The human being is barbaric which is why we have law. The human being is savage, so we pursue civilization. The human being, as president-elect Donald Trump and Governor Glenn Youngkin have reminded and shown is nothing more than a petty hypocrite, so The Social Contract of society which The Commonwealth of Virginia is component requires accountability on the formulation of, no one is outside of its exegesis therefore justice and its application in society is it's objectification and the inexorability of accountability. Which brings us to the crossroad lattice of how to mete it out, currently Virginia exploits the gamut of criminal sanction. This work isn't intended to ferret out the antagonistic history of Virginia's justice infrastructure and its prison system but simply state that it is. The Justice Infrastructure which The Virginia Department of Corrections is legatee was egregiously and gratuitously barbaric and savage, and as descendant, The Virginia Department of Corrections has continued the psychosis and has fought tooth and nail against giving up an inch, a quarter on reform, regardless and irrespective of how pro forma, how illusory and deceptive. Let's take this 1971 case, LANDMAN v. ROYSTER 333 F.Supp. 621 that admonished and put The Virginia Department of Corrections on notice that its practices and behavior at the then Virginia State Penitentiary were unconstitutional, meaning it violated The Constitution of The United States, with this excerpted quote "A disregard of constitutional guaranties of so grave a nature as to violate the most common notions of due process and humane treatment". This was said in 1971 about the savagery of the Virginia Prison Official by a United States Federal Judge. This exposure of the barbarity of the Virginia prison official continues in a 1983 case, SHRADER v. WHITE 1983 U.S. DIST. LEXIS 15888. So let's fast forward to this 21st. century, and 2025 54 years after the exposure and admonishment of the case Landman v. Royster to the recent horrific revelations and disclosures of prisoner self-immolation from The Koncentration Kamp Red Onion State Prison.
Awright folks, you the reader, LET THIS SINK IN, VIRGINIA PRISONERS IN THE 21st CENTURY ARE REDUCED TO THE SPEECH OF SELF-IMMOLATION !!!, in a tragic effort at making the same point Federal Judges in the 20th century scathingly made, and I paraphrase, that the Virginia Prison Official is, savage. Philistines, apologist and reactionaries among us are always quick to wrap themselves in The U.S Constitution or for purposes of this work, The Virginia Constitution while dismissing and dehumanizing its very objects. A Constitution which I'm certain didn't anticipate, expect nor envision that despite and nevertheless its cravenly, comedic and idealistic contradictions and horrific antagonisms, its "WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL THAT THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR WITH CERTAIN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS ....."would confront itself with the witness of Virginia prisoners processed upon its terms in the 21st century, speaking with the desperate speech of setting themselves on fire in the cages of The Commonwealth of Virginia's Red Onion State Prison Koncentration Kamp all because The Social Contract that presumed to exact accountability of their acts and behavior, mocked and compromised the very process and terms it deployed against them, for their internment and imprisonment by sinking into that most unoriginal of human states, the, petty hypocrisy of "don't do as I do but as I say "and its default infamy of irreproachability at the expense of the faith and trust social glue of "no one is above law".Now the point is this, only the feckless Virginian, private or public citizen, will in this 21st century act as if news of the Virginia prison official behaving savagely is revelatory, when we have its insulting affront of chronicles upon chronicles, dusty volumes filled with accounts upon accounts of dirty deeds, Court cases and Virginia General Assembly records of purported accountability, over sight hearings. So the work isn't another fact finding anything. Look as prisoners under the jurisdictional process of The Commonwealth of Virginia of course we welcome the attention and focus by our Virginia Legislators, i.e, THE VIRGINIA LEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS, then Del. Michael Jones and caucus aide Ceci Cain's recent 12/30/24 trip to the State's Red Onion State Prison Koncentration Kamp, due to the immediate reports of prisoner self-immolation. But the point is, the State of Virginia has squandered whatever margins of good faith presumption it tenuously claimed, when the Chief Executive, our "Dear Leader" Governor Glenn Youngkin is in the vanguard of abrogating the very social glue of faith and trust in the rule of law, by his obscene cavorting with the quintessential totem of irreproachability, the convicted felon president-elect Donald Trump. So on what grounds, on what basis, what is steerage of The Commonwealth? when the seeming application of its law is its violation by its Prison Official? The only question the Virginia legislator has to answer is are they willing to act that they have in and for themselves terms of critique and exercise its authority as much as their deluded reactionary colleagues, who are intoxicated with their point of view monopolistic zealotry, which ironically mocks the function of Virginia's General Assembly as institution. We see its result, when Chadwick Dotson as Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections can "confidently" state in the 21st century that Virginia prisoners who self-immolated only burnt their legs and he isn't immediately relieved of his position and authority.
By William Thorpe
I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit and if you feel any kinda way about this work contact me by Securus email using the Texas prison number #2261982
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