Virginia Prisons Accountability Committee: 2023

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Killing Of Prisoner Richard Boggs By The Virginia Department Of Corrections Was Not A "Legal" Execution But Murder And There Isn't A Statute Of Limitations On Murder By William Thorpe

Left: The electric chair in the death chamber at Virginia State Penitentiary in 1991. Right: The computer that controlled the electric chair. The prison was closed and demolished in the early '90s.Library of Virginia

When The Commonwealth of Virginia indulged in Capital Punishment, till Democrats and a majority of Virginia voters abolished it in 2021.The legality of killing by Capital Punishment was Due Process of Law. Simply, the existence and compliance to specific steps, from the initial arrest or The State of Virginia placing its hands on the sovereign person or human being, in other words imposing its detaining will and intent on a Human and from that moment forward the terms of the interaction and relationship is defined by law. Whether the law is malevolent or benevolent is besides the point. The law is process which the State subjects and submits itself to and as such is indicted by or in perpetuity held to account by. When killing people under its capital punishment logic was The Commonwealth of Virginia's highest function and its most savage based on the historicity of savagery. It had its process and that process gave the killing of people by the State of Virginia legality or acceptance within The Social Contract, in contrast with murder. Which is killing without due process of law, nevertheless its logic and reason, it exist outside terms of Social Contract. In other words the singular logic and reason of the sovereign human is without standing of due process as due process of law is only to be found and realized as a communal or aggregate function of and within Social Contract, which necessitates it. So with all of this said, The Commonwealth of Virginia violated law when it killed Richard Boggs in 1990, because it violated the process of the act. By violating the process of the killing, the act then became as any other killing outside of Due Process of Law. The killing became "murder". On January 19, 2023, under title NPR uncovered secret execution tapes from Virginia. More remain hidden, reporter Chiara Eisner told us about the murder of prisoner Richard Boggs under guise of Capital Punishment by The Virginia Department of Corrections in 1990.Virginia's Due Process for the act of legal execution as Capital Punishment had its steps or process or to quote the French writer Jacques Delarue (in his book The Gestapo, commenting on Hitler and his henchmen) and I paraphrase, the banal administration of death, which Virginia prison officials tasked with killing Richards Boggs, violated without a second thought, hence revealing law as an inconvenience. Virginia's capital punishment law and process that transformed murder into legal execution required prison officials in process of executing a prisoner to have and maintain contact with The Governor of Virginia. Because the Governor had authority to put on hold or call off an execution. But as Chiara Eisner's reporting on Virginia's execution tapes reveal, the killing of Richard Boggs in 1990 happened without such contact and authority. Meaning prison officials who were killing Richard Boggs were acting outside of Virginia law and its capital punishment process, as such it was murder and The Virginia Department of Corrections must be held accountable.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Saturday, December 16, 2023


The United States exist as a Nation not because of the exceptionalism of the people, to wit kindness, sense of justice and fairness. But the United States is a Nation because and specifically, because of the Constitution. The U.S Constitution became Supreme authority in 1789, exactly 234 years ago. No one alive today, not those who exploit, pervert, distort, defend, dismiss and undermine it existed during its construction and ratification, yet the point I make is in 2023, 234 years since The Constitution became authority, it is the basis, the framework for the Nation and its definitions, its determinations and it is what forms the American Humanness. In otherwards everyone (the anti and the pro) are all defined and realized by it. It determines what is acceptable and what isn't. So our behavior isn't defined by and accounted for as a supposed innate expressed value, but is a result of to what extent we are subject to and beholden to the accountability of the Constitution. In otherwards we are not a Nation, or a People without it nor are our interactions and relations with each other based on the dictatorship of our individual personalities, regardless of how individually nice, kind, just and fair we are.

Remove, replace and substitute The Constitution with any organizing principle, because the point is human behavior is always accountable to something and in Virginia and United States society and its Social Contract, that something is Law/Constitution. So when we talk about holding the Virginia Prison Official and those of the Justice Infrastructure accountable, what we mean is ensuring that they are subject to and subordinate to law. We care less about their personalities, whether they are kind or fair in their human dispositions. The only thing that matters is the fact no one is above law.

