate the history then reaffirm it under "justice".
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982