Come on man, who is surprised by the recent disclosure by THE APPEAL, that the what to do brain storming of The Virginia Department of Corrections concerning the recent self-immolation by human beings under its care as prisoners at The Koncentration Kamp Red Onion State Prison, couldn't get past the tired, archaic, same ole same ole, reactionary rut unoriginality of dabbling in the speculations of aversive moral hazard accentuation. So The Appeals' reporting educates us with revelations that Koncentration Kamp Red Onion State Prison apparatchiks or prison officials doing their what is to be done on prisoner self-immolation were focused on imposing fines, court processes and adjudication along with all sorts of bizarre speculations, for example self-immolation was means for a contact visit,(the obvious irony that setting oneself on fire is in deed suicidal simply escaped and eluded its proponent) all at the expense of the obvious stop treating Virginia prisoners barbarically and savagely. There is an old adage, if all you have is a hammer then everything is a nail. The Virginia prison official haplessly equates imprisonment with, barbarity, savagery, pain, cruelty and the dynamic of the lash on an enslaved's back, because that was its progenitor. The reality is the Virginia prison official hasn't been made to disprove it, that its reactionary, intellectual-liberal speculations and antebellum suppositions of its terms and administration of imprisonment are professionally legitimate and valid to the only point of view that matters, which is that of The People of Virginia. Okay, so what do we have, The Virginia Department of Corrections is the State largest agency with the largest budget, in other words, The People of Virginia invest more in the creation of conditions and circumstances that compel, impell and drive its imprisoned to self-immolate, than in the education, job training, health care, housing and development of positive infrastructure towards the realization of its Social Contract aspirations. What we have come to incontrovertibly realize and recognize is in all standards of measure The Virginia Department of Corrections is unaccountable, because it doesn't have to measurably prove and show anything. Its one and clear function is, a redistributor of wealth and tax payer money to locales and environments that play no role in the "creation" of money. The prison official serves and provides a retail function in Virginia's political-economy as such its only perspective is to see the Virginia prisoner as chattel, a source of provisions. Consequently the Virginia prisoner is dehumanized and the relationship with the Department is antagonistic. The Virginia prison official consistently is at war, in a state of conflict with the Virginia prisoner. Of course we are given the contradictory verbiage of maintaining order, but the maintenance of such order, its definitions and applications shouldn't be casually left to the purely and obvious economic self-interest based sophistry of the prison officials' self-assertions, particularly after the recent Supreme Court of The United States rulings on "The Chevron Doctrine", on the authority of unelected administrative officials, including prison officials. What this shows is the impunity, a lack of accountability, compromising what it means to be human in post antebellum Virginia and the dictatorial predilections of the prison official to abuse, savage and violate law. Nonetheless the Virginia prison official despite their antipathy must be reminded are still defined by the norms and standards of Virginia's Social Contract, its Law.
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982
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