On NPR's, Morning Edition for 12/14/23, we were told that approximately 100 State Attorneys or Prosecutors in the State of Ohio systematically violate the law in the performance of their duties. Meaning even as they prosecute those accused of violating the law, they are also violating it. The fact law isn't applied equally or we are unequally held accountable isn't new. But what I want to show is how our inattentiveness to language permits prison officials, prosecutors and the entire justice infrastructure to exploit and violate law. One of the accused Ohio Prosecutors in the NPR story and sanctioned by Ohio Courts, said he hadn't done "anything wrong". This comment anticipates our inattentiveness to language and is the classic refrain from the corrupt and crooked official deflecting focus from their criminal behavior. Because the issue isn't whether one has done " anything wrong", but its whether one has violated law which according to The Constitution we are equally subject to. The Virginia prison official along with components of Virginia's Justice infrastructure have swore an oath to uphold The Constitution and Laws of the land. The everyday Virginia citizen and taxpayer hasn't swore an oath to anything ,half of the time people are charged with violations of laws they didn't know existed, yet they are held accountable. While the Prison Official and the Justice infrastructure cabal whose oath requires and expects knowledge of laws, standards, practices of the state and ethics are allowed to claim qualified and absolute immunity. A practice that makes a mockery of equality under law.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Virginia Department Of Corrections Is A Fraud, And The Solomonic Spectacle Of Cutting A Baby In Half By William Thorpe

In 1 Kings 3:16-28 We encounter the prospect of the spectacle of cutting a baby in half. As barbaric as it is that is what The Virginia Department of Corrections has been doing as function of Virginia's Government ever since it emerged as organized bureaucracy. The Department claims as mandate and mission, public safety. Yet one would be hard pressed to find indicators, showing exclusive facts that the Departments organic action alone has given us public safety. What we do find is fraud. Fraud in the sense, the Departments actions are philosophically and diametrically at odds with its mission statement. The idea that prisoners are less than human (and I say this based on what the Department does to and how it treats Humans who are imprisoned in its care), is at odds with readying prisoners for return and reintroduction into society. The only explanatory logic for the Departments behavior, (its treatment of prisoners) is it has never accepted the anticipation of Virginia law and the expectation of the Virginia tax payer, who fund the Department that the imprisoned human is to be returned in a socio-positive and functional state than the prisoner was before the imprisonment and that is fraud. Irrespective of the fact that historically the Virginia citizenry has averted its discerning gaze on what is done by those it bestows the privilege of acting in its name on issues as the condition and circumstance of its prison system, doesn't mean the prison official should then respond in a fraudulent manner by compromising and violating the integrity of Virginia's social contract. Yet we won't find any nook and cranny of the Department that isn't awash in its fraud. If mistreating and abusing humans creates fully developed and realized people. Then why don't we see the sort of education dispensed to children of Virginia's elites at their private schools based on a curricula of abuse and mistreatment? Because the only right Virginia's Justice infrastructure invokes as the imprisonment logic is, it knows how to educate the prisoner into becoming a wholesome contributor to society. Besides that what we are then left with is crass sadistic and gratuitous cruel pain and despite the psychopathic origins of Virginia's social contract no one will dare claim that to create a realized human, subject him to a comprehensive regime of mental, psychological and physical torture and you will have the most productive and safe society. Because that is what The Virginia Department Of Corrections spends taxpayer funds doing.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Friday, December 8, 2023


In 1954 the Supreme Court of The United States, stated the obvious in its Brown v. Board of Education ruling striking down segregation and I paraphrase that it was anti human and in extension a crime. So what did the pro-segregation parents of kids growing up in the criminal environment of segregation promptly do? They taught their lil 8,9- and 10-year Johnnys and Janes to start screaming that they want a, "white school ". Well those lil Johnnys and Janes clearly understood what their words meant, because they had heard enough of it from their parents. Those 8,9- and 10-year-olds who were being groomed to be racist and pro-segregation in 1954 are still living among us and are now in their late 70's. What I want to focus on is the fact society and the social contract has forgiven them and treated them with the privileges of what parole should be for the criminal. In other words, those racist and pro-segregationist, who chanted " we want a white school", whose racist and pro-segregation parents created and provided for them the criminal environment of dehumanizing and treating in particular, black people as "other" with the political and legal-infrastructure, B. Muse wrote about in the work, VIRGINIA'S MASSIVE RESISTANCE and has been intensively labored over with a quasi-display of jurisprudential professionalism and honesty in a panoply of Virginia cases I.e Taylor v. Northam 300 va 230 Etheridge v. Medical Center Hospitals 237 va 87 Loving v. Commonwealth 206 va.924 Brown v. Richmond 204 va.471 Harrison v. Day 200 va.439 DeFebio v. County School Board 199 va. 511 County School Board v. Shelton 198 va.226 Naim v. Naim 197 va.80 Stevens v. Commonwealth 70 Va.App.280 are as I've stated alive and among us in modern, contemporary 2023 society and contributing to the political-economic needs and wants of society.

