How old and ancient is the cliche, "the pot calling the kettle black", because, Governor Glenn Youngkin seems to have recently discovered it and is applying it as ethos of his leadership of The Commonwealth, which isn't just that its pathetic and crassly unoriginal. But its a senseless, meaningless and idealistic detour in the affairs, progress and development of The People of Virginia. Come on man, come on People. Of course once upon a time the chasm between cognition and superstition was wide enough to allow and accept the existence of petty and terroristic dictatorship in it's variegated and idealistic forms, from the chattel enslavement of Black people in Virginia, through monarchism, colonialism, supremacism its jim crow, apartheid, Nazism and Zionism progenies, along with the major political-economies of the 19th and 20th centuries to their deconstructionist iterations in this 21st century. But much to the chagrin and despair of our neo-feudalist, there has been much shrinkage to the point, it isn't up to that proverbial little boy's declaration, of "the emperor has no clothes". Our contemporary human condition is so saturated with cognition, that neo-Berkeley's and Berkeleianism are resurrected ala Curtis Yarvin, with their wheel reinventing regressive indulgences. The point is, yes reaction is alive and well, even thriving that, last gasping burst of activity and we see this clearly in that "pot calling the kettle black" politics practiced by Glenn Youngkin and his Republican compadres. The Virginia Department Of Corrections under the present leadership of Governor Glenn Youngkin and his chosen Director of its administration, Chadwick Dotson is a mess and we need not look any further than the fact, Virginia prisoners are resorting to setting themselves on fire as speech, that the barbarity and savagery meted out on a daily basis is beyond the pale. Instead of responding to this unqualified state of perdition within the prisoner population, we see our "Dear Leader" Governor Glenn Youngkin expending the time, energy and treasure invested and entrusted to him by The People of The Commonwealth of Virginia in a fraudulent and idealistic criticism of President Joe Biden's exercise of the prerogatives and privileges of the Office of The President of The United States, by granting clemency. First of all as a Nation, relatively under the rule of Law, (I say relatively, because Governor Glenn Youngkin has made clear that his grasp and respect of law is, some are above it and not subject to its accounting) so as a Nation under the rule and process of law, clemency, commutations and pardons are integral parts of its adjudication and are not some aside to be opportunistically reviled, castigated and dismissed as if the surrender of the individuals natural urge for revenge isn't the trade of within The Commonwealth's Social Contract and the duty of The Executive or Leader is to remind us the citizenry of the trade of. Because is Glenn Youngkin in his role as Governor of Virginia under the delusion that the State meets and satisfies its obligations to "all" The People of Virginia?
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982
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