The question isn't whether The Virginia Parole Board is corrupted, but what is to be done about it. The dispensation, assignment attribution and grant of parole to prisoners, as all our other social relations and facts is fraught with corruption. A corruption, as I have in previous works posited is structurally inherent in systems as The Virginia Department of Corrections and as I will make the case, The Virginia Parole Board. To begin, The entire construct of The Virginia Justice Infrastructure is corrupted, from inception because its intended basis, historic purpose and utility has nothing to do with justice as a democratic mechanism of faith and trust in The Social Contract, its aspirations and comity. As such, the derived consequences have been, a denial that the corruption exist in the first place, subsequently efforts at, and work of reforming it has been illogically adversarial .and idealistically reactionary, a statement and revelatory fact to the actual purpose of Virginia's imprisonment scheme and the entire justice infrastructure as a dedicated and devoted tool of maintaining subservient, subordinated, privileged and supremacist political-economic Social Contract facts and relations. As such the reformative and societal, We The People affirming, optimistic perspective of paroling prisoners will and destructively be at odds with the oppositionary and repressive narrative of the status quo beneficiaries, its defenders, functionaries, supporters and allies. So with this as functional lattice of The Virginia Parole Board, we begin with the Republican Administration of the disgraced "macaca"racist slurring George Allen as Governor of Virginia who idealistically abolished Parole in Virginia circa 1995.The schizophrenic history of Parole in The Commonwealth of Virginia is documented in the case BURNETTE v. FAHEY 687 F.3d. 171.
Parole being an extension of the adjudged "criminal" sentence, is subsequently exploited by political opportunist in their perpetual quest for speculative power without regard for the consequences, of which the destruction of the faith and trust in the social contract is collateral. This destruction, then begins with the accepted patronage of how The Virginia Parole Board is structured. Parole as narrative, is a philosophical social release valve, a mitigative logic, attempting to respond to the obvious antagonisms and contradictions of the justice system, giving it a veneer of enlightenment which we see defined and expressed in the various levels of Virginia and The Nation's jurisprudence and we begin with, the SENTENCING REFORM ACT of 1984 or (SRA) and a part of it's U.S. Congress debate....."are compounded by the fact that the sentencing Judges and Parole officials are consistently second guessing each other, and as a result, prisoners and the public are seldom certain about the real sentence a defendant will serve "[excerpted from DAMN THE TORPEDOES ! AN UNPRINCIPLED INCORRECT AND LONELY APPROACH TO COMPASSIONATE RELEASE 44 CARDOZA L. REV. 477 by CHRISTOPHER J. MERKEN]. I will begin to list, excerpt and quote works that will make some of my position, so I begin with asking you the reader to study the dissent by Judge Martin of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in the case 996 F. 3d 1243, then check out these cases CONCEPCION v. United States 597 U.S.481, then to see the continuum of the madness of American Jurisprudence over the issue and role of Parole start with, from 1798 LYON'S CASE 15 F. CAS 1183, then from 1855, UNITED STATES v. NYE 27 F. CAS 210, then from 1869, UNITED STATES v. RANDLE 27 F. CAS 696,then from 1887 STATE v. SOMMERS 98 N.C.702, then from 1908 STATE v. REEDER 79 S.C.139, then pay attention to the analysis in UNITED STATES v. JOHNSON 2024 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 104204.....then pay attention to this, UNITED STATES LAW WHICH NORMALLY IS A GUIDE FOR STATES AT USCS TITLE 18 sec. 3582 (a) STATES FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED IN IMPOSING A TERM OF IMPRISONMENT...... "RECOGNIZING THAT IMPRISONMENT IS NOT AN APPROPRIATE MEANS OF PROMOTING CORRECTION AND REHABILITATION" (see TAPIA v. UNITED STATES 564 U.S.319) then focus on this "THE HEART OF THE MATTER IS THAT DEMOCRACY IMPLIES RESPECT FOR THE ELEMENTARY RIGHTS OF MEN, HOWEVER SUSPECT OR UNWORTHY A DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT MUST THEREFORE PRACTICE FAIRNESS AND FAIRNESS CAN RARELY BE OBTAINED BY SECRET, ONE-SIDED DETERMINATION OF FACTS OF RIGHTS" (excerpted from JOINT ANTI-FACIST REFUGE COMMITTEE v. McGRATH 341 U.S. 123) then study this "DURING THE PAST 60 YEARS THE PRACTICE OF RELEASING PRISONERS ON PAROLE BEFORE THE END OF THEIR SENTENCE HAS BECOME AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE PENOLOGICAL SYSTEM" "RATHER THAN BEING AN AD HOC EXERCISE OF CLEMENCY, PAROLE IS AN ESTABLISHED VARIATION ON IMPRISONMENT OF CONVICTED CRIMINALS" (excerpted from MORRISEY v. BREWER 408 U.S.471) then lastly study CONCEPCION v. UNITED STATES: COMPASSIONATE DRUG SENTENCING REFORM AGAINST A CRIMINAL LEGAL SYSTEM BUILT ON RACIALIZED SOCIAL CONTROL 101 DEN. L. REV. ONLINE 1 by MISTY L. SCHLABAUGH...... Now with the stated above I have one more point to state, The Virginia Parole Board under Virginia jurisprudence is, an administrative body acting in the role of parens patriae, meaning (Black's Law Dictionary, "the state regarded as a sovereign the state in its capacity as provider of protection to those unable to care for themselves, which under Virginia law, the Virginia prisoner at Virginia Code 8.01-2 (6) PERSON UNDER A DISABILITY..... (a) A person convicted of a felony during the period he is confined, is
To the Virginia status quo, its supporters, functionaries and allies nothing I've said about the farce and fraudulence of Virginia's Parole Board is news or an affront that needs and requires reform. Instead what they find offensive is that I've said it. But the point is the only necessary and required understanding is that of the everyday Virginian who rote and pro forma like votes into political authority the exploiters and compromisers of Virginia's Social Contract, its idea of justice, but is complicit because of social inattentiveness and the corollary ignorance, nonetheless suffers and endures its consequences. Despite the fact, the focus of this work is the idea and practice of parole, still, it encompasses the circumstances of the Social Contract which is the basis of parole as idea. We would like to think and suppose that governmental activity, which The Virginia Parole Board under the aegis of The Justice Infrastructure and The Virginia Department Of Corrections, is. Isn't choosing sides, favoring parts of society, factions of society, in otherwords isn't partisan, thereby pitting itself against itself and is in a constant war with itself, expending extreme and inordinate amounts of labor, struggling to conceal that it is partisan, but is and we see this clearly with the idea and practice of parole. Parole is a component of criminal adjudication, a process that's relative to the existence and interactivity of The Social Contract, irrespective of acceptance and subordination. Meaning it's in service of and a requisite for the civilization of society. However due to the historical perversion and political-economic denigration of humanness and its value, the justice process of Virginia society then assumes a function of idealistic social control, undermining its progressive aspirations. So what we encounter is the opposite to what The Supreme Court of The United States instructed in JOINT ANTI-FASCIST REFUGE COMMITTEE v. McGRATH 341 U.S 123 that "THE HEART OF THE MATTER IS THAT DEMOCRACY IMPLIES RESPECT FOR THE ELEMENTARY RIGHTS OF MEN, HOWEVER SUSPECT OR UNWORTHY A DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT MUST THEREFORE PRACTICE FAIRNESS AND FAIRNESS CAN RARELY BE OBTAINED BY SECRET, ONE-SIDED DETERMINATION OF FACTS DECISIVE OF RIGHTS" and The Virginia Parole Board, The Virginia Department Of Corrections, the entire purported oversight mechanisms of The Commonwealth of Virginia systemically violate it in principle and in deed. Notwithstanding the gibberish sophistry swallowed hook and sinker, by The Virginia media in its misleading articulation of the fraudulent and farcical activities and behavior of all three levels of The Commonwealth's Government, beginning with the patronage of the Virginia Executive in peopling The Virginia Parole Board, the Virginia citizenry still have the social responsibility of understanding what is being done and implemented in their name. If the Virginia citizenry are funding with their tax receipts, the existence and function of The Virginia Parole Board and if the very idea and purpose of parole, is to release the imprisoned yet what we experience is the parole board failing to do what tax payers are paying it to do then its fraud and must be understood as such. The idea that people, government officials tasked with determining the quintessential speculative enterprise of parole, a process that's corrupted from inception due to its askant view of objective methodologies can then attempt to side step its obligations with the most insulting of logic, that prisoners haven't performed or satisfied such and such conditions only reinforces what we already know.
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982
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