No one will argue, what is racism, its character, its purpose and its supremacist intent. Furthermore no one will argue that it isn't par none destructive. It is tyrannical within the social contract and is the quintessential dynamic of corruption and the supremacist, indulgence. I say this to get at this: if the racist and the supremacist indulgence is accorded the redemptive privilege inherent in the parole process, then what are the terms and basis of the argument that relative criminal violations for the most part should be treated with prejudice and extra proscription?
Every harm and deviance within society has its roots in racism and the supremacist indulgence. Yet the racist, the pro-segregationist, the supremacist are redeemed on their in themselves terms, while the 15,16,17-year-old Jefferson, Washington, king or Thompson consequences of racism are entombed in Virginia's concentration camps, at Red Onion and Wallens Ridge State Prisons, which George Allen, the former racist and supremacist Governor of Virginia described as his crowning achievement and monument. So when we are given the narrative that the imprisoned Virginia prisoner isn't worthy of parole or the reform of the prison condition. We respond with why then are the racist, the pro-segregationist, and the supremacist worthy?

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Saturday, December 2, 2023

The Virginia Prisoner Is A Result Of A Criminal Conviction, While The Virginia Prison Official Is Practically Crooked And Corrupt by William Thorpe

The difference between the Virginia prisoner and the Virginia prison official and guard is accountability. The prisoner is held accountable by the justice infrastructure for alleged and the subsequent conviction, of a violation. The Virginia prison official, eludes, evades and isn't held accountable, because Virginia and The Nations justice infrastructure isn't designed to do such to prison officials and all members of the State organized-violence apparatus. Look I'm not presenting lengthy research notes and studies to validate any of what I'm saying .I leave validation to the honesty of the reader, because whether one is subject to or object of the daily terms of organic interaction with and within Virginia's Social Contract, regardless of denials and delusions we all know what accountability is, who is held to and subject to it and when crookedness and corruption are not exceptions but the rule as "above the law" privilege.

If and when the prisoner is correctly and accurately held accountable by criminal conviction, it is done specifically on the individuality of the prisoner as singular perpetrator without the reason and justification of societal conditions and circumstances. But on the contrary the crookedness and corruption of the Virginia prison official, goes beyond the supposition of a criminal code and gets at and is an expression of the very logic of the social contract, which is no one is above law, because the corruption of the public official, which the prison official is. Reveals and exposes the contradictions and antagonisms inherent in the social contract. Because in as much as the rule of law pronounces itself as unbiased, democratic and unprejudiced it is anything but and we see it as such in the expressed attitudes and assumptions of the prison official. In otherwards the prison official is corrupt and crooked not as a singular organism but because he/she exploits the very democratic logic of society and the social contract. The prison official perceives law as a petty nuisance, a "liberal" construct, coddling prisoners and he/she is the authentic dispenser of "punishment". As such what we then see is a systemic and thorough violation of law by the prison official in their governance of the prisoner.
So, Virginia prisoners are denied and deprived of food. Denied showers, denied adequate clothing, denied medical and mental health care, denied outside exercise, denied affirmative and realistic intellectual and sensory stimuli in preparation for release from prison. Virginia prisoners are routinely assaulted and tortured in all manners imaginable and then some by the Virginia prison official, all one has to do is get a catalog of the voluminous law suits filed by Virginia prisoners protesting and seeking redress from the extrajudicial rampage of the prison official.

When we talk about the level of corruption and crookedness of the Virginia prison official. Here is case in point. Back in 2001 a number of guards at Virginia's Wallens Ridge State Prison were charged with assaulting a prisoner and falsifying prison or state records by the Wise County Commonwealth's attorney. The case itself was an exception because it is extraordinarily and extremely rare for a Commonwealth's attorney to charge prison officials of misdeeds, violations and crimes. So this is how Virginia prison officials responded, they came in the D/5 pod of Wallens Ridge State prison one evening in either February or March of 2002 and moved out prisoners from 9 of the bottom tier cells and replaced them with prisoners from other parts of the prison. Moving prisoners from pod to pod or cell to cell isn't remarkable or noteworthy because prisoners are moved for whatever reason, but what made this move in question interesting was it was enmasse and normally when such enmasse moves happen its due to something is being done to cells or the pod. Anyway nothing was made of it, till a day or two later around noon a bunch of old white people were escorted into the pod and as soon as the group of old white people entered the pod all the recently moved in prisoners to the bottom tier started beating, banging on the cell doors, howling, shouting, screaming and doing all sorts of things that were it on any other day or time Wallens Ridge prison guards would have used as pretext to run into the cells, assault and beat prisoners, sic dogs on 'em, spray gas and OC (oleoresin capsicum) pepper gas 'em (note OC gas has a history of killing people). But on this day the Wallens Ridge prison guards were ensuring that the group of old white people observed to the fullest the bedlam behavior being displayed by those prisoners who it later came out had been moved in purposefully to behave in that manner for the group of old white people who it turned out were members of the jury on the case of those prison guards on trial for assaulting a prisoner and subsequently falsifying prison or state records. What Virginia prison officials had done was promise certain prisoners with transfer from Wallens Ridge State Prison, which at that time was understood to be a supermax prison, if they would participate in a stunt for the jury on the case of those charged guards. The idea was the behavior encountered by those old white people in the D/5 pod is what their sons and daughters who are employed as prison guards are subjected to, deal with and face on a daily basis. So, if a prison guard (who is either their son/daughter/husband/wife or community member) assaults a prisoner, its excusable, because how can anyone work under such conditions without reacting? And it worked because the prison guards were found not guilty. Now this scheme put into effect by the Virginia prison official at Wallens Ridge State Prison, is a text book study of corrupt and crooked behavior by a prison official, exploiting democratic authority given within the social contract.

First of all, if we are to actually reform The Virginia Department of Corrections and subsequently the entire Justice Infrastructure. It starts and begins with us, we the people and how "woke" we become to the one and only truth, which is: we begin by rejecting that tired narrative of selective accountability. To those of you who might not be familiar with the George Orwell book, Animal Farm, its characterization of some animals being more equal than others has always been the correct and accurate analysis of Virginia's Justice Infrastructure and the prison official. Prisoners are literally beaten and assaulted by the Virginia prison official, not because the tax payer and voter have decided that, that is the professional conduct expected of those whom the privileges of subjecting human beings who for the most part have exhibited the same behavior the states organized violence practices for the purported benefit of the community and society, to imprisonment. But it's simply because the prison official exploits that grey area within the social contract that seeds corruption and crookedness .Let's take for example Virginia's current Attorney General, Jason Miyares besides spewing the tired and worn pablum of, tough on crime and bounding up steps at Virginia's concentration camp, also known as Red Onion State Prison and violating the Virginia voters faith and trust in government, with schemes to thwart and pervert their will and intent of reforming the Commonwealth's measure of reducing sentences. Does any one and I mean any one who isn't scared to think accept that there is a sliver, a modicum of probability that Jason Miyares,in his "infinite wisdom" cares about the crookedness, corruption and extra judicial behavior of the prison official? Whom from his Miyareian world view can never ever be deviant and a law breaker?What matters however is Jason Miyares is entitled to exist in his reprobate supremacist quagmire and we reject it as history has consistently rejected its dictatorship.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Problem With The Virginia Department Of Corrections Is Old As The Antagonism Of Patrician And Plebeian By William Thorpe

Roman law emerged upon the supposition of "Supremacy", that some humans were supreme and others weren't. Whether it was Pentateuch inspired, with its " chosen people" contradiction is irrelevant. The fact is, the bastardization and its mongrelization of Roman law through Charlemagne, the Magna Carta and its existence in Virginia and the rest of the North American colonies permitted its survival upon the political-economy of chattel enslavement of Africans. Law or Politics defends political-economies, meaning how members of society, The Social -Contract, do what is necessary for their existence and in Virginia what was necessary for the existence of the "supremacist" subjective was the unremunerated labor of the chattel enslavement of Africans. In other words "Supremacy" went hand in hand with chattel enslavement of Black people and Virginia laws enforced it. Fast forward to the practices of The Virginia Department of Corrections and no matter how hard we look, how rose colored our glasses are we will not find daylight between, the above the law behavior of Virginia's Prison Official and the "supremacist" motive force of the chattel enslavers of Black people.

The "Supremacist" supposition of ancient Rome created, the patrician who was only conditionally subject to law.Which the plebian, everyday folk was bound to.This is what Virginian political-economy replicated and to which no matter the apology,we see it entrenched firmly as logic of The Virginia Department of Corrections.
Of course the Virginia prison official will clothe "Supremacy" as anything but. Its been done enough,its undermined what little faith and trust the Virginia tax payer has in government, enough.Impacting the terms of Virginia's Social Contract enough and up until that moment HOMOPRISONER, becomes a genus as HOMOSAPIEN,we reject the above the law habit of The Virginia Department of Corrections and its Prison Official.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Virginia and Democratic voters said they want accountability and transparency in their government by resoundingly defeating the reactionary and reprobate backwardness of Governor Glenn Youngkin and Republicans in the 2023 Statewide Elections.

This isn't the first time voters have resoundingly and unequivocally said they want and have expectations of "a change from the quicksand of business as usual that is the familiarity of daily existence". As a matter of fact every election since pro-segregationist and their massive resistance push against de-segregation took off their sheets and became Republicans, that has put Democrats in power, whether State or Nationally, has been that of voters wanting and expecting progress. A change in the daily organic familiarity of existence. In other words, even when voters didn't have the language to say it what their expectations held breath for is an accountable and transparent terms of The Social Contract, that not only needs but relays on the peoples faith and trust in the fact that in society The people are not the enemy but conditions are.

What we have come to understand is life's mysteries isn't so much about the doublespeak of Evangelicalism but its specifically about our political ignorances.What I'm talking about is that old provincial, "who you know and what you know" adage. What this translates into is simply this: We have voted in Democrats who are naturally inclined to do the right thing for us everyday folks. But what we cannot do is take for granted that Democrats will instinctively do the right thing as such we have to sharpen our focus and engage with those we voted for, constantly reminding them that reforming the Virginia Department of Corrections isn't aspirational but a fact that must be realized.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright Unit

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

InJustice: Hidden Crisis in Virginia’s Prisons Via ACLU Virginia and Narrative Arts

ACLU Virginia l Narrative Arts

The ACLU of Virginia, in partnership with Narrative Arts, presents Injustice: Hidden Crisis in Virginia's Prisons, a documentary that seeks to shine the spotlight on Virginia's criminal legal system and the hundreds of thousands of people it impacts.


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Statement For Virgina Day On Solitary Confinement


The Virginia Department of Corrections is doing to prisoners what Americans rebelled against during covid 19 lockdown solitary confinement and isolation and we at vapac stand with Virginia's taxpayer opposing it. The criticism against solitary confinement and isolation of covid 19 lockdown is its against the social essence of being human and we call on our political leaders to once and for all stop it.


Friday, November 10, 2023

Bob Lewis Is Calling Out The Dictatorship Of The Office Of Governor Of Virginia By William Thorpe

Dictatorship isn't limited to those "others" we are instructed to revile as being less. But to those who dare to think, dictatorship is first and foremost an indulgence in, pretensions, assumptions, suppositions, prejudices and reaction. Recently I encountered work by Bob Lewis, a former reporter for The Associated Press, calling out what has always been and is an antagonism of Virginia's Social Contract, specifically, disenfranchisement as being a fact of Virginia's criminal justice infrastructure. His critique presented the issue as one of those "aw shucks" colloquialism of horrific truths of The Social Contract, as if Virginia isn't a repository, a fetid retainer of the "Johnny come lately" discoverer of by tooth, nail and claw. Yes, Virginia rebelled against Britain, which we can now say was a political-economy maneuver of cutting out the middleman. So it comes as no surprise that the pretensions and suppositions embedded in, the sovereigns narrative of divine right of rule, reemerged in the Office of The Governor of Virginia along with its inherent ignorance's required to effect keeping the reactionary dynamic of the Social Contract pursuing its status quo interest alive and well, even if its former aristocratic masters had experienced the leather burn of having its reins yanked and snatched out of their hands. Am I as a Virginia prisoner thats been exiled to the prison system of the State of Texas glad that a functionary of Virginia's elite and status quo finds it worthy to illustrate the brazen contradiction of Virginia's criminal justice infrastructure by criticizing the way and manner his liege superiors have compromised, the act of voting by disenfranchising those who have been subject to its justice system? yes. Bob Lewis in his rebuke piece, calling out Governor Glenn Youngkins machinations over suffrage is a reminder that one can be a legatee and beneficiary of the antagonisms of a skewed Social Contract and find their, "emperor has no clothes" voice.Because considering that the justice infrastructure aspect of the Social Contract is what enables and permits its centering, any voice then thats "woke", exposing its rot, by reminding us that no one is above law is the highest form of work and the subsequent reform.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright. Unit

Sunday, November 5, 2023


One doesn't even have to do an exhaustive and comprehensive research of Virginia's Jurisprudence, a simple and cursory one will do. To realize that the entire infrastructure of its Criminal Justice and Imprisonment system isn't concerned with realizing justice within the legitimacy of Social Contract but its purely and relentlessly about controlling its members who for one reason or the other interact adversely with the bias and dishonesty of its political-economy. It's impossible to ignore the contradictions, antagonisms and hypocrisies of Virginia's Social Contract that are at every turn of print and television media cycle thrust upon our frazzled, beat down and frayed psyches with revelations, one after the other that despite the exhaustive mental labors expended structuring The Social Contract and the crimes against nature exploitation of the labors of the chattel enslavement of Black people, the only operative of Virginia's Social Contract is 'do as I say'. Because how are we to wrap our heads around the fact that, for example, The Virginia Crime Lab. tasked with applying mental and manual labor to the singular duty of investigating evidence from crimes is itself a crime scene. The Crime Lab, thanks to the hard work of Virginia Public News [VPM] and the dedicated podcast, Admissible has been exposed as mishandling forensic evidence, meaning the violations and malfeasance of mishandling crime-evidence has perverted and corrupted whatever "justice" means in The Commonwealth of Virginia. What compounds this pathetic state of affairs is the response, meaning none and the lack of accountability. The role forensic, or the adjudication of crime-evidence plays within Social Contract is equally as pivotal and significant as the industry and creativity of humanness. Because it underpins,"trust" in the center holding of Social Contract. But what we have experienced is, the "Due Process" and "Equality under Law "formulations of Social Contract are convenient suppositions intended to psychologically lull us a'la the frog being cooked analogy. One of the few mechanisms available to a prey of Virginia's criminal justice infrastructure fighting the conviction is, a writ of innocence, (codified at, Va.Code Section 19.2-327.1) but it's a mirage and what I mean, is its structured not to enable the pursuit of justice but to disable and make a travesty of it.

Anything that not only adds on to the undermining of the underpinning trust of Virginia's Social Contract, but compounds it as the revealed acts of Virginia's Crime Lab are, is, an indictment not only of the specific perpetrator of the malfeasant handling of forensic evidence by the Lab but the entire status quo-elite establishment apparatus. From its corrupted Churches, through its Universities and Colleges, the complicity of its corporate and even to a degree alternative media, its commercial and business enterprises and its coopted Labor organizations, the entire structure and component halves of the Commonwealths Social Contract are participants in the frame work and mindset that criminalizes an entire demographic and historicity of Virginians. The failings of the Virginia Crime Lab haven't happened in a vacuum but are direct results and consequences of the unredressed, crimes against nature chattel enslavement of Black people, the extermination of Native Americans and seizure of land, the continuation of a stylized- feudalistic political-economy as Capitalism, which is not to say Capitalism is a benign set of economic relations. Did we need these actual revelations of fraudulent forensic evidence handling by Virginia's Crime Lab to realize that travesties were occurring, when as an edge on the tip of the spear of Virginia's organized-violence and its justice infrastructure it embodies the corruption of the Social Contract?

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright. Unit

Thursday, November 2, 2023

2023 Virginia Elections, Accountability And Prison Reform

VAPAC agrees that prison is a fact of the Social Contract. We agree with the axiom that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result and we agree that the history and practice of Virginia's justice infrastructure fits the axiomatic definition of insanity and specifically, The Virginia Department of Corrections is guilty of it.

What we need is a honest and practical debate over what is expected of the imprisonment scheme and the justice infrastructure, and the answer is accountability, which currently we don't have. With the 2023 Virginia elections we have the opportunity to break out of the insanity axiom by electing people who will first of all acknowledge that what the Virginia Department of Corrections has been doing isn't working. For example, insistence on brutalizing prisoners with solitary confinement, shipping prisoners to far of states away from family are extra-judicial acts that cannot be defended notwithstanding the logic, because it is at the expense of and it self defeats the very underpinning of the Social Contract. To have an accountable prison system and government we have to vote for those who will honestly represent us and not repeat the insane pablum of tough on crime and law and order.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Three-Headed Monster In The Way Of Holding The Virginia Prison Official Accountable By William Thorpe

Recently The Attorney General of The Commonwealth of Virginia, Jason Miyares, made a brazenly lawless and unconstitutional declaration to the world (and I paraphrase) that the Virginia parole board in early 2020 had been in "a parole-granting frenzy "as such had endangered public safety by releasing dozens of violent felons. The brazen lawlessness and unconstitutional fact of the statement exposes a fact of Virginia's Social Contract which is it's Justice Infrastructure, exist firstly in defense of a type of privilege which in turn requires, necessitates and demands the lawlessness underpinning Attorney General Jason Miyares anti-parole hyperbolic rant. This sabotage of and undermining of Virginia's Social Contract and its conditional and relative Justice Infrastructure, is possible because of the lack of Accountability and the primary beneficiaries of this inherent lawlessness are, the Prison Official. Yes, other elements of the Justice Apparatus and Infrastructure are also beneficiaries, but I want to primarily focus on Virginia's Prison Official. I will focus on three parts of the social contract that are a primary cause permitting, the lack of accountability.

(1) NEGLIGENT VOTING The social contract is the first understanding among any grouping of people and as such is Natural Law. Irrespective of any and all other suppositions, formulations, and narratives. The understanding, establishing community among people is the first law and in Virginia as across the Nation it is achieved through the one and only act of voting. Whether it's in local elections for schools, City and county government, Statewide Government and finally the Presidency and the National Government. What people want, how people expect to be treated and how their fellow others will be treated are all a result of and from that one and singular act of voting. The problem faced by Virginia is how to vote and what to vote for. If for example one is a crime victim and the justice system exacting repair for the harm of the crime is part of and a function of the social contract which you've participated in its construction, regardless of whether or not you agreed with all its parts, It's in your interest, an affirmation of your humanness that the laws that created the experience as a crime are adhered to, meaning someone as the attorney general especially the attorney general who in this case is Jason Miyares should adhere to the law. Parole is part of Virginia's justice system and Infrastructure, it's the law. The attorney general of the Commonwealth of Virginia is a creation of law and exist as law the only reason we listen and pay attention to anything that comes out of the mouth of the attorney general is because of the authority our collective will has given the office by our vote as such when the attorney general forgets that it exist only because of our vote then we have to firstly remind ourselves that we must take the act of voting as serious as the conservation and preservation of our very life and existence because those we vote for can either pervert, corrupt or enable our aspirations, which we clearly see in the corruption of the social contract by Jason Miyares comments as it relates to parole.
(2) SCAPEGOATING A WEAPON EMPLOYED AND USED BY VIRGINIA SUPREMACIST Politicians, legislators, advocacy, activist dissect and debate ideas and policies as function of the social contract. The question however is, due to the negligent manner of the vote in Virginia, debates had by and policies presented by those it votes for become scapegoating mechanisms in pursuit of maintaining and defending the privilege and the inevitable inherent lawlessness of Virginia's justice system and infrastructure at the expense of advancing in a redemptive and constructive manner what it means to be human. Accordingly, we see the full display of Virginia's sub-humanization of parts of its social contract in the practices and administration of its imprisonment scheme, specifically, the barbaric and extra-judicial behavior of its Virginia Department of Corrections Prison Official. Subsequently its basis again is the impractical and negligent manner of the Virginia vote. If we understand that all aspects of Virginia's Government, its function, which include the barbarism of its prison official are specific and direct results of how we vote, then the responsibility shifts from the idealistic ability to criticize "the system" to engaging in the complete and total focus of challenging any and all assertions of those we vote for on the lines of, if for example parole is a function of the criminal justice system, then a sitting attorney general who is legally bound to abide by and comply with law is behaving as an outlaw "official" when he criticizes Virginia's parole board for doing what the law specifies and requires of it. The issue isn't whether Jason Miyares can be as critical as he wants about any aspect of Virginia's social contract including, grant of parole, he can, but either as a politician running for office or as a private citizen. But when he does it as the States 'Chief Law Official then Virginia's social contract ceases from being democratic and instead reveals itself as what we have historically experienced it inherently to be and we have no one to blame but ourselves for submitting to scapegoating as a weapon of privilege and its lawlessness.

(3) COMPLICITY BY VIRGINIA'S CORPORATE MEDIA AND VIRGINIA'S PROFESSIONAL ACTIVIST CLASS Media by definition has a bias, as such Virginia's corporate or mainstream media is status quo biased and slanted. Naturally as it relates to matters of the justice system and infrastructure, Virginia's media has historically parroted The Virginia Department of Corrections spin with that proverbial wink and nod. So, for decades, the recently retired Frank Green staff writer for the Richmond Times-Dispatch on prison related issues simply reviewed Virginia Department of Corrections press releases and comments on issues as coverage thus compounding the ignorance of the Virginia voter. As such, as crucial and integral the issue of crime and justice or as the supremacist among us would characterize it as, "law and order" is to the social contract, the Virginia voter has been manipulated by the media complicity surrounding issues of Prison. Secondly those who earn a living claiming to speak for the Virginia
Prisoner are in most cases complicit with the inherent lawlessness of the justice system and infrastructure. So, let's take for example the question of oversight of the Virginia prison official. Forever, prisoners and victims of crime have demanded oversight of The Virginia Department of Corrections and Virginia legislators have played footsie with it. Activist purportedly speaking for the Virginia prisoner have made it a bullet point to which politicians have then used it as their perennial Bill Clinton and Sistah Souljah moment, exploiting it as counter balance to their reactionary views on crime and punishment with tacit activist wink and nod.
First of all the professional activist class, in their reform idea, are incapable of challenging the inherent lawlessness of Virginia's justice system and infrastructure, because they accept the "legitimacy" of the social contracts 'narrative as being or existing without a point of view or interest. So, when attorney general Jason Miyares states that the super-max prisons of Red Onion and Wallens Ridge are a source of employment for the predominately-white rural people of Southwest Virginia, he is revealing a fact the prison reform imperative pursued by Virginia's professional activist class overlooks as not being a primary motive of the Commonwealth's interest under the narrative of criminal justice. If the organic basis of the justice system and infrastructure is clearly understood as a mechanism of social-control, notwithstanding its selling points, which the abolishment of parole by the former Governor George Allen and his Republican foot soldiers is a case in point. Then its critique must orient from political-economy realities of the Commonwealth and the professional activist class as I've already pointed out is seriously incapable of leading such a debate, despite its necessity. For example if a sizable amount of Virginia's prisoner population are imprisoned due to economic "crimes", then a honest and civilized social contract would interrogate and analyze why. But the reality is Virginia's justice system and infrastructure along with the rest of the Nation's isn't concerned with serving as a means of providing repair to crime victims, but as a back door to perpetuating and maintaining the Nations original economic force, that of "labor" from the chattel enslavement of black people. We see this in the fact of the 13th amendment to the constitution of the United States. This work has tackled and identified, three factors that have forever sabotaged the real push and work of holding Virginia's Social Contract to its obligations and its Department of Corrections Prison Official accountable. The resolution to the simple and basic question of injustice lies with us, to what extent are we "woke".

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright. Unit

Monday, October 9, 2023

When,The What Came First,The Chicken Or Egg Conundrum Is The Barbarism Of The Virginia Department Of Corrections By William Thorpe

Is this incarnation of The Virginia Department of Corrections, under its current leadership, the philosophy of minds that are comfortably at home with sicing attack dogs, Belgian Malinois, on prisoners and not any prisoner but a majority Black one, at the expense of the history and experience of Black people, not only in The Commonwealth of Virginia, but 1619 America to date, capable of coming to their senses, their own volition, considering that it took their ancestors who harbored the same delusions a pounding from cannon shot after cannon shot braining it into their skulls in the Union's most bloodiest of gorefest, that black people are no less human? No. Furthermore, the Virginia Department of Corrections continuance of practices from Virginia's chattel enslavement of black people, by shipping out prisoners who dare challenge its thinly wrapped anti-prisoner animus under the amorphous guise of being security threats to other prison systems, thousands of miles from their families, despite the Departments claims as data point in its mission statement, that it recognizes that the stability of family connections for a prisoner is vital, in other words The Virginia Department of Corrections is nothing short of a front for holdovers, exploiting The 13th Amendment to The Constitution of The United States as such there cannot be any doublespeak by progress pursuing minds and hearts in The Commonwealth who endeavor to hold it's entire Social Contract and Law and Order apparatus accountable. Recently a couple of events happened that impacted the Department, (1) Harold Clarke, it's former Director was given the boot and Chadwick Dotson a former Circuit Judge from rural Southwest Virginia replaced him and is now the Departments current Director. (2) The approaching Virginia elections provided the Republican cabal running the state the opportunity to toss a chewed up and spat out stale bone to voices that have been imploring for oversight of The Virginia Department of Corrections, so Glenn Youngkin the current Governor went along with the stunt of a temporary Ombudsman to patronize allegations against it. If as the current Attorney General of Virginia, Jason Miyares plainly said that a function of Virginia's prisons (and I paraphrase) is to provide jobs for those representing the flip side of the coin of those imprisoned, then naturally the Department is just as inclined as its predecessor, chattel slavery plantations to be nothing short of treating prisoners as cash crops, tobacco and King cotton. Are the current executive leadership of The Virginia Department of Corrections credible and should be given the benefit of the doubt? A survey of the thousands of lawsuits filed by its prisoners alleging all sorts of barbaric and heinous treatment says an unequivocal, No.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright. Unit

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Chadwick Dotson, Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections, Response To Prison Substance Abuse Violates Treatment Of Mental Illness By William Thorpe

The Virginia Department Of Corrections under the leadership of Chadwick Dotson an ex Judge from Southwest Virginia, a region that's described as the Nations Meth Capital, meaning its population inordinately abuses controlled substances is punitively denying phone access and family visits to its prisoner population extra- judicially, under the rubric of controlling substance abuse. Okay the Commonwealth of Virginia has over a hundred years to date exercised its organized violence perogatives by having an imprisonment scheme and we can state as fact that a percentage of its prisoners have subsequently abused accessible intoxicants. The Virginia Department of Corrections as a department under the executive function of Office of Governor has naturally had penalties for rule violations by prisoners it holds and detains and denial of family visits and phone access for a specified period have always been used. But this heightened and extreme punishment, being implemented by Chadwick Dotson as Director of The Virginia Department of Corrections, the denial of all visits and phone access because of a human behavior, substance abuse, that is accepted by all health and mental health authorities as a type of mental illness. Is another reminder that Virginia sees its prisoners as sub-human.

By William Thorpe

I'm William Thorpe Virginia exiled me to the Texas prison system. I'm solitary confined at the Wainwright. Unit

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Prison Reform In The Commonwealth And Those We Vote For In 2023

We posed a number of questions directly and individually to all of the candidates running for Virginia's General Assembly in 2023 seeking our votes. The questions,(which we present here), dealt with The Virginia Department Of Corrections. Our intent and purpose is to demystify the realities of imprisonment in the Commonwealth and to elevate focus on Virginia's prisons and imprisonment scheme separate from the same old narrative that is nothing short of governmental schizophrenia and crime victims, families of prisoners and Virginia's Social Contract require more than the stale, tough on crime refrain that historically has only been opportunity to deflect, as such as voters we can see for ourselves who among those asking for our votes at least understands that the same ole same ole politics of hypocrisy and scapegoating is fetid.


  1. Do you commit to a comprehensive review of VADOC and the philosophy of its Dir. Harold Clarke #OnTheRecordVA
  2. Why should taxpayers vote for you, when you don't know what to do about VADOC? #OnTheRecordVA
  3.  A practical way to bring accountability to VADOC is establishing office of prisoner grievance independent of VADOC, will you work for this? #OnTheRecordVA
Here is what some of the potential candidates said in response to the questions of those who answered.

The rest didn't respond as such their silence is a response and the voter should reach their own conclusions